HomeMy WebLinkAboutlanduse case.boa.1039 E Cooperappeal.004-00 CASE NUMBER PARCEL In # CASE NAME PROJECT ADDRESS PLANNER CASE TYPE OWNER/APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE DATE OF FINAL ACTION CITY COUNCIL ACTION PZ ACTION ADMIN ACTION BOA ACTION DATE CLOSED BY A041-01 Appeal of Coates, Reid, and Waldron Admin. Decision 1039 E. Cooper James Lindt Appeal of Admin Decision Don Policaro 5/17/01 Decision Upheld 6/1/01 J. Lindt Jt- I)1'eJd 5~{) RESOLUTION NO. Ol-i Series of 2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF ASPEN UPHOLDING THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR'S ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION NOTICE IN CASE NUMBER ~1 ^?,RELATING TO COATES, REID, AND WALDRON'S ALLEGED EXPANSION OF A LEGAL NON-CONFORMING USE AT THE PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS UNIT 43ABC AT THE CHATEAU ROARING FORK, AND UNIT 30 AT THE CHATEAU EAU CLAIRE 00 - 0 tf WHEREAS, Don policaro made application for an appeal of an administrative decision by the Community Development Director, dated April 18, 2001. WHEREAS, this matter came on for hearing before the Board of Adjustment on May 17, 2001, and after full deliberations and consideration of the evidence and testimony presented. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO: Section 1. Findings of Fact. The Board of Adjustment makes the following findings of fact: 1. The request for appeal was initiated on April 18, 2001 by: Don policaro, Aspen, Colorado. 2. Notice of the proposed variance has been provided to the appellant and by publication to all other affected parties in accordance with Section 26-304-060 (E) (3) of the Aspen Municipal Code. Evidence of such notice is on file with the City Clerk. 3. The Board of Adjustment has determined that City Staff followed due process in issuing the decision notice dated March 18, 2001 and issuing an amended decision notice dated April 5, 2001. 4. The Board of Adjustment has determined that City Staff did not exceed it's jurisdiction or abuse it's authority in this matter. The Board determined that findings above were satisfied and the Community Development Director's Decision Notice dated April 5, 2001 was therefore upheld by a vote of!2~. Section 2. Request for Variances Approved. The Board of Adjustment does hereby uphold the Community Development Director's Administrative Decision dated April 5, 2001 in regards to the complaint filed against Coates, Reid, and Waldron by Don policaro. INTRODUCED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of Adjustment of the City of Aspen on the 17th day of May, 2001. Chairperson I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting Deputy City Clerk do certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of that resolution adopted by the Board of Adjustment of the City of Aspen, Colorado, at a meeting held on the day hereinabove stated. Deputy City Clerk 2 Approved as to content: Assistant City Attorney 3 CITY OF ASPEN BUARD OF ADJUSTMENT .- May 17. 2001 DECLARATION OF CONFILCTS OF INTEREST .............................................................................................. I CASE 00-04 -APPEAL OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION RELATED TO THE OPERATION OF COATES, REID & W ALDRON AT THE CHATEAU ROARING FORK .......................................................... I 8 ~ /'- -., CITY OF ASPEN BOARD 6-/ ADJUSTMENT May 17,2001 Charles Paterson opened the Board of Adjustment meeting of May 17, 2001 with Jim Iglehart, Bill Murphy, Howard DeLuca and Mark Hesselschwerdt present. David Schott and Rick Head were excused. Staff in attendance: David Hoefer Assistant City Attorney; James Lindt, Joyce Ohlson, Julie Ann Woods, Community Development and Kathy Strickland, Chief Deputy City Clerk. DECLARATION OF CONFILCTS OF INTEREST None stated. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: Case 00-04 -APPEAL OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION RELATED TO THE OPERATION OF COATES, REID & WALDRON AT THE CHATEAU ROARING FORK Charles Paterson, Chairman, opened the public hearing for Case 00-04. David Hoefer, Assistant City Attorney, stated that it was important to note that this was an unusual type of case for the Board of Adjustment to hear because it was not based on the merits of the appeal. Hoefer said that the board was the decision making body authorized to hear the appeal based solely upon the record established by the body from which the appeal was taken (the documents that were in the packet). Hoefer noted that the decision or determination shall not be reversed or modified unless that there was a finding of denial of due process, which was not being contested here; or that the administrative body exceeded its jurisdiction or abused its Hesselschwerdt ration. Hoefer asked if it was the abuse of discretion that was the issue here. Julie Ann Woods replied that she suspected that was the issue. Hoefer stated that for there to be an abuse of discretion there had to be a finding for no evidence in support of the administrative decision. Hoefer said that even if the board did not agree with the evidence, or agree with the community development ruling, if there was any evidence the way community development ruled, the board had to rule in favor of community development decision. James Lindt provided the history of this case with the complaint reviewed by this board last year in May but was left open if the complainant brought forth-new evidence, then it could be reconsidered. Lindt stated that Coates, Reid and Waldron (CRW) was determined last year by Sarah Oates that they were a non- conforming legal use. He said that the reason they were a legal non-conforming use was that in 1974 the zoning ofCRW's facility at the Chateau Roaring Fork was changed from AR-l to RFM. In the AR-I zone district professional offices were allowed, property management offices were considered professional offices. Lindt said that when the RMF zone district was changed it did not include professional offices as a permitted use. Lindt said that last year John French made the offer that CRW would just do property management out of the Chateau Roaring Fork facility 1 . CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT May 17,2001 for their units in the Chateau Roaring Fork and the Chateau Eau Claire. Lindt said that was the best solution because it was hard to determine the intensity of the use of that facility in 1974. Staff still felt it was the best solution even though Don Policaro provided new evidence that shows the increased number of washers and dryers since 1974. Stafffelt thatthey had to look at the property management use in the entirety, which includes laundry, storage, bookkeeping, and an onsite manager in residence. Lindt said that there was a decrease in square footage that was applied to the property management use because the unit next to it was used for property management and that it was no longer used for property management. Lindt stated that community development felt that due process was not denied to the complainant and that they had not exceeded their jurisdiction. Don Policaro provided the history of the property from 1965 and provided a map. He said that the Chateau Roaring Fork was built in 1969; in 1974 Nick Coates had the Chateau Roaring Fork, Dumont, Chaumont and Eau Claire. Policaro said that the Dumont and Chaumont had their own laundry facility and an on-site office. The Chateau Roaring Fork had it's own laundry and had the on-site manager, Mrs. French lived there. Policaro said that James Lindt came to the conclusion that they could do laundry for 73 units; he disagreed with this because he owned one of those units and they did not take care of his laundry. Policaro said that the way the non-conforming code read was that if they go down in use then that was the level but non-conformities could not be expanded. Policaro stated that in 1978 there was a building permit that took 6 months for the gas lines, washers and dryers. He said the original permit that showed there were 2 washers and 2 dryers and that was what he wanted them to go back down to because the laundry was what created the problems. He said that he had videotape showing that they did laundry for other buildings but did not bring it with him. He said that they were allowed to do other things from this facility. He said that the Dumont and Chaumont had their own washers and dryers and since then Nick Spaulding took over the maintenance of both of these buildings and Frias might have the Dumont and the Chaumont now. Policaro said that in 1974 each building was set up to have its own maintenance and laundry facility. Policaro said that "the ability to restore" on page 65 in the code stated that any non-conforming use not associated with a structure may not be restored after discontinuance period of more than 30 days. Policaro said that right now he believed CRW only does 10 rentals at the Chateau Roaring Fork and 8 at the Eau Claire because Mick Spaulding said that he picked up a couple of more properties. Policaro said that Spaulding does all of the outside common elements maintenance out of the offices located at 600 East Main Street. Policaro stated that the neighbors wanted CRW to keep at the level of intensity that they had in 1974, 2 ,.... CITY OF ASPEN BOARD ~ ADJUSTMENT r ...... May 17, 2001 which was a washer and a dryer at the Eau Claire; 2 washers and 2 dryers at the Roaring Fork because there were 2 buildings. Policaro said that they had nothing more to do with the Dumont and Chaumont as far as running anything out of there. Policaro said that the root of the problem was the Roaring Fork because there were maids that lived there. Policaro said that he lived in the Eau Claire unit above the laundry that was taken out several years ago. He said that CRW didn't really form until 1976 or 1977; Nick Coates got the deeds in 1977 and the remodel happened in 1978. Policaro said that they believed they should be limited to the 10 units that they manage out of the Roaring Fork and that they should manage the 8 Eau Calire units on-site like they were in 1974 in their own laundry. He said that this didn't come about until after 1978 and that was the proof that he has shown. Policaro said that there was an expanded use by the level of the intensity from 1974 to 1978 when CRW was formed and expanded. Policaro stated that they felt that they should go through the Rio Grande commercial facility. Policaro stated that the evidence was provided with hundreds of hours of research for the level of intensity of this commercial business in a residential neighborhood. Policaro said that by allowing them to service the Eau Claire out of the Roaring Fork was unfair and they didn't even have a business license until recently. Policaro said that he felt that the code should be followed to the letter of the law. He said that in 1974 they had 4 buildings and right now they don't manage the outside services of those buildings, which was fine with him. He said that the city council, community development and the mayor were supposed to protect the neighborhood. He said that the people at the Roaring Fork didnot want them to run the business out ofthere. He said that in 1974 the managers lived on site along with the maids. He said that he had the building permits from the 1978 remodel and a mound of evidence from 1974. Hoefer stated that the expansion of use that Mr. Policaro argued was going from 2 washers to more. Hoefer said that community development based the finding on the ordinance, which stated the enlargement of non-conforming uses by additions to the area of the structure would be a violation. He said that even if they broke out walls the area that would be on the interior and the board would have to decide if that interpretation was reasonable or unreasonable by community development. Policaro said that provided maintenance increase more than 10% and added 10 washers and dryers; said that the code included the use of non-conformities not being changed. Mr. French said that Mr. Policaro had a lot of facts that support the physical evidence but he said that Mr. Policaro had incorrect guess-timates of the numbers 3 CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT May 17,2001 of properties that they managed in 1974. French stated that he worked out of731 East Durant Street in 1974 in the garage and maintained the full maintenance shop at the Chateau Roaring Fork and the laundry at the Eau Claire. French said that in 1978 the laundries were consolidated with 4 washers and 6 or 7 dryers (3 were 401b. washers and I was a 50Ib). French stated that in 1974 they had operations in the Roaring Fork, Eau Claire, Chateau Snow, Chaumont, Dumont and a few houses in the West End with a rough figure of96 units. French said that all the laundry was run out of the Chateau Roaring Fork and Eau Claire for all ofthose units in 1974. French said that they moved all of the other facilities out of the Chateau Roaring Fork and Eau Claire. Paterson asked how many units did they do the laundry for at this time. French replied that Mr. Policaro's estimates were incorrect, they managed over Y, ofthe 47 units at Roaring Fork and Y, ofthe 30 at the Eau Claire at the time. French stated that in March of 1997 there were 14 maintenance and 30 housekeeping people working out of that space. He said that from his payroll reports in March of 200 1 there were 7 maintenance and 18 housekeeping people on staff; a 40% reduction of staff. French stated that he and James Lindt went to that space and there was one gentleman that works out of that on site space who drives the van. Hoefer reminded the board that they were only to decide in effect ifthere was evidence to support the community development decision. Paterson stated that at the last Board of Adjustment meeting the right was granted that the use ofthe laundry facility had no increase in usage between last year and now. Paterson asked if there was an increase in usage. French stated that at that hearing the decision was that they could service 123 units out of that space because that was what community development deemed was the level. Policaro asked what proof was given to community development. French stated that he agreed and facilitated it on June 15, 2000 down to 73 units; since that time that was what they have done. Millard Zimet, attorney for CRW, stated that all work that CRW did was done with valid building permits issued by the government for the City of Aspen and it told exactly what they were allowed to do. Zimet said that in terms of intensity, if the board granted what Mr. Policaro wanted (2 washers/2 dryers) and CRW took out the washers and dryers, it would increase the amount of traffic because all of that laundry would have to be done somewhere else. Zimet said that it would increase the impacts on the neighborhood. Howard DeLuca noted that the numbers from the letters and the statements were all different and he asked which numbers were real. French replied that his 4 .--.. / '" CITY OF ASPEN BOARD lh' ADJUSTMENT May 17,2001 understanding was that Sarah Oates asked CRW how many units were managed in 1974 and they gave her the names of 4 different condos: the Chateau Chaumont, Dumont, Eau Claire and the Roaring Fork. French said that Oates went to the Assessors' Office for the number of units in those four condominiums in 1974. Policaro said that according to the city attorney it wasn't the number of units but the level of intensity. Policaro said that he just wanted it to the level that it was at in 1974. Policaro stated that CRW no longer managed the common elements, so there was no reason for the maintenance people to take care of the building, only the units. Policaro said that there was an awful lot of space down there, and by allowing these washers and dryers to remain down there, he said that they were leaving the door open for abuse. Policaro said that the code reads that if it was expanded it should be un-expanded. He said that they did not have a business license until recently and at the time of building permit, the business license should be required because then it would have been noticed that this was a multi-family neighborhood. Policaro said that Spaulding was also allowed to open up in a residential neighborhood and that it was never looked at. Policaro felt that it also was an abuse of discretion. Policaro said that he appreciated James Lindt's help but didn't agree with the decision on allowing the Eau Claire laundry to be done at the Roaring Fork because the Eau Claire did have a washer and dryer at one time and it was taken out. He said that the washer and dryer should be replaced at the Eau Claire. Policaro said that CRW became the largest property managers in the valley when it merged in 1978. Zimet stated that CRW met with the city attorney, John Worcester, and Larry Thoreson from the finance department and at said that no business license was required for this facility because no commercial transactions take place at this facility. There were no customers at this facility or money changing hands at this facility but the city attorney disagreed and said that a business license was needed. Zimet said that CRW applied immediately for a business license for this facility. DeLuca said that if the number of washers and dryers were decreased then they might have to make up for that decrease by running the washers and dryers 24 hours a day. He asked ifthere was a law prohibiting 24-hour a day use. Policaro said that there was because they should have never expanded from the 1974 use. DeLuca said that it might just prolong the use. Policaro said that it was put in 4 years after the 1974 sale. Hoefer stated that "use" was defined in the land use code as "the purpose or activity for which a lot is designated", the purpose was to be a 5 .... CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT / May 17, 2001 laundry. Hoefer said the number of washers does not constitute the use. Woods stated that was the point that staff was trying to make here, to look at what a property management company does is many different things (maintenance, laundry, greet people, with a number of subsets). Woods said that Mr. Policaro spent quite a bit oftime gathering the information as well as community development did reviewing the information provided. Woods said that after that review staff could not conclude that the property management use expanded. Policaro responded that one word was left out, extended; the land use will tell you that the use was amplified and grown. Woods said that in actuality in reviewing the record, the space that the property management business was located in originally was larger than the area that it was currently operating in today. Woods said that the physical space has shrunk and that there was no denying that there were more washers, but that was not what we were here to discuss. Woods said that this was a non-conforming use that had not expanded. Policaro said that the use has expanded, not the physical but the level of intensity of use on the neighborhood. Policaro said that he could have brought more people but he didn't; he said there was a whole neighborhood of people. Iglehart asked if Mr. Policaro was representing himself since the neighbors did not attend the meeting or send any letters or complaints. Policaro said that as far as the business license, it is the respmsibility of the business to obtain that license and they expanded in 1978. Paterson stated that the business license has now been cleared up. Policaro said that he wanted them to go back to the 1974 use because they expanded in 1978. Policaro said that he would be happy to show the videotape of the vehicles driving around and it was not fair to the neighborhood. DeLuca said that Worcester made some relevant statements about the number of units serviced being not more than the 50 units, if the complainant could prove that 50 units was a greater intensity than the 1974, use then the city would file a violation of the law. DeLuca said that we went through this at that last meeting. Zimet stated that there was evidence that a determination was made some time ago that no violation occurred. Zimet said that the issuance of the building permits in 1978; he said that he doubted that the permits would have been issued ifthe government concluded that the expansion of use at this location would have violated the zoning. Iglehart asked for clarification about the numbers of units managed in 1974 were there 73 units, and 1978 were there 129 units? Policaro said that they were talking about the use in 1974 of2 washers and 2 dryers. 6 ,.... CITY OF ASPEN BOARD ;;) ADJUSTMENT r- d~ May 17, 2001 Iglehart noted that the houses that he now built were requesting 2 washers and 2 dryers because they wanted to do the laundry faster, not that the families were any bigger. Iglehart said that the quantity of washers and dryers didn't n mean that there was any more business going out that door, as much as efficiency was being conducted. Iglehart asked Policaro ifhe was here because of the larger number of units run out that space. Policaro responded that that Mr. Worcester said that it wasn't a raw number of units but the level of intensity. Policaro said they had a building permit but not for what they had down there now. Iglehart stated that he wanted to remain focused and wanted to get what exactly Mr. Policaro wanted and asked ifhe knew the number of units run out of that space. Policaro answered that the way the code was written on non-conformities, it was that the level of intensity could not increase but if it decreased, which it has, when Mick Spaulding took over in 1984, they only had 15 rentals and his job was to build the business, then they were limited to less. Policaro said back then they were a "condotel"; there were 73 units and most likely they managed all of them. Policaro said the sales office and management offices were located there with each of the 4 buildings having their own laundry. Policaro said that he had the recorded plat maps as proof. Iglehart stated that he just wanted a simple answer to his question and did not know that they wanted to reduce the activity to 73 units. Policaro said that was already reduced because after he said that he did new research, he showed that in 1974 CRW had those units but in 1978 the whole area was moved over because they split up their company. Iglehart said that he guessed that he wasn't getting an answer; so he said that he would ask another question. MOTION: Mark Hesselschwerdt moved to uphold the Community Development Director's administrative decision dated April 5, 2001, as it relates to the CRW at the Chateau Roaring Fork. Jim Iglehart second. Roll call vote: DeLuca, yes; Murphy, yes; Hesselschwerdt, yes; Iglehart, yes; Paterson, yes. APPROVED 5-0. Hoefer stated that the decision was upheld 5-0. Policaro said for clarification that was laundry for the Eau Claire and the Roaring Fork. Lindt agned that was what the administrative decision was. Policaro stated that he still did not agree with the Eau Claire because it was across the street and the Eau Claire did not own the space that the washer and dryer used to be located in, Nick Coates owned it. Paterson responded that the Board of Adjustment had a hard time with the role of umpire. D.,m. U scribed by Jack e Lothian, Deputy City Clerk , 7 PUBLIC NOTICE RE: APPEAL OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION RELATED TO THE OPERATION OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMPANIES AT THE CHATEAU ROARING FORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held on Thursday, May 17, 2001, at a meeting to begin at 4:00 p.m. before the Aspen Board of Adjustment, Sister Cities Room, City Hall, 130 S. Galena St., Aspen, to consider an appeal of an administrative decision regarding the operation of property management companies at the Chateau Roaring Fork. The appeal is being requested by Don Policaro. For further information, contact James Lindt at the Aspen/Pitkin County Community Development Department, 130 S. Galena St., Aspen, CO (970) 920-5441,jamesl@ci.aspen.co.us. SICharles Paterson, Chairman Aspen Board of Adjustment Published in the Aspen Times on April 28. 2001 City of Aspen Account 130 S. Galena St. AspenC081611 (970) 920-5090 (970) 920-5439, fax Aspen/Pitkin Community Development Department Fax To: o Cf2() ~61-Z~ From: L,' CI VV\. E' 5 Fax: Pages: Phone: Date: Re: ~f-e.s;< e IcJ +- uMJ tf){) . 0 Please Comment o Urgent It Fo~i,ew o Please Reply o Please Recycle . Comments: H J- DC!!,^I/ PI-e.ccse. g ~J 0 H-QC~ eJ -t-MQ P. uld ic i'lO+/C~.- FvV' YOu.. V appeq/ O{! I+J-e odlM,,'V\~hroq~J'\J<L d~/s/C){/', Ih~ he.oV'/iIl~ kJe.Pe4~ +l1e.-- ~()C{vJ oP Act; tA..S~wt-e.Vlt- is h~lA~cd-\lJ(JI'i C;d1QJ~ \'€..d t'ClV' MeA'; 17fl1 T huve a&D Wiu,')-<,-d you CI COPy 0(' fhe t, ,,!', .cJlof'~e R esalds; J'Q ~ E:.S" L./I/\df 130 S. Galena St. AspenC081611 (970) 920-5090 (970) 920-5439, fax Aspen/Pitkin Community Development Department Fax To: ~~ V\ r;Vf-VlC0 2f)-37&!5 From: JOINt <2-5 L '/1\ J Fax: Pages: 6/ Phone: Date: Re: A- Or CC: \A1 , VI IShtO -h Ve.. e C/S /0 IA. o For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle o Urgent . Comments: f)eCli/ ;V\v: ~lN.0CW j(~tI: rO! I'c-oli'o has Q>I<ed +CJt!' OM appeq I of s I--o,{'(' ~ q J IN\, } ~;'s I-v^ct f-I 'u e d ec / 'so/oh 1'\1\ r~f2JO,tlJs -1-0 c:~ w rs op<etlQ~"OI1S 0,1- r~<€- Ci1~feCiV1 !<.(}JO,V'/i/lfj r:ov/c:, We.. ho.(/~ t--€V\bhv-ely Gtlt\-ed "d~J +he- C1(1pf-cd h.eClY, V\~ \='0 V' /v1C\ '/ 171--lt, PI-eA6 e t=', '[1\ d Q Hctci1 d -M~ V\O~i'ce or C1PfJ~L PI~O-s~ cql! l^-\t ol Q;:o-5t.;-4-r w,' 1-- h. 1/0.. Q..St/Ot'\S Ot! COMlM. eV\fs l'escwcV1 ~0 fY\a ttev, A-esCR.vds, .~ vy\ -es L/Vl d!- , ;-te-h VI~ 2oV\/tJ\Cj OW~Pl/ \ ' TO: THRU: FROM: RE: DATE: MEMORANDUM Board of Adjustment Julie Ann Woods, Community Development Directo~r\../ Joyce Ohlson. Deputy Director John Worcester, City Attorney James Lindt, Acting Zoning Officer <~ L-- Appeal of an Administrative Decision Related to the Operation of \ . ~ ~ Coates, Reid and Waldron at the Chateau Roaring Fork JO (L ~UJ?'~ May 17,2001 SUMMARY: The Community Development Department received a renewed formal citizen complaint regarding the operations of Coates, Reid and Waldron (CRW) out of the Chateau Roaring Fork on February 27, 2001 from Don Policaro. Mr. Policaro submitted additional evidence that he feels proves that Coates, Reid, and Waldron has expanded their non-conforming use out of Unit 43ABC at the Chateau Roaring Fork and Unit 30 of the Chateau Eau Claire. (The use of a former laundry room at Unit #30 for laundry di$tribution is a subset of the property management business as described later in the report. \ Originally, a complaint was filed against Coates, Reid, and Waldron alleging the expans{on of the non-conforming use in February of 2000 by the East End Concerned Citizens. Former Zoning Officer Sarah Oates issued a letter of decision dated April 13. 2000. This decision was appealed by the East End Concerned Citizens to the Board of Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment upheld the administrative decision that allowed Coates, Reid, and Waldron to operate property management for 73 Units in the Chateau Roaring Fork and the Chateau Eau Claire out of Unit 43ABC of the Chateau Roaring Fork. In a letter dated May 3, 2000, the president of Coates, Reid, and Waldron, John French, wrote a letter to Sarah Oates indicating that he would comply with servicing only the units in the Chateau Roaring Fork and the Chateau Eau Claire out of Unit 43ABC of the Chateau Roaring Fork. The additional evidence that was submitted by Mr. Policaro has been considered by the Community Development Staff and a decision notice was issued that was dated March 18,2001. The decision notice concluded that Coates, Reid, and Waldron should be held to the offer that they made to service only the 73 Units within the Chateau Roaring Fork and Chateau Eau Claire from Unit 43ABC of the Chateau Roaring Fork which was concluded at the May 4th, 2000 Board of Adjustment meeting as being the 1974 level of intensity. This decision notice was amended on April 5, 2001 at the request of Mr. Policaro because he did not think that the suggested action summary was clear enough in stating that the 73 units serviced from the unit at the Chateau Roaring Fork were to be only Chateau Roaring Fork and Chateau Eau Claire Units. Staff agreed and amended the decision notice to be clearer in this respect. This applicant is appealing the staff position on this administrative decision. APPLICANT/COMPLAINTANT: Don Policaro BACKGROUND: CRW has occupied Unit 43 ABC of Chateau Roaring Fork since the project was completed in 1968. At the time, the zoning of the property was Accommodations Recreation I (AR-l) (a copy of the zoning regulations in effect at that time has been enclosed as Exhibit G). Unit 43 ABC has historically been used as a laundry, office and maintenance facility for CRW. Staff contends that the operations of CRW were legal at the time as a "professional office," which is consistent with how property management companies are interpreted today to be allowed in the commercial zone districts. The zoning for the property changed in 1974 to Residential Multi-Family (RJMF), at which time the operations of CR W became a legal non-conforming use. The Community Development Department has directed CRW to scale back its operations to the 1974 level. The best assessment staff could provide of that level of activity is the number of units CRW was operating at the time which was 73 units. Mr. French essentially agreed in the letter to Sarah Oates dated May 3rd, 2000 that they would only do property management services for the Chateau Roaring Fork and the Chateau Eau Claire out of the basement unit in the Chateau Roaring Fork. Mr. Policaro has provided building permit files that show that in 1978, Coates, Reid, and Waldron added 3 dryers to the facility in the basement of the Chateau Roaring Fork and that in 1969 the original condominium plat showed that there were only 2 existing washers. A site visit by the acting zoning officer, James Lindt, confirmed that there are now 4 washers and at least 6 dryers. Mr. Policaro also has shown proof to staff that there were laundry facilities of some sort at one time or another in all of the four complexes that Coates, Reid, and Waldron were said to manage in 1974. These complexes were the Chateau Roaring Fork, Chateau Eau Claire, Chateau Chaumont, and the Chateau Dumont. Mr. Policaro contends that this is evidence of an "expansion of a non- conforming use". Staff contends that unit 43ABC has always been used as a management company "use" and the new washers and dryers are not the issue. Mr. Policaro has also provided staff with a 1986 building permit that shows that Coates, Reid, and Waldron added a break room to further prove his expansion theory. Again, staff feels the property management company "use" has not changed. In lieu of all the evidence that Mr. Policaro has submitted, staff feels that one must view the property management use in it's entirety and not just as a laundry facility. The property management business has several sub-uses such as laundry, storage, maintenance, housekeeping, and offices for the maintenance and housekeeping personnel. Over the past 30 years there may have been many different configurations of the property management uses in the basement of the Chateau Roaring Fork. It appears that prior to 1974, Unit 43ABC was part of the management company, and since Unit 43 has been converted to from part of Coates, Reid, and Waldron to a residential unit. Therefore, they have actually decreased the square footage that is dedicated to the property management use in the basement of the Chateau Roaring Fork. In regards to determining the intensity of use in which Coates, Reid, and Waldron has been operating over the past 30 years it is extremely hard to say what their intensity of use was in 1974. Coates, Reid, and Waldron's intensity of use has more than likely ebbed and flowed with the economy and the popularity of Aspen over the years. Staff feels that Mr. Policaro has not provided sufficient evidence to indicate what the exact level of intensity was for Coates, Reid, and Waldron's property management use out of the basement of the Chateau Roaring Fork in 1974. Staff believes that because of the uncertainty of the use in 1974, that the compromise that John French offered up in his May 3,d. 2000 letter to serve the Chateau Roaring Fork and the Chateau Eau Claire out of the basement of the Chateau Roaring Fork is still the best solution. 2 DISCUSSION: The complainant is requesting that the Board of Adjustment reverse or modify the Community Development Director's conclusions and decision. Per Section 26.316.030(E) of the Land Use Code the Board must decide this case on the following standard: The decision-making body authorized to hear the appeal shall decide the appeal based solely upon the record established by the body from which the appeal is taken. Further, A decision or determination shall not be reversed or modified unless there is a finding that there is a denial of due process. or the administrative body has exceeded its jurisdiction or abused its discretion. CONCLUSION: Staff believes that there has not been a denial of due process, nor has the Community Development Department exceeded its jurisdiction or abused its discretion. The decision is based upon commonly used and applied interpretations of the Land Use Code and the conventions of land use law. This complaint has been afforded the same review and consideration as any other complaint submitted to the Community Development Department. CRW is entitled to maintain the level of operation that was occurring when the zone district changed in 1974, however, because of the uncertainty surrounding the intensity of use, staff feels that John French's offer to serve just the Chateau Roaring Fork and the Chateau Eau Claire from the Chateau Roaring Fork is the best solution. (Mr. Policaro has submitted a huge amount of information, most of which staff does not feel is pertanent to the legal non-conforming use. Staff will make this information available for the commissioners to review at the meeting and encourages the commissioners to stop in and peruse the file prior to the meeting.) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Adjustment uphold the Community Development Director's administrative decision as it relates to the operations of CRW at the Chateau Roaring Fork, finding that there was no denial of due process based upon the record established. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to uphold the Community Development Director's administrative decision dated April 5, 2001, as it relates to the operations of CR W at the Chateau Roaring Fork." 3 EXHIBITS: Exhibit A-- Letter of Appeal from Don Policaro, dated April 18, 200 I Exhibit B-Amended Administrative Decision, dated AprilS, 2001 Exhibit C-Administrative Decision, dated March 18, 2001 Exhibit D-Evidence Letter Provided by Mr. Policaro Exhibit E-Board of Adjustment Minutes, dated May 4, 2000 Exhibit F-Letter from Coates, Reid, and Waldron, dated April 2S, 2000 Exhibit G-Letter of Appeal from Dennis Green, dated Apri121, 2000 Exhibit H-Letter of Decision from City of Aspen, dated April 13, 2000 Exhibit I-Letter of Appeal from Dennis Green, dated March 28, 2000 Exhibit I-Letter from City of Aspen to Dennis Green, dated March 14, 2000 Exhibit K--Coates, Reid and Waldron memorandum, dated March 10,2000 Exhibit L-Formal Complaint, dated February 7, 2000 Exhibit M-Summary of Accommodations Recreation 1 (AR-I) Zone District c:/ Ihome/saraho/crwappeal. doc 4 Don Policaro Box 11704 Aspen, Co 81612 970 544-9600 ~xh;b;~ 1+ 4/18/2001 Dear Community Development: This letter is a formal appeal of the Community Development's April 5, 2001 decision concerning the property management businesses located at 1034 E. Cooper # 30 and 1039 E. Cooper # 43A, 43B, and 43C. rTh~ You, D~nP~Jrc1o \?~ R.- ~ ,,_.~ ". ~..- ...,. ..' . .. ....';-.;;: W ~r~ APR 1 J ~n'l I. , A-r::'").....~i / ')r'r'<I~ ""'::""~l,-.{:;:' '... ;: :~ ~"'Ur:;"I- t:;rn' iDlr D MEMORANDUM TO: Julie Ann Woods, Community Development Director FROM: James Lindt, Acting Zoning Officer RE: Amendment to Decision Notice Dated March 18,2001 Regarding Complaint against Coates, Reid, and Waldron DATE: April 5,2001 Summary: This memo is an amendment to the Community Development Staffs decision notice dated March 18,2001 in regards to a zoning complaint filed by the East End Concemed Citizens (EECC) regarding the use of a unit at the Chateau Roaring Fork for laundry and other activities I. This memo is solely for the purpose of clarifying the action to be taken from the decision notice of March 18,2001. This is a renewed complaint as a previous complaint was resolved by an agreement between the complainant and the leaser of the unit to limit activities at this location. The basis of this renewed complaint is new evidence submitted by the EECC regarding the exact nature of the activities taking place at the Chateau Roaring Fork. For the reasons that follow, staff does not believe that the use at the Chateau Roaring Fork constitutes a zoning violation. Background: EECC's complaint in this matter is that the laundry facility and other related management activities currently taking place at the Chateau Roaring Fork are not permitted uses in the zone district. The owner of the allegedly offending unit has defended the use by claiming that the use is a non-conforming use that is grand-fathered because the use was in existence at the time the zone district was established or amended in 1974. In addition, I The EECC has also complained that the owners of the laundry facility are not licensed to operate a business at this location. Upon review by the Finance Department and the City Attorney, it has been detennined that the owner of the business must obtain a business license. (A business license was not applied for or obtained in the past as the Finance Department was under the mistaken impression that once a business obtains a license, it does not need to obtain a license at all locations. In fact, the Municipal Code makes clear that all locations need to be licensed.) A pre-requisite to obtaining a business license is a referral to the Community Development Department to ensure that the proposed business does not violate the zoning regulations. A business license application has been submitted by the owner and is pending review by the Community Development Department on the zoning issues raised in this memorandum. The EECC has argued that because the owner did not have a business license, that the business was not a legally established business in 1974 when the zoning in the area was changed. The City Attorney has indicated that a business may obtain a business license if the current proposed uses are legal in the zone district or the use is pennitted by operation of the law (I.e. a non-confonning use.) Thus, whether a business license may issue is dependant upon whether the proposed use is currently pennitted under the Land Use Code. the owner claims that the allegedly offending use is permitted as an accessory use to the building. The parties resolved a previous complaint without arriving at any real conclusion regarding the use, or intensity of use, of the facility in 1974. The owner of the unit agreed to limit his activities. Since that time, EECC has come forward with what it claims is new evidence regarding the use or intensity of use of the facility in 1974 and as it is currently. The EECC claims that the current intensity of use far exceeds that which existed in 1974. Moreover, it claims that even though a non-conforming use can continue, it may not expand the grand-fathered use or increase the intensity of that use. Evidence: The basis of the EECC's complaint is that Coates, Reid, and Waldron (CRW) is operating a portion of their property management business, including laundry services, for off-site locations out of Unit 43ABC of the Chateau Roaring Fork. The group claims that the commercial component (alleged commercial laundry facility) is not an allowed use in the R1MF Zone District (Residential Multi-family). As the earlier investigations into the operations of CRW in the Chateau Roaring Fork pointed out, the zoning of the property changed in 1974 from AR -1 to R1MF. The AR -1 Zone District prior to 1974 allowed for "professional offices" to be located within the zone district. Property Management firms have been consistently considered a "professional office" which was a permitted use in the AR-I zone district. When the zoning changed to R1MF in 1974, a "professional office" was not included as a permitted use. Thus, the use was grand fathered as a non-. conforming use. Staff's initial administrative decision in response to the complaint filed by the EECC accepted a solution offered by CRW to limit the property management activities operated from Unit 43ABC to management activities associated with the Chateau Roaring Fork and the neighboring Chateau Eau Claire. Staff agreed with the owner's suggested solution to cut his operations back to 73 units because there is a shared usage between the two complexes: they both share facilities such as the pool and recreation facility and the property management use is accessory to both complexes. The seventy-three units is the total number of units in both the Chateau Roaring Fork and the Chateau Eau Claire. The EECC's new evidence does not demonstrate to staff that CRW is doing laundry for more than just the two complexes out of Unit 43ABC. The EECC has provided staff with a videotape showing CRW employees driving away with laundry. However, the owner of CRW has a viable explanation for his employees driving laundry away. CRW President John French contends that his personnel have to drive the laundry bags across the street to the Chateau Eau Claire because it is more efficient and safe than carrying them across Highway 82. A non-conforming use can continue if it does not increase the level of intensity of the use from when it ceased being a permitted use in the zone district. In this case, the professional office ceased to be a permitted use in 1974 when the zoning was changed to R1MF. The new evidence submitted by the EECC shows proof that there indeed has been an increase in the number of clothes washers and dryers than existed in 1974. A legible copy of the condominium plat of the Chateau Roaring Fork (Attachment A) submitted by the EECC from 1970, showed that there were 2 washers and 2 dryers located in Unit 43ABC at the time the condo plat was filed. An approved building permit (Attachment B) provided to us by EECC showed that 3 dryers were added to the Chateau Roaring Fork on December 27,1978 after Nick Coates bought Unit 43ABC in 1977 (Attachment C- Warranty Deed to Unit). However, the legible copy of the condominium plat for the Chateau Roaring Fork provided by the EECC shows that there were, in fact, laundry facilities in Unit 43ABC and not in Unit 43 as the EECC had claimed. Therefore, it is not a stretch to say that there were property management activities occurring in Unit 43 ABC prior to 1974. The Condominium Plat was signed and recorded in 1970. Please note that a site visit taken on March 7, 2001 indicated that there are currently 4 Clothes Washers and 6 to 8 Clothes Dryers. The EECC has indeed provided staff with information showing that CRW has increased the number of washers and dryers in Unit 43ABC. However, the laundry services that CRW provides are only a portion of the property management services that are provided today and were providing in the past out of Unit 43ABC of the Chateau Roaring Fork. The EECC has not provided evidence that shows that CRW has increased the entire scope or intensity of use of their property management services out of this Unit. The business of property management includes other aspects such as storage, office, laundry, and building maintenance. The condo plat provided to staff by the EECC shows that in 1970. Unit 43ABC was being used for the property management services of laundry and storage. It is unclear when some of the storage was converted to office. However, even though the laundry sub-use of the property management services may have increased. there is no clear proof that the square footage and intensity of the property management use has increased. Staff finds that there has not been an increase in the square footage devoted to the property management service provide by this Unit 43ABC. Furthermore. a copy of the Chateau Roaring Fork Condominium Declaration provided by the EECC states that Unit 43ABC be termed "business units". Amended Action: Staff recommends that the city give approval on the zoning referral for a business license as a legal non-conforming use at Units 43ABC of the Chateau Roaring Fork and the basement unit of the Chateau Eau Claire. Staff finds that there is no clear proof that CRW has increased the intensity of the property management use out of Unit 43ABC regardless of who is the owner of the units2. During the Board of Adjustment hearing on May 4, 2000, the City accepted John French's solution to limit the maintenance, housekeeping, and laundry services provided by CR W for the management of the Chateau Roaring Fork and Chateau Eau Claire out of their facility at the Chateau Roaring Fork. Staff still feels that this is a viable solution and that CR W should be limited to doing maintenance, housekeeping, and laundry services solely for the Chateau Eau Claire and the Chateau Roaring Fork from Unit 43ABC of the Chateau Roaring Fork. The new evidence provided by the EECC has not shown staff that the property management use as a whole has increased nor that the property management use has stopped by a period of 2 A change in ownership does not alter the nature of a non-confonning use. The grand fathering nature "runs with the land." more than 12 months. Staff also has seen evidence that there was a property management use prior to 1974 in Unit 43ABC. Therefore, pursuant to the City of Aspen Land Use Code Section 26.312.020 the Property Management Use in Unit 43ABC of the Chateau Roaring Fork should be considered a legal non-conforming use. If either the party that has filed the complaint or the business owner disagrees with staff s decision they may file a letter of appeal to the Board of Adjustment within 14 days. JPW -4/5/0 I-G:\john\word\memos\Chateau.Roaring-Fork.doc :txhibl ~ C MEMORANDUM TO: Julie Ann Woods, Community Development Director FROM: James Lindt, Acting Zoning Officer RE: Enforcement of Renewed Complaint filed by East End Concerned Citizens Against Coates, Reid, and Waldron DATE: March 18,2001 Summary: This memo responds to a zoning complaint filed by the East End Concerned Citizens (EECC) regarding the use of a unit at the Chateau Roaring Fork for laundry and other activitiesl. This is a renewed complaint as a previous complaint was resolved by an agreement between the complainant and the owner of the unit to limit activities at this location. The basis of this renewed complaint is new evidence submitted by the EECC regarding the exact nature of the activities taking place at the Chateau Roaring Fork. For the reasons that follow, staff does not believe that the use at the Chateau Roaring Fork constitutes a zoning violation. Background: EECC's complaint in this matter is that the laundry facility and other related management activities currently taking place at the Chateau Roaring Fork are not permitted uses in the zone district. The owner of the allegedly offending unit has defended the use by claiming that the use is a non-conforming use that is grand-fathered because the use was in existence at the time the zone district was established or amended in 1974. In addition, the owner claims that the allegedly offending use is permitted as an accessory use to the building. The parties resolved a previous complaint without arriving at any real I The EECC has also complained that the owners of the laundry facility are not licensed to operate a business at this location. Upon review by the Finance Department and the City Attorney, it has been determined that the owner of the business must obtain a business license. (A business license was not applied for or obtained in the past as the Finance Department was under the mistaken impression that once a business obtains a license, it does not need to obtain a license at all locations. In fact, the Municipal Code makes clear that all locations need to be licensed.) A pre-requisite to obtaining a business license is a referral to the Community Development Department to ensure that the proposed business does not violate the zoning regulations. A business license application has been submitted by the owner and is pending review by the Community Development Department on the zoning issues raised in this memorandum. The EECC has argued that because the owner did not have a business license, that the business was not a legally established business in 1974 when the zoning in the area was changed. The City Attorney has indicated that a business may obtain a business license if the current proposed uses are legal in the zone district or the use is permitted by operation of the law (i.e. a non-conforming use.) Thus, whether a business license may issue is dependant upon whether the proposed use is currently permitted under the Land Use Code. conclusion regarding the use, or intensity of use, of the facility in 1974. The owner of the unit agreed to limit his activities. Since that time, EECC has come forward with what it claims is new evidence regarding the use or intensity of use of the facility in 1974 and as it is currently. The EECC claims that the current intensity of use far exceeds that which existed in 1974. Moreover, it claims that even though a non-conforming use can continue, it may not expand the grand-fathered use or increase the intensity of that use. Evidence: The basis of the EECC's complaint is that Coates, Reid, and Waldron (CRW) is operating a portion of their property management business, including laundry services, for off-site locations out of Unit 43ABC of the Chateau Roaring Fork. The group claims that the commercial component (alleged commercial laundry facility) is not an allowed use in the R1MF Zone District (Residential Multi-family). As the earlier investigations into the operations of CRW in the Chateau Roaring Fork pointed out, the zoning of the property changed in 1974 from AR -I to R/MF. The AR -I Zone District prior to 1974 allowed for "professional offices" to be located within the zone district. Property Management firms have been consistently considered a "professional office" which was a permitted use in the AR-I zone district. When the zoning changed to R1MF in 1974, a "professional office" was not included as a permitted use. Thus, the use was grand fathered as a non- conforming use. Staffs initial administrative decision in response to the complaint filed by the EECC accepted a solution offered by CRW to limit the property management activities operated from Unit 43ABC to management activities associated with the Chateau Roaring Fork and the neighboring Chateau Eau Claire. Staff agreed with the owner's suggested solution to cut his operations back to 73 units because there is a shared usage between the two complexes: they both share facilities such as the pool and recreation facility and the property management use is accessory to both complexes. The seventy-three units is the total number of units in both the Chateau Roaring Fork and the Chateau Eau Claire. The EECC's new evidence does not demonstrate to staff that CRW is doing laundry for more than just the two complexes out of Unit 43ABC. The EECC has provided staff with a videotape showing CRW employees driving away with laundry. However, the owner of CRW has a viable explanation for his employees driving laundry away. The owner contends that his personnel have to drive the laundry bags across the street to the Chateau Eau Claire because it is more efficient and safe than carrying them across Highway 82. A non-conforming use can continue if it does not increase the level of intensity of the use from when it ceased being a permitted use in the zone district. In this case, the professional office ceased to be a permitted use in 1974 when the zoning was changed to R1MF. The new evidence submitted by the EECC shows proof that there indeed has been an increase in the number of clothes washers and dryers than existed in 1974. A legible copy of the condominium plat of the Chateau Roaring Fork (Attachment A) submitted by the EECC from 1970, showed that there were 2 washers and 2 dryers located in Unit " " 43ABC at the time the condo plat was filed. An approved building permit (Attachment B) provided to us by EECC showed that 3 dryers were added to the Chateau Roaring Fork on December 27, 1978 after Nick Coates bought Unit 43ABC in 1977 (Attachment C- Warranty Deed to Unit). However, the legible copy of the condominium plat for the Chateau Roaring Fork provided by the EECC shows that there were, in fact, laundry facilities in Unit 43ABC and not in Unit 43 as the EECC had claimed. Therefore, it is not a stretch to say that there were property management activities occurring in Unit 43 ABC prior to 1974. The Condominium Plat was signed and recorded in 1970. The EECC has indeed provided staff with information showing that CR W has increased the number of washers and dryers in Unit 43ABC. However, the laundry services that CRW provides are only a portion of the property management services that are provided today and were providing in the past out of Unit 43ABC of the Chateau Roaring Fork. The EECC has not provided evidence that shows that CRW has increased the entire scope or intensity of use of their property management services out of this Unit. The business of property management includes other aspects such as storage, office, laundry, and building maintenance. The condo plat provided to staff by the EECC shows that in 1970, Unit 43ABC was being used for the property management services of laundry and storage. It is unclear when some of the storage was converted to office. However, even though the laundry sub-use of the property management services may have increased, there is no clear proof that the square footage and intensity of the property management use has increased. Staff finds that there has not been an increase in the square footage devoted to the property management service provide by this Unit 43ABC. Furthermore, a copy of the Chateau Roaring Fork Condominium Declaration provided by the EECC states that Unit 43ABC be termed "business units". Recommended Action: Staff recommends that the city give approval on the zoning referral for a business license as a legal non-conforming use at Units 43ABC of the Chateau Roaring Fork and the basement unit of the Chateau Eau Claire. Staff finds that there is no clear proof that CRW has increased the intensity of the property management use out of Unit 43ABC regardless of who is the owner of the units2. The new evidence provided by the EECC has not shown staff that the property management use as a whole has increased nor that the property management use has stopped by a period of more than six months. Staff also has seen evidence that there was a property management use prior to 1974 in Unit 43ABC. Therefore, pursuant to the City of Aspen Land Use Code Section 26.312.020 the Property Management Use in Unit 43ABC of the Chateau Roaring Fork should be considered a legal non-conforming use. JPW -5/2/0 I-G:\john\word\memos\Chateau-Roaring-Fork.doc , A change in ownership does not alter the nature of a non-confonning use. The grand fathering nature "runs with the land." ~ v Don Policaro 920-2365 544-9600 ajax@rof.net Saturday, March 03,2001 Dear James Lindt: Here is some information to be added to the case on Resort Quest and the illegal use in our residential neighborhood. I have also talked with Sepp Kessler this morning to gain first hand knowledge of when all this commercial activity started. Mr. Kessler was the owner of the Kessler Lodge now known as Kessler Condominiums, next door to me, from 1957 through 1994. He confirms 1978 is when all this activity started. This correlates with what the building permit from 1978 in the building department files proves. The following Codes pertain to this case, I got them from your website. Non- Conformities, Section 26.312.010 Purpose, states that "non-conforming uses may continue for businesses that were lawfully established before this Title was adopted or amended". Only a business location that has had a business license each and every year (14.08.040 Required) can be considered a lawful business according to Title 14. Section 14.04.080 Compliance with building and zoning regulations states that no license can be issued if that use is not allowed in the zone. The Laundry, maintenance, housekeeping, other offices and break-room with kitchen have always been illegal because they have been in violation of the City Codes since their inception. Coates Reid and Waldron was formed in 1976, the aforementioned units were purchased by Nick Coates in 1977 and constructed from October through February of 1978 and then further work done in 1985 and 1992. This explains how they constantly expanded and grew a very large and profitable property management business in a heavily populated residential neighborhood. Everyone including the City thought they were operating legally, and now the neighborhood as well as the City knows they are not and never have been licensed or legal to operate in the Chateau Roaring Fork units numbered 43a,43b,43c and Chateau Eau Claire unit 30. We do not see anywhere in the city code an allowance of an illegal business to be "grand-fathered" in and to continue unless it met all of the current zoning laws. Due to the fact a business license has been required in Aspen since at least the certificate of occupancy was issued for the aforementioned units (Ord. No. 25-1970, ~ 2: Code 1971, ~ 12-28). This is to protect us everyday citizens from businesses disrupting our lives, and the code reads (Section 14.08.0 I 0 Purpose). 'The purpose of this chapter shall be to I " -;# require the licensing and regulation of business activities" and then goes on "operating within the city in order to protect the health, welfare, and safety of its inhabitants." I hope this helps. Title 14 LICENSES AND PERMITS GENERALL Y*1 Section 14.04.080 Compliance with building and zoning regulations. No license shall be issued for the conduct of any business, and no permit shall be issued for any thing, or act, if the premises and building to be used for the purpose do not fully comply with the requirements of this Code and any code adopted hereby. No such license or permit shall be issued for the conduct of any business or performance of any act which would involve a violation of the zoning code of the city. (Code 1962, S 5-1-8: Code 1971, S 12-8) Cross reference(s)--Building regulations, Title 8; land use regulations, Title 26. Section 14.04.110 Denial and revocation. Whenever the city attorney has cause to believe that any license holder is engaging or has engaged in any activity such as to preclude the issuance of any license applied for. or to warrant revocation of any license presently held, he shall present clear and convincing evidence of the same to the finance committee which shall determine if such action shall be taken. The applicant or licensee affected shall be given adequate notice of any such hearing, and be given full opportunity to be heard. Such hearings shall be conducted as quasi-judicial hearings and in conformance with all procedural requirements of law. (Code 1962. S 5-1-12; Ord. No. 7-1976. p: Code 1971, S 12-11) Section 1.04.110 Double fee for failure to obtain required licenses. When work or activity for which a permit or license is required by this Code or any code adopted herein is commenced without first having acquired such permit or license, the specified fee shall be doubled, but the payment of such double fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying with all the requirements of this Code or any code adopted herein, nor from any other prescribed penalties. Payment of such double lee or any unpaid portion thereof may be compelled by civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction. The acceptance of any portion less than the entire amount of such double fee by any officer or employee of the city shall not constitute a waiver or release of the balance thereof. (Code 1962, S 1-6-5: Code 1971, S I-I I) Chapter 26.312 NONCONFORMITIES Section 26.312.010 Purpose. Within the zone districts established by this Title, there exist uses ofland, buildings and structures that were lawfully established before this Title was adopted or amended 2 ,.,. which would be in violation of the terms and requirements of this Title. The purpose of this Chapter is to regulate and limit the continued existence of those uses, buildings, and structures that do not conform to the provisions of this Title as amended. It is the intent of this Chapter to permit nonconformities to continue, but not to allow nonconformities to be enlarged or expanded. The provisions of this Chapter are designed to curtail substantial investment in nonconformities in order to preserve the integrity of the zone districts and the other provisions of this Title but should not be construed as an abatement provision. Section 26.312.020 Nonconforming uses. A. Authority to continue. Nonconforming uses ofland or structures may continue in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and this section. B. Normal maintenance. Normal maintenance may be performed upon non-conforming uses of land and structures, provided that the maintenance performed within any twelve (12) consecutive month period does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the current replacement cost of the structure. C. Extensions. Nonconforming uses shall not be extended. This prohibition shall be construed so as to prevent: I. Enlargement of nonconforming uses by additions to the area of the structure in which such nonconforming uses are located; or 2. Occupancy of additional lands. D. Relocation. A structure housing a nonconforming use may not be moved to another location on or off the parcel ofland on which it is located, unless the use thereafter shall conform to the limitations of the zone district into which it is moved. E. Change in use. A nonconforming use shall not be changed to any other use unless the new use conforms to the provisions of the zone district in which it is located. Section 14.08.120 Separate offense for each day's violation. The carrying on of any business, profession, vocation or occupation as provided in this chapter, without first having procured a license from the city so to do, or without complying with any and all regulations of such business, profession, vocation or occupation contained in this chapter shall be deemed a separate violation of this chapter for each and every day that such business, profession, vocation or occupation is carried on. (Ord. No. 25-1970,95: Code 1971, 9 12-40) 3 Section 4.04.010 Purposes, interpretation of rules. (a) Interpretation. This title shall be construed and applied to promote its underlying purposes and policies. (b) Purposes and policies. The underlying purposes and policies of this title are: (1) To simplify, clarify, and standardize the law governing procurement by this city; (2) To permit the continued development of procurement policies and practices; (3) To provide for increased public confidence in the procedures followed in public procurement; (4) To ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all persons who deal with the procurement system of this city; (5) To provide increased economy in city procurement activities and to maximize to the fullest extent practicable the purchasing value of public funds of the city; (6) To foster effective broad-based competition within the free enterprise system; and (7) To provide safeguards for the maintenance of a procurement system of quality and integrity. (Ord. No. 46-1991, S 1: Code 1971, S 3-1) Section 1.04.010 How Code designated and cited. The ordinances embraced in this and the following chapters and sections shall constitute and be designated the "Municipal Code of the City of Aspen, Colorado" and may be so cited. (Code 1971, S 1-1) State law reference(s) --Adopting Code of Ordinances, C.R.S. 31-16-201 et seq. Section 1.04.130 Presumption of responsibility for certain violations. The occupant of any premises upon which a violation of any provision of this Code or of any code adopted hereby is apparent and the owner of any object or material placed or remaining anywhere in violation of any provision of this Code or of any code adopted hereby shall be deemed prima facie responsible for the violation so evidenced, and subject to the penalty provided therefor. (Code 1962, S 1-6-7: Code 1971, S 1-13) Section 1.04.080 General penalty for violations of code; continuing violations; default. (a) Whenever in this code or in any ordinance of the city an act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unlawful or an offense or a misdemeanor, or whenever in such code or ordinance the doing of an act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, and no specific penalty is provided therefor, the violation of any such provision 4 " r ,-" of this code or any such ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or imprisonment for a period of up to one (1) year, or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. Each day of any violation of this code or of any ordinance shall constitute a separate offense, unless otherwise provided. Section 1.04.120 Penalties not to excuse abatement of prohibited conditions. The application of any penalty under this chapter shall not constitute the condoning or legalizing of any prohibited condition or prevent the abatement or enforced removal of such condition by any lawful means available to the city. (Code 1962, S 1-6-6: Code 1971, S 1-12) Section 1.04.140 Application of Code by city officers or employees. Whenever in this Code or in any code adopted herein it is provided that anything must be done to the approval or permission of or subject to the direction of, any administrative officer or employee of the city, this shall be construed to give such officer or employee only the discretion of determining whether the rules and standards established by this Code or by any code adopted herein have been complied with; and no such provision shall be construed as giving any administrative officer or employee discretionary powers as to what such regulations or standards shall be, or power to require conditions not prescribed by this Code or by any code adopted herein or to enforce the provisions thereof in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner. (Code 1962, S 1-1-7: Code 1971. S 1- 14) Thank You, Don Policaro Cc. John P. Worcester Julie Ann Woods 5 . , '.'." '"-, .~, efhlo;~~ MAY 4, 2000 " CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING MINUTES ..................................................................................................:.............. 1 CASE #00-04 APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION - OPERATION OF COATES, REID & WALDRON at CHATEAU ROARING FORK ........................ 1 THE COMPLAINT........................................................................ 7 8 '" CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING MAY 4, 2000 Rick Head opened the special Board of Adjustment meeting at 4:00 p.m. with Howard DeLuca, David Schott, Bill Murphy and Jim Iglehart present. Charles Paterson was excused. City Staff in attendance: Julie Ann Woods, Community Development Director; Sarah Oates, City Zoning Officer; John Worcester, City Attorney; Jackie Lothian, Deputy City Clerk. MINUTES Rick Head noted the sentence about "giving away too much" really meant the board was to only grant a minimum variance. David Schott's name was misspelled and Bill Murphy's statement was not complete. The minutes were corrected to reflect these changes. MOTION: David Schott moved to approve the minutes from April 13, 2000, with the corrections noted by Rick Head for Case #00-01. Jim Iglehart Second. APPROVED 5-0. MOTION: David Schott moved to approve the minutes from April 13, 2000, with the corrections as noted by Bill Murphy for Case #00-03. Jim Iglehart second. APPROVED 5-0. CASE #00-04 APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION - OPERATION OF COATES, REID & WALDRON at CHATEAU ROARING FORK Rick Head opened the hearing. John Worcester said this was an unusual occurrence because it was an appeal of an administrative decision by staff. He said that neighbors complained about the uses in the Chateau Roaring Fork and Chateau EauClaire, there was too much traffic was generated. Worcester stated that the zoning officer, Sarah Oates, issued a letter to Mr. French of Coates, Reid and Waldron (CRW). Sarah Oates distributed CRW letter dated May 3,2000. The applicant/complainant were the East End Concerned Citizens represented by Dennis Green ofWollins, Hellman and Green. Worcester eXplained that apparently in the late 60's, early 70's, a commercial operation was in the Chateau Roaring Fork which was zoned at that time as Accommodations/Recreation, the AR-l zone. In 1974 the zone changed to R-ll and the existing non-conforming uses were grandfathered with the land use code change. The use from 1974 was increased and Mr. French agreed to bring the level of use back to that of the 1974 level of use. Mr. French also agreed to lower the intensity of the use of maintenance services to benefit the Chateau Roaring Fork and The Chateau EauClaire only. Worcester noted that the last sentence of Mr. French's letter said that voluntary decision to service those units and the units serviced in the future, should they need to change their operating plan. Worcester 1 . CITY OF ASPEN BO..&o OF ADJUSTMENT MEET~ MAY 4, 2000 said that under the land use code if they drop below the 1974 use for a year, then they give up that right. Worcester said that that Mr. French agreed to drop below that 1974 level and there was nothing at this point that the city could enforce beyond this agreement. Don Policaro, neighbor, asked about the number of units serviced by this operation and he noted that he has done 8 hours of research on this problem. Don Policaro stated that he owns a triplex next to Chateau Roaring Fork and he explained that all the laundry facilities from the Chateau Roaring Fork also service monster homes in Aspen. He stated that there were car caravans of maids bringing all that laundry back along with the semi trucks that bring the maintenance supplies. He said there were also maintenance trucks. Don Policaro said that they have not scaled back, just today there were 4 or 5 trucks. Policaro said that the operations expanded to include Houston & O'Leary and Resort Quest properties in this residential neighborhood. Policaro had a petition signed by 29 other people from the neighborhood protesting this operation. Dennis Green, attorney for neighbors in the area, noted that the photos included in the packet depicted the congestion in the area cause by this operation. He said the objection was that sentence in the 2nd to last paragraph. Dennis Green stated that it was the intensity of the use, which Mr. Worcester stated very clearly. Green said that they disagreed with Sarah Oates decision of the number of units. He said that 129 units, the size of units, and the (increased) number of employees were the objections; the legal part disagrees with the conclusions of the number of units. The 129 units were not managed from that Chateau Roaring Fork. He said that each one of the Chateaux (EauClaire, Roaring Fork, Chaumont, Dumont) had it's own management and laundry facilities, but now they were all done here at this one facility. Worcester asked if they agreed that managing and operating out of this unit to serve 73 units was less than the intensity of use in 1974. Don Policaro read an ad from 1974 that the Coates, Reid & Waldron office was located at the Chateau Chaumont. Policaro read from Sarah Oates letter to Mr. French citing 129 units, he wanted the 1974 level of intensity for the off-season level of intensity. He said that there 180 employees now, but doesn't know what they had in 1974. Policaro said that Mr. French told the Boards of the EauClaire and the Roaring Fork that activities would be limited to the Chateau Roaring Fork and EauClaire activities. Worcester addressed the issue with decision to reduce the intensity of use to 73 units, if CWR adds 1 more unit then they can file a complaint and the city will have to investigate again about the usage. Worcester said that the Zoning Officer 2 ,"" " "-'" ,","" CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING MAY 4, 2000 made a decision to allow the 1974 usage; the issue was accepting the zoning officer's letter. Worcester said that the code allowed the decision to be appealed. Policaro said that the figure Sarah came up with of 129 units managed was the issue. Worcester said they have agreed to amend the letter to reflect 73. Rick Head asked Don Policaro what they wanted the Board to do; what was the request. Head asked Policaro ifhe could live with 73. Policaro replied that he could ifit was permanent. Head asked Worcester what if a year from now 200 units were serviced. Worcester responded that it mayor may not be a violation of the law; it deepened upon that 74th or 75th unit raising it above the 1974 level of intensity and then the city had the burden of finding out if they have broken the law. Worcester stated that there were no records on the intensity of use from 1974. Bill Murphy said that if they go above that 74th unit then you can come back an challenge the facts, if they fail to live up to their agreement. Green re-stated that what Mr. Worcester suggested that the finding 73 managed within these two units was not a violation and leave the question open of74 units being a violation. Worcester replied that was correct. Policaro said that Mr. French stated that units 43A,B & C would be limited to the Chateau Roaring Fork and Chateau EauClaire and those condos would never expand more than whatever those units were there today. Green asked if the management and operation could be limited to just these two complexes. Worcester said that could not be agreed upon. Policaro cited figures from 1974 Chateau Roaring Fork and Chateau EauClaire regarding tax records and number of parking spaces. David Schott stated that he had worked for Mr. Nick Coates as a maintenance man in 1974, but that town wasn't as busy then as it was today, things have changed. He said that he did not know how many employees there were at the time. He said that he didn't see that managing other units out of that location was the intended use for this location. Julie Ann Woods stated as a point of clarification from the staff report this hearing was to determine if staff proceeded or if it was a denial of due process. Green stated that it was broader than due process but also an abuse of discretion. There were no other members of the public present. 3 CITY OF ASPEN BO~ OF ADJUSTMENT MEETTh-O MAY 4, 2000 Howard DeLuca stated that he had a problem because there was no way to police this situation. DeLuca said there was no way to tell the number of employees using this unit; he said if it was established that in 1974 they had 20 employees then if you exceed those 20 employees. DeLuca stated that he has always been opposed to having any commercial use in a residential area. He said if there was no documentation from 1974 using square footage, then there was a problem. Rick Head stated that the issue before the board was of not how this would be monitored or the number of units, but did the city or the staff violate the due process of the applicant. Head stated that was what the board should be considering. DeLuca said that the investigation probably should have gone on a little longer, but even the IRS doesn't expect you to keep books that long; the area was very gray without information. David Schott said that this was lacking the information to find out what intentions were for expansion, which doesn't affect the decisions but the use was more intense than now than it was back then. He said that he doesn't know if due process was served. He questioned if a unit was aI, 2, 3 or 4-bedroom condominium or was it a 20,000 square foot house; that would make a difference. Jim Iglehart stated that he felt that he was in the same position as David and Howard. He said that he did not have enough information to determine due process although, whether it was 129 units or 73 units, that still doesn't manage people and cars. Iglehart said that you could have 10 people per unit and still have the same problem that you have today, not knowing what 1974 was all about. Howard DeLuca said that if the neighborhood could actually prove that this has gone far above the 1974 level, then this case could be turned around but without the information it would be hard to make a decision. Bill Murphy stated that there was a good faith offer, which they were willing to accept. Murphy said that if both parties have agreed to it then the board should go along with it and if it did not work then it could be appealed. He said without the information, the board cannot make that determination and that issue was not before the board. He said that they have given themselves an out and it was not really this board's decision. The letter was a good faith offer. Don Policaro stated that he didn't want to get Sarah in trouble; he realized that she had a very hard job. Policaro said there were maintenance places in each building. 4 ~,. .... CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING MAY 4, 2000 Head asked Policaro if the board agreed with staff and find staff did comply with the due process of the law, could you live with the 73 units. He said it did not preclude you from filing another complaint in 6 months or a year. John Worcester stated that if they only managed 50 units and they can prove that 50 units was a greater intensity than in 1974, then the city will file a violation. Worcester said that right now all that they have agreed to do was have it determined whether or not what they agreed to do was in violation of the law. Head stated that he was for upholding the Community Development decision. Green stated that the key factor was the number of employees. He said that they asked Community Development to look at that number and as far as they knew it was not done. Green said that would be where the factor for denial of due process would be in their favor because of lack of substantial justification, that was where they felt staff could have done better. Sarah Oates replied that the original complaint was on parking and traffic and evolved from there. She said that employee generation wasn't what was requested initially. Head asked Oates how would the number of employees be established back then. Oates responded that Coates, Reid & Waldron would have those records; if they didn't have the records then whatever information could be found. Head asked Mr. French how many units were managed in 1974. French replied there was an office at the Chateau Dumont, the same way they have the office today at the Aspen Athletic Club for picking up all the reservations, employment, accounting and everything else for Coates, Reid & Waldron. He said there was the same breakup as but the only thing on site here was the laundry, housekeeping and maintenance. French said there were about 6 or 7 maintenance guys back then; today we have moved everybody but 2 moved from that facility as per your request. French said that there were not more than 18-20 housekeepers working on a Saturday to do all the stuff. He said they have tried their best to eliminate traffic and limit impacts. French said that the maximum number of employees was no more than 120 employees for all ofCRW, including 30 in Snowmass. Worcester stated the only jurisdiction of this board was to uphold or deny the appeal not to direct staff to do anything. He said that the board can do that (direct staff) but not in the form of a motion. 5 .' crrv OF ASPEN BC"lm OF ADJUSTMENT MEEl ~)G MAY 4, 2000 Policaro said that they would be happy ifthey limited the number to the 73 units. Worcester reiterated that sentence from the letter had no binding effect on the city; ifCRW cuts back on the units then there was no violation of the law. Policaro said that they could go back to 129 units. Worcester said that the city did not agree to that; he mentioned to Policaro that he would have to come up with evidence that shows that they were still not at 73, but at this time the city can not go back to them to say that they were exceeding the limit. MOTION: Howard DeLuca moved to uphold the Community Development Director's administrative decision as it relates to the operations of Coates, Reid and Waldron (CRW) at the Chateau Roaring Fork. Bill Murphy second. Roll call vote: Iglehart, yes; Schott, no; DeLuca, yes; Murphy, yes; Head, yes, APPROVED 4-1. DeLuca stated that he would document with video cameras showing dates and times of the activities. MOTION: Bill Murphy moved to adjourn, Jim Iglehart second. APPROVED 5-0, Jackie Lothian, Deputy City Clerk 6 ,......., CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING MAY 4, 2000 The Complaint: The Community Development Department received a formal citizen complaint regarding the operations of Coates, Reid and Waldron (CRW) out of the Chateau Roaring Fork on February 7, 2000 (all correspondence is attached and has been placed in chronological order beginning with the most recent correspondence). Staff initiated an evaluation of the situation. After preliminary research, and a meeting with CR W, staff accepted the memorandwn dated March 10,2000 from CRW as an initial step to remedy non-compliance of zoning regulations and reducing the impacts on the neighborhood. Following an appeal by the complainant to the Community Development Director, further staff discussions and research, the Community Development Director reconsidered and amended its decision put forth in the letter dated April 13, 2000. This is the decision that stands, and is being appealed to the Board of Adjustment by the complainant. CRW has occupied Unit 43 ABC of Chateau Roaring Fork since the project was completed in 1968. At the time, the zoning of the property was Accommodations Recreation I (AR-I) (a copy of the zoning regulations in effect at that time has been enclosed as Exhibit G). Unit 43 ABC has historically been used as a laundry and maintenance facility for CRW. Staff contends that the operations ofCRW were legal at the time as a "professional office," which is consistent with how property management companies are interpreted today to be allowed in the commercial zone districts. The zoning for the property changed in 1974 to Residential Multi-Family (R/MF), at which time the operations of CRW became a legal non-conforming use. The Community Development Department has directed CRW to scale back its operations to the 1974 level. The best assessment staff can provide of that level of activity is the number of units CR W was operating at the time. See the letter dated April 13, 2000 for the complete staff decision. A decision or determination shall not be reversed or modified unless there is a finding that there is a denial of due process, or the administrative body has exceeded its jurisdiction or abused its discretion. 7 A ~ ..,. COATES REID & WAlDRON , E.X{IlI'!.Q it (.- " first in Real Estate. Rentals. Property Manal;lement ARE S 0 R T Qu EST" COM rAN Y April 25, 2000 Ms. Sarah Oates Zoning Office City of Aspen 130 South Galena Street Aspen, Colorado 81611-1975 Dear Ms. Oates: Coates, Reid & Waldron (CRW) is in receipt of your letter dated April 13, 2000 specifying that CRW must restrict its operation from the units Chateau Roaring Fork Unit #43 A, B, C to service no more than 129 units. We have actively been relocating our current maintenance, housekeeping and laundry services for properties other than Chateau Roaring Fork and Chateau Eau Claire to our other office locations. At this time, all maintenance services except those directly benefiting Chateau Roaring Fork and Chateau Eau Claire have been relocated. We believe this will reduce the traffic by our staff on Durant Street. We do, however, continue to take care of a number of properties that are located on Durant Street. We have sent out several requests for proposal to provide laundry services for CRW to accommodate servicing units from another location. We should be able to have this completed by mid-June. Our current business plan is to limit the use of Chateau Roaring Fork #43 A, B, C to service only the common element and individual unit management needs for the Roaring Fork and Eau Claire. This would be a maximum of 73 units if we managed all of the units. CRW currently manages 50 units in Chateau Eau Claire and Chateau Roaring Fork combined. We have voluntarily agreed to a lesser number of units to be sensitive to the citizens' concerns while still meeting our clients' needs. We assume that this voluntary decision will not change the total number of units that may be serviced from the Chateau Roaring Fork location in the future should we need to change our operating plan. I believe this addresses the concerns you laid out in your letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 920-0575. .9;:~ V"John R. French, Jr. President JRFlkps Aspen Office: 720 East Hyman Avenue. Aspen, Colorado 8161\ -(970) 925-14CO. fAX (970) 920-3765 Snowmass Office: P.O. Box 6450. Suite 113, Snowmass Center. Snowmass Village, CO 81615. (970) 923-4700. FA.X (970) -;J'23-419S ,...." ....., x" -::- , ~xh,6tt .& WOLLINS, HELLMAN & GREEN DAVID H. WOLLINS" JONATHAN J. HELLMAN DENNIS B. GREEN NfiCHAELJ.AxElRAD+ A LAW PARTNERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS ASPEN OFFICE . AoMllTF.D IN COLORADO AND NEW YOR.K ... ADMJ1TED iN COLOIlADO AND GAUFORNlA 720 SOUTH COLORADO BOULEVARD SUITE 620-5 DENVER, COLORADO 80222 TElEPHONE (303) 758-8900 FACSIMILE (303) 758-8111 520 E. Cooper Sui te 230 AsPEN, COLORADO 81611 TElEPHONE (970) 925-1885 FACSIMILE (970-)' 925-9398 April 21, 2000 City of Aspen, Board of Adjustment c/o Aspen/Pitkin Planning Department 530 S. Galena Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Amended Notice Of Appeal For Review of Actions Regarding Traffic and Parking Problems, Use Violations, East Durant Street To the Aspen Board of Adjustment: On March 28, 2000, this firm filed an Notice of Appeal on behalf of a group of concerned citizens regarding the decision reflected in the letter dated March 14,2000, by Zoning Enforcement Officer Sarah Oates. On April 19, 2000, I received correspondence from Ms. Oates including a revised determination regarding the complaint involving Coates Reid & Waldron and a letter informing me that a new appeal would have to be filed. This letter is forwarded to you as an amended appeal of Ms. Oates' letter dated April 13, 2000. Please incorporate as part of this Appeal all of the materials and points made in my letter dated March 28, 2000, which for brevity will not be repeated here. In addition, the following facts and matters should be considered. Our fundamental disagreement with Ms. Oates' revised determination is that it incorrectly and unrealistically focuses upon the raw number of units allegedly managed by CRW in the past and at the present time. There are significant differences in the level of service required depending upon the size, type, and location of the units, as well as other factors. For example, the services required for a large home located at some distance from the facility at the Chateau Roaring Fork are far greater than for a studio located in the complex. Consideration should also be given to the number of employees operating from the location, vehicles and trips generated, and similar factors. In addition, and as stated previously, we wish to see all records which support the claims regarding historic usage, and hereby make demand for copies of same. Further, we disagree with the interpretation given to the prior zoning by Ms. Oates. The AR- 1 zoning, in effect prior to 1974, did not allow a general commercial operation of maintenance and 1 - --.....-.--.- ,'" ....' laundry facility but only allowed "hotel, motel, lodge [uses] including incidental businesses within the principal use as required to serve the principal use." Thus, the use of the facility to service lodge or other housing units off-site, i.e. not part of the Chateau Roaring Fork complex, was illegal from the inception of the use and remains absolutely illegal today. For these, and the other reasons already provided, we urge the Board to make a decision that ensures full compliance and strict enforcement of the zoning regulations in the interest of the health, welfare, and safety of the residents of the neighborhood. Finally, given that an appeal had already been filed, and the continued urgency of the safety issues involved, my clients insist that this matter remain on the agenda for the Board of Adjustment for its first meeting in May, which I am informed is set for May 4,2000. Sincerely, .- ~. ...,...,- .....-::: ~. ~.~~ ~ Dennis B. Green - Aspen Office cc: John Worcester, City Attorney 2 ,.. , '. [~h,6i+ ~H' ArhulL ~ -:+':Y12J 0:=:>03 3;;;"-;AO '-U'~ }~~ 53'lG April 13, 2000 II AsPEN . PITKIN John French. President Coates, Reid and Waldron 720 East Hyman Avenue Aspen, CO 81611 COMMli~ DE....ELOP~IE.""'T DEPARNE.l\iT CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Coates, Reid & Waldron Operations at Chateau Roaring Fork . Dear Mr. French: The purpose of this letter is to amend the City's original decision regarding the operations of Coates. Reid and Waldron at the Chateau Roaring Fork. Attached is the March 10. 2000, memo from George Doxey from which our original delermination was made. As you are aware, the zoning of Chateau Roaring Fork changed in the 1970s, making the operations of Coates,' Reid and \Valdron a legal. non-conforming use. After extensive research it has been determined that the zoning changed in 1974 from Accommodations Recreation 1 (M-1), which allowed the commercial operation of a maintenance and laundry facility. to Residential Multi-Family (R1MF). which only allows these uses as an a.ccessory use. Based on our March 2 meeting. and comments you had made. staff has determined that in 1974 your operations consisted of managing 129 properties. It was our understanding thar at that time the company managed the Chateau fau Claire, Chateau Roaring Fork. Chateau Du Mont and Chateau Chaumont. According - - to current assessor's records, the total of these four buildings is 129 units. The City requires you to scale back your operations at the Chateau Roaring Fork to the level of operation that existed in 1974. prior to any change in zoning. The Land use Code does not address who your clients are or where the units you manage are located. The Code is only concerned with the level of intensity of the operations at Chateau Roaring Fork, and ifCoales, Reid and Waldron's level of activity has increased there from the 1974 level. Based on the figures you gave us in the March 2 meeting~ you are currently operating 150 units from your facility at Chateau Roaring Fork. Therefore, you will need to scale back your operations to the level that existed when the use was legal. We would appreciate a written response from you indicating how you iIitend to comply with our assessment no later than April 25, 2000. This will ensure an understanding on bOlh of our parts as to the intensity of your operation now and into the future. 130 SoLTH GALE:-<.... STREET . AsPE~, COLORADO 81611.19;5 . PHO:\E 970.920.5090 . F.~.~ 970.920.5~39 , ~~J-:ibtt'aI WOLLINS, HELLMAN & GREEN DAVID H. WOLLlNS. ]ONATIlAN J. HELLMAN DENNIS B. GREEN MICHAEL]. AxELRAD+ A LAW PAR1NERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS ASPEN OFFICE . ADMIT'TUl IN CoLORADO AND NEW YORK + ADMITTED IN COLORADO AND CAUFORNlA 720 SOUTH COLORADO BOULEVARD Sum 620-5 DENVER, COLORADO 80222 TELEPHONE (303) 758-8900 FACSIMILE (303) 758-8111 520 E. Cooper Suite 230 ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 TELEPHONE (970) 925-1885 FACSIMILE (970-)- 925,.9398 March 28, 2000 City of Aspen, Board of Adjustment c/o Aspen/Pitkin Planning Department 530 S. Galena Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Notice Of Appeal For Review of Actions Regarding Traffic and Parking Problems, Use Violations, East Durant Street To the Aspen Board of Adjustment: This Firm represents a group of concerned citizens who reside in the area of East Durant Street, and nearby areas, known as the East End Concerned Citizens. On February 7, 2000, a written complaint was made to the City's Zoning Enforcement Department regarding the traffic and parking problems caused by certain illegal uses of property for commercial purposes in the area. On March 20,2000, I received a copy ofletter from Ms. Oates, dated March 14,2000, which addresses some of the issues raised by my clients. The purpose of this letter is to appeal the conclusions and actions, and the apparent decision to refrain from taking certain actions, by Ms. Oates. The citizens who have brought this matter to your attention are extremely dissatisfied with a number of the statements and tentative decisions stated in Ms. Oates' letter as follows: 1. The stop-gap remedial measures which apparently are to be taken by Coates, Reid & Waldron ("CRW') are not sufficient to solve the problems involved. While my clients do appreciate that, at long last, some attention is being paid to their concerns, the measures simply do not go far enough. 2. Whether other traffic generation activities are occurring in the area is irrelevant to the decision regarding whether to take enforcement actions to abate the zoning violations involved. 3. Apparently, Ms. Oates has simply taken at face value the representations ofCRW that it is currently managing approximately the same number of properties as were managed in 1976. Such statements are contrary to the experience of the individuals residing in the area and should be verified I ~. with hard data. Thus, please ensure that CRW is able to document such claims and provide copies of the records to this office. Similarly, my clients have observed CRW personnel transporting laundry from other locations and using the Chateau Roaring Fork facilities for off-site laundry, so the claim that the facilities are not being used for off-site activities is not supportable. 4. As to situation involving Spaulding Properties, we are informed that Spaulding had no operation on the site until October-November 1999, and thus there is really no issue that the use of the property is a violation of zoning and that no defense based upon a "grandfathered" non- conforming use can be raised. Further, the unit involved is designated on the plats, and has been historically used (until just recently) as a two-bedroom residential unit, demonstrating that any commercial use is absolutely without justification. 5. Overall, based upon the matters set forth above and in the letter from the undersigned dated March 27, 2000 constitutes an abuse of discretion by the Zoning Enforcement Officer and a denial of due process which has the effect of denying the residents of the area of their rights to have the zoning laws enforced in a fair and effective manner. Due to the manifest danger posed by the continuation of the problems caused by the zoning violations, an expedited hearing on these matters is hereby requested, with the matter to be placed on the first available agenda for the Board of Adjustment. Sincerely, /-.-~ ~ //_~ .c::~~ Dennis B. Green - Aspen Office 2 .r . ~h~bJt .eT March 14, 2000 II Dennis B. Green Wollins, Hellman & Green 520 E. Cooper Avenue, Suite 230 Aspen, CO 81"611 AsPEN . PITKIN COMMti~ITY DEvELOPMENT DEPARTMENT RE: Traffic and Parking Problems, Use Violations, East Durant Avenue Dear Dennis: This letter is a summary of how the City of Aspen has proceeded with the problems related to East Durant Street. As we discussed on the phone, there are several factors contributing to the traffic and congestion on East Durant A venue, These include the use' of the ChateauRoaring Fork as a short-term rental property, the operations of the property management companies at the Chateau Roaring Fork. and the curre.llt construction of two major multi-family projects in the 900 and 1000 blocks of East Durant Avenue. Prompted by the complaint of the East End Concerned Citizens. Coates, Reid and Waldron (CRW) has taken the following measures: . ~ removal of the one-way sign on Cooper Avenue ~ the adoption of incentives for car-pooling and riding RFT A for the employees who work at Chateau Roaring Fork ~ the adoption of a policy of one CR W vehicle in the parking lot at a time ~ stocking the CRW vehicles with supplies to reduce trips to and from the Chateau Roaring Fork . ~ examining greater utilization of the Rio Grande facility during the high seasons ~ maintaining the above policies during the off season . As we discusses on the phone, after an extensive discussion with CRW representatives it was determined that the company manages about 150 properties, one-half of those are units in Chateau Roaring Fe rk and Chateau Eau Claire, and this is the same amount of properties as was managed in 1976. There has been no measurable increase in their non- conformity. Further, the CRW maintenance operations of the Chateau Roaring Fork office are limited to demands primarily on site. The laundry facility, which has been in operation since 1968, is also used primarily for the demands of the on-site properties. .Severa! other properties CRW manages have their own laundry facilities. The laundry operations out of the Chateau Roaring Fork service the remaining CRW properties in Aspen, as Snowmass Village has its own facility', Staff will continue to work with CRW to reasonably minimize the traffic and parking problems. 130 SoCTH GALE:\'A STREET. ASPE:\, COLORADO 81611-1975 . PHONE 970.920.5090 . Eu 970.920.5439 Prillled(}nR~I,.,iPaper .;!I'''-' After a site visit to the Chateau Roaring Fork, it has come to staff's attention that a significant amount of traffic can also be attributed to the Silverstream development (which has recently been completed) and the reconstruction of the Day Subdivision adjacent to Chateau Roaring Fork. The Community Development Department will be working with the Parking Department to monitor the traffic management plan for the Day Subdivision project. Finally, staffwill be meeting with Spalding Properties to work with them to find a reasonable solution regarding their operations as well. I will contact you after when have met with them. rr'~~ Sarah Oates, Zoning Officer City of Aspen cc: Julie Ann Woods, Community Development Director David Hoefer, Assistant City Attorney MRR 13' '00 12:38AM CORy~S REID & WRLDRON &h,bd~~ f< P.l CO~ltl~.~. H{'ld ...::. W;ddrllrl A 1-{(,,~~OI1011f'.:t ConlrLlnv 720 E. HVlllrlll Avt>. A"IH'Il. CO g 1(; 11 \~) ,O! ~17:,.1,IO(1 Cc: sarah Oates Aepen COnmlnlty 08'<81<>> ,lent ~F~,~~. ~Rdd::~ George Coxay. GenerIII Man8ger d 0 Merch 10. 200ll Chateau Ra8r1ng Fork TllIlIIc Tol "... DlIIeI RIll OlljedIVe: To lIIgnlllCal4lY redUce tr8lIIC and perking on E. DuIW1t due to ColIle8, ReId & W8Idron veliclee. Comments: It has been the pi d the horneoY<<1en of the Ch8lIiau Ra8r1ng Fork (CRF) to mlnlmizlllnllllc and malnlaln the h1ghlllll8V8I 01 IlIfeIy farlhe CIWIIII'I, gi*ls and vllilors. This.... been -=ompilhed by providing lraIlIpOItIiion far the flo_~ CCQApellts and by d1l1lCllng lrafIic one v.er off 01 E. Cooper In! on to E. Dunn. TIH lrafIic fta.v _In reepOI1lll! 10 1lI~ ~ 1nIIllo III lhe I, Bt NdIon, lhe RAFTA and Chlderaumoblle bus stop on the noIlh side r:I Cooper llI1d the Ilmlllld vlllblllly whlln lining left If exiting onto E Cooper, eoa.. Reid & Waldron doeI not opnte any arrival or departure IIllIVIoelI at the property, Just pilar 10 the CUlll'lnt complaint made by the EIllt End CoI.o..,...d Cltlz2na (EECC), ColIlee ReId & W8Idron hid tIUC : I 'lily ImplllT_,led ...,...1 ~ to r.aa the trafIIc and pwldng needs in this end r:I Aspen. We provide RAFfA tu ~ iranliv_ far ~Ing and 1Irnhc1 CrN'J vehia. to OM Vehicle.. 4ime in the CRF PIIld~" 'T11iI_8YIder1t in !he picturw provided by EECC end nolId when A8pen Community Development stan' (AC08) mEIde a Site In!PeCUOl1. TrIrIIc on Cooper and CUrInt tllIa incmn~ dnIm8IiCIIIyv.4th construclion and inGf! III~ c:t.nsiIy. As ~ upon at CllI' meeting, thecurent COI1lIlnICtIon actIvlllelllll1he RlverG1en TCllo'lII1IlClU! h8Ve genenIIIeCl mejOrtnJIIIC IlT4l8CtSend lClSIIof .,.Iable I*1dng lor EaIt Durant ,eIldentI and the ~ Romtng Fork CondomInium III cd8Ilon. OUr Plan: CFWV '* _iAWld the 1l18intenan:e tnd hOl 'II' ""Ping ""'ice end <hpIfdling pro.: 0 II we beieve we hive ideo ,tir_lhIIl our I11lIiI'llenll1Ce eervlce vehlcfe8 may very well be CIMltng lIllclllIonIIllnltllc due to un. lee !!IllY 11111I In and cU r:I the RoIq Fork fac:lllty. By ~ the Rlp8ir ~ thlIl_1IlockscI1Ild l*Ii8d on th.- vehIcklaand Ihrough men tlreclive IIld IIfficilnll'8llo ~~.Ing, WI blII...,_ WI C8I1 reclJce cxrnfllc ill'1pKt on the ~. We _ focusing (lIllhe rDJCtion atlrllllic eepeclally bet\'.een 8 .10 am ancl3 - 5 pm, TheSetlmes appeerto be the helYleIl resident traIIIc periods. Clffl Voill emphIIIize to our sl8lf the importance d propeI1y prepMng for daily duties to reduce cIupIiCIIlion at trips and thereby creete lesa traIIIc on E. Durwrt. We 11I80 reccgnize 1hlIl durlng the high ! I!I Joolll we CB'I creeIe "'*" lI'IIlllc far thoee llIlIlfOlllmalely IS weeks In the summer and 8 -a In !he winter. W_ Voilllnv........ how we might be able to make ~ utitlzallon 01 cxr RIo Gl8nde fIICIIlty durtng 1hoe time pIriods. It might be ~ble far us to ,.jj1WCll _ 01 cur inc:. : r 1 ! : vehiCle ueege d1.mg thole timet to IIldlIce our impact, Al""'" , ~1--~; b It ~ L WOLLINS, HELLMAN & GREEN DAVID H. WOLUNS" JONATHAN J. HELLMAN DENNIS B. GREEN ~CHAELJ.AxELRAD+ . ADMITTED IN COLORADO AND NEW YORK + ADMITTU> IN CoLORADO AND CAUFORNlA A LAW PARTNERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS 720 SOUTH COLORADO BoULEVARD SUITE 620-S DENVER, COLORADO 80222 TELEPHONE (303) 758-8900 FACSIMILE (303) 758-8111 ASPEN OFFICE 117 S. SPRING STREET SUITE 1 AsPEN, COLORADO 81611 TELEPHONE (970) 925-1885 FACSIMILE (970) 925-8967 February 7, 2000 City of Aspen Zoning Enforcement Department 530 S. Galena Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Traffic and Parking Problems, Use Violations, East Durant Street To the Zoning Enforcement Department: This Firm represents a group of concerned citizens who reside in the area of East Durant Street, and nearby areas, known as the East End Concerned Citizens, whose President is Amy Policaro. In all, a total of approximately 25 citizens and residents have indicated concerns regarding traffic and parking problems in the area. L DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM The traffic and parking problems are being generated by commercial uses located at the Chateau Roaring Fork Condominium. There is a one-way entrance into the condominium complex otTCooper Street. However, all traffic must exit out of the rear of the parking lot and then onto the 900 - 1000 block of East Durant Street. The following commercial activities are being illegally conducted from two condominiums at the Chateau Roaring Fork. Coates Reid & Waldron (a Resort Quest Company) and Spalding Properties (which recently opened its operations at the Chateau Roaring Fork) have been operating commercial businesses even though the complex is zoned residential multi-family. These operations create an unnecessary burden on the neighborhood. At least fifteen employees go to work there every day for the two companies. Since the condominium complex has inadequate parking, many of these employees park on East Durant and East Cooper streets and have been witnessed rubbing the chalk marks otTthe tires which were placed there by the parking enforcement. 1 ............ .""" WOLLINS, HELLMAN & GREEN Between the two companies there can be up to fifteen cars parked on or near the property on city streets. Because the condominium complex has a one-way sign leading out to Cooper Street, all commercial activity is forced down East Durant Avenue with as many as one hundred vehicle trips a day. Supply trucks from various vendors bring laundry and supplies which are used to service all of their rental and buildings which are located throughout the area. Coats Reid & Waldron, which is the largest property management company in the valley, and which also manages properties for Houston & O'Leary, uses their condominium unit as a laundry facility for their entire operation. Maids load up their cars with supplies and linens and return many times daily to drop off dirty laundry. Maintenance trucks also use the facility. When it snows the traffic is increased dramatically because of the snow removal the companies perform. Both companies have marked cars and trucks but have other cars and trucks that are not marked and also use employees' own cars to perform activities. Together with all the employees' cars and trucks, it has created an extreme safety issue in the neighborhood. Many of the employees speed and drive recklessly and there have been many complaints to the police. There have also been several car accidents involving vehicles owned or associated with the management companies and residential neighbors because ofthe excessive traffic levels. There are 44 residential units at the Chateau Roaring Fork which already generate considerable traffic. There are also two large employee housing units on Durant Street which generate additional volumes of traffic. The concerned residents would like to see all illegal commercial activity in the neighborhood cease immediately and would like the removal of any commercial laundry operations. These companies should be in the commercial core where the zoning is appropriate, not in residential neighborhoods paying residential rents at the expense of the safety and peace of the neighborhood. In addition, vehicles regularly park illegally and in positions that block the flow of traffic and visibility for other vehicles and pedestrians. The fire hydrant at the end of Durant Street is often blocked, creating an additional safety hazard. Overall, an unsafe condition has been created, particularly considering that the area's residential character, including hazards to young children. Attached as Exhibit" A" is a set of photographs illustrating and documenting the problems, showing the concentration of marked and unmarked service vehicles parked at the condominium complex, clearly marked company vehicles parked along the residential street, a vehicle blocking access to the fire hydrant, and signage at the entrances to the units showing the management activities including the "laundry, maintenance, housekeeping" facility. 2 ""-"'''. "'< .... ,/ WOLLINS, HELLMAN & GREEN n. ZONING VIOLATIONS The zoning for the area, including the Chateau Roaring Fork is RMF - Residential Multi- Family. The purpose of the district is to provide for long-term residential purposes, with customary accessory uses. Commercial operations are not permitted, either as a use by right or as a conditional use. An "accessory use" is defined as a use that is supportive, secondary and subordinate to the principal use of the lot, parcel, building or structure. An accessory use shall not be construed to authorize a use not otherwise permitted in the zone district. It may perhaps be debatable as to the use of the Chateau units for limited accessory uses, such as management and maintenance of the condominium units located in the complex, which activities may fall within the definition of accessory use. However, the operations have been expanded to cover properties across the Aspen area. For example, the maid and laundry service, as well as miscellaneous maintenance, is being performed for properties in complexes and homes not part of the Chateau Roaring Fork. The objections are based both upon the precise language of the City's Land Use Code and pragmatic considerations which highlight the reason for the distinction between on-site and off-site activities. For example, doing laundry for a dozen or so units, all located on-site, has a certain impact, but one which is considered necessary and appropriate under the Code. Washing and distributing laundry for hundreds of units strewn across the area requires both a larger operation and generates major traffic impacts as the vehicles move to various locations, all parking and driving in the area, an area which is supposed to be residential in character. Simply put, these activities belong in zones such as the SCI or CC zones and are wholly inappropriate for a residential neighborhood. III. REOUEST FOR ACTION Attached as Exhibit "B" is a copy of the Petition signed by over twenty concerned individuals. The concerned citizens and residents involved have seen the level of commercial use and attendant problems increase dramatically over the last couple of years. The situation goes beyond that of quality of life issues but extends to safety issues as well. These issues deserve immediate attention and definite action. Sincerely, ~. ~c.;- Dennis B. Green - Aspen Office 3 ....." 'L)lh,b,1 ~v~ 11-1-6, Maximum Sign Area 1. SUS1ness aavertising, identification sign in conjunction with permitted uses, except residences, provided each sign identify a busi- ne.. occupying the premises. The aggregate sign area permitted along anyone street shall not exceed one square foot of sign area for each three teet of lot line footage ~ccupied by or projected.from the build- ing within which the principal use is conducted. Uses fronting on an alley shall compute their sig" area allowance by conside~ing the alley as their lot line frontage. In no case shall the aggregate sign area for anyone use on anyone frontage exceed twenty square feet. There may be a combination of the following sign types including a free- standing sign and wall signs, including cut-out letter signs, subject to the following limita~ions: a. Wall sign _ shall not exceed ten square feet on anyone building wall, exclusive of cut-out letters; b. Off:ce building registry - a wall sign or free-standing sign iden~ifying included offices, not to exceed one square foot of area per office; such sign shall be sx- eluded from regular sig~ area and quantity limitations. (0) S~~UR3~~: Intention - as nrovided creation dist=~ct regulation. AR-2 ACCO~MODATIONS REC~EATION - under the AR-l Acccmmoca~ions Re- Uses _ Permitted - as provided under the AR-l Accommodations Re- creat~on d~s~=1C~ regulations. Uses ~ Condi~ional - as provided under the AR-l Acco~~odation3 Recrea~~on d13~r~ct regulations. Mini~ Lot Area _. One-famJ.ly d.....elling............. 2. Two-f~ily dwelli.ng............. 3. Patio house, row house.......... 4. Multiple family dwelling........ 2,000 ,.rOJlO -U:c square fee':. square feet per dwelling ~nit with a mi~im~~ lot area of 15,000 square feet square feet square fe~t ~er un- limi':.ed unit with a minimum lot area of 15,000 square feet. 15,000 7,500 .Amended by Sec. 5, Ord. ~o. 19, Series 1967. Supplement No. 10 July 1, 1968 .._.~ -- 11-l-6, Minimum -Lot Area (cont.) 5. Board~nq house, rooming house, dormitory.......... ..... 500 6. Hotel, Motel, Lodge............. 750 7. All other uses.................. 5,000 Minimum -Lot Width 1. A~l dwell~n9 and accommodations units except patio and row house 2. Patio and row................... 3. All other uses.................. Minimum ?ron't Yard 1. All Du~ld~n9S except dwellings and accessory buildings......... 2. Dwellings except patio house.... 3. Patio houses on periphe~l of project...................... 4. Accessory building.............. Minimum Si~g Yard 1. All bu~ld~ngs except patio and row house................... 2. Patio and row house on periphery of project............ Minimum Reay Yard 1. Pr~nc~pal bu~ldinq except patio house..................... ~. Patio house on periphery of project...................... 3. Accessory buildinq.............. Maximum Height of Building.......... *Amended by Sec. 5, Ord. No. 19, Series 1967. . Supplement No. 10 July 1, 1968 ,~'-, square feet per four persons c~ total c~pa- city, with a minimum lot area o~ 7,500 square feet- square feet per limit- ed unit with a minimum lot area of 7,500 square feet.* square feet 7S feet 25 feet 50 feet 200 feet from the right-of- way lines of St~te Highways 100 feet from the right-of- way lines of designated Arterial Roadways 25 feet in all other loca- tions 25 feet 25 feet 30 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 5 feet as orovided under the AR-1 AccOmmodations Recreation district regulations .~ 11-1-6, US.S - Permitted 1. One-fam~ly dwelling, two-family dwelling, multiple family dwelling, aecessory building and use, home occupation: 2. Boarding house, rooming hous., dormitory; 3. Hotel, motel, lodge, including incidental business within the principal use as required to serve the principal usei . 4. Medical and dental clinics, professional offices; 5. Open-use recreation site and ski lifta, recreat~on club, theater, a..embly hall, school, church, hospital, public building for administration, 6. Patio and row house - provided a to~al projec~ of 25,000 square f..t in area is developed to accommodate required off-street parking, internal cedestrian circulation and minimum setbac~s =or t~a district on the periphery of the project: 7. R8st~uran~, te~ room - provided all facilities for preparatic~ of food are located within a building on the loti 8. Ratail and service commercial uses accesscry to ski lif~~ and qolf courses including food and beverage service, sale, rer.ta: and r~- pair of sports equipment to be used in conjunction ~ith the recr3a~ion ac~ivity provided on the site; 9. Fence, hedge and wall - subject to requirements under Supple- mentary Regulations; 10. Residential and Institutional identification sigr., directional .i9n, for-sale sign - subject to requirements under supple~en~ary Reg~- la.tions. 11. Business advertising, identification sign - subject to a~ea lL~itations listed herein and Supplementary Regulations. Uses - Conditional 12. Shop-cra~t type industry - subject to approval of the B03rd of Adjustment. Minimum Lot Area l. One-fam~~y dwelling............. 2. Two-family dwelling............. ~ 4. 3. 4. Patio house, row house.......... Multiple family dwelling........ ~7!:.-. 5. Boarding house, rooming house, dormitory........ ........ *Amended by Sec. 4, Ord. No. 19, Series 1967. Supplement No. 10 JUly 1, 1968 6,000 square feet 3,000 square feet per ing unit .....ith a. mwn lot caa of square feet 1,50~. square f~et 750 square feet per un- limited unit with a mini~urn lot ~ea of 6,000 square faet- dwell- mini- 6,000 250 $qual~ feet per four persons of tc~al capa- city, wi~h a minDmurn lot area of 6,000 square feet. -.... 11-1-6, Minimum Lot .:..rea (cont.) ij. Hotel, moeel, lOdge............. 375 square feet per limit- ed unit with a min~um lot area of 6,000 square feet'" 3,000 square feet ~ ' rJ tW> \\\,1'.(1; 1i 7. All other uses.................. Minimum Lot Width 1. All dwe11~ng and ~ccommodations units except patio and row house.. . . . . .. .. . ... . . ........... 2. Patio and row house............. 3. All other uses.................. ~mum Front Yard 1. Pr~nc~pal bu~lding except patio house..................... 2. Patio house on periphery of project...................... 3. Accessory ~uilding.............. Minimum Side Yard ~. All ~u~ld~ngs except patio and row house.................... 2. Patio and row house on periphery of project............ Minimum Rear Yard 1. Pr~nc~pa~ Qu~lding excspt patio house..................... 2. Patio house on periphery of project.......... ............ Accessory building.............. 3. "-- Maximum Height of Buildings 1. Pr~nc~pa~ bu~ld~ng except patio house........... .......... 2. Patio house and buildings accessory thereto............... Accessory buildi~g.............. 'tr-3. 60 fet!t...- 25 feet 30 feet 10 feet 10 feet 15 feet 5 feet 5 feet 10 feet 10 feet 5 f~et 25 feet ""C_ }------ ,,<./"""\ .F,-,>1 12 :eeet 21 feet on the front two- thirds of ~~e lot and 12 feet on the rear one-third of the lot Minimum Off-Street Parkina.......... as required under Supple- mentary Regulations *Amended by Sec. 4, Ord. ~o. 19, Series 1967. Supplement No. 10 July I, 1968 ,/ BoxE Aspen, Colorado mi' J3 /I c( '2~ ~1,;:l-2tt<~ ~(J,I };;/r/" c.~ ,/ f \.... ~/"''-t/ ,.) f } ) J L.-,t;/ TIlE ASP!N TIMS PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF COLORADO) ) ss. Copy of Notice County of Pitkin ) r. Andy Slone, do solemnly swear that I am the Publisher of THE ASPEN TIMES: that the same is a weekly newspa- per printed, in, whole or in part, and published in the County of Pitkin. State of Colorado. and has a general cir- culation therein; that said newspaper has been published continuously and uninterruptedly in said County of Pitkin, for a period of more than fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the first publication of the annexed legal notice or advertisement; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as second class matter under the provisions of the Act of MardI 3, 1879, or any arne.'1dments thereof, and that said newspaper is a a weekly newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements wit." the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. That the annexed legal notice or advertisement was pub- lished in the regular and entire issue of every number of said weekly newspaper for the period of \ consecu- tive insertions; and t.'-tat t..""te fust publication of said notice w,as in the issue of. said new'stiaper'-crated .h\)1 i \ L~ A.D., 20 C \ and t."~t the la~~ub- , lication or said noti..ce was in the Ls-?ue of said new per dated A.D.. 20 (', 1 PUBLIC NOTICE RE: APPEAL OF AN ADMINIS'ffiATIVE DECISION RElATED TO THE OPERATION OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMPANIES AT THE CHATEAU ROARING FORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held on Thursday, May 17, 2001. at a meeting to begin at 4:00 p.m. before the Aspen Board 01 Adlustment, Sister Cities Room Cltv Hall, 130 S. Galena St., Aspen, to consid~r an appeal of an administrative decision regarding t~e operation 01 property management compa- m~ at the Chateau Roaring Fork. The appeal is being requested by Don Pollcaro. For further information, contact James Lindt at the As;>enjPltkin County Community Development Department, 130 S. Galena St.. Aspen, CO (9iG) 920-5441 jamesl@Ci.aspen.co.us. ' sjCharles Paterson, Chairman Aspen Board of Adjustment Published In The Aspen TImes on April 28 2001 ~5~~ . . L---- Subscr' ed ana sworn to before me, a notary public in and for the County of Pitkin, State of Col",rado, on"",-a,,,'A""Y~ A.D.. >0 0\ . I. J.J~u&- Notary?-u. lie My commission expires \()~a.,-Cl'"L ......, 11-1-6, Minimum Off-Street Parking.......... as required under supple- mentary Requlations MaxL'TIum Siqn Area................... as orovided under AR-l Accommodations Rec~eation district regulations 11-1-7: COMMERCIAL {a) C-l COMMERCIAL: Intention - to al- low the use 0= land for retail and ser7ice commer=i3l purposes, accom- modations and recreational as ~ell as for residential purposes with custo~ary accessory uses and institutional uses. Uses - Permitted 1. Any ?e~,i~~ed use of ~~e AR-l Accomrc.odation Recreation 1istrict except patio houses subject to all use, let area and yard requir~'T\ents of that district re~ulation ~n~ess otherwise scecified below: 2. Retail co~;'ercial establisnrnents limi~ed to the fcllowing and similar uses: anti~ue snap, ap?li~nce store, art sup?ly shop, ar~ gallery, autc~obile acces5cry store, bakery, book store, c~.era shop, candy, tobacco or cigaret~e stare, catalog store, clothing store, deco- rator shop, depart~ent store, drug store, florist shop, food ~arket, furniture store, gift shop, hardware store, hobby shop, jewelry shop, job printing snop, key shop, liquor store, ?e~ s~o?, ?aint and ~all- paper store, pawn shop, phot~graphy shop, spo!~ir.g gocds stcre, sta- tionery store, var~e~y s~ore. 3. Service cc~~ercial establishments li~ite1 ~o t~e following an~ similar uses: busir:.ess office, cate:-ing ser'lice, financial institution, persor.a~ se:-vice including barber and beauty shop, c~stom sewi~g, dry- cleani~g pick-up station, laundromat, tailori~g and shoe repair shop, parking lot or garage, stud~o for instruc~ion in t~e arts, radio or television jroadcasting facility. 4. Rental repair and whoiesa~ing facili~ies in conjuncticn with any or t~e abO'le listed uses ?rovided a:1 suc~ activity is clearly incider:.ta1 and accessory ~o the pe~itted use ar.d ccnducted wi~hin a 1:luilding. 5. St::rage of mat~ria:5 accessorv to an'! of the above listed 'J.ses provided all such storage is :ocated wit~in a'structure. Uses - Conditional 6. Anv condi~ional use of the AR-l ACCQ~'TIodation Recreation dis- trict subject to all use, lot area and yard requirements of that dis- trict unless other1ise specified below. 7. Rec~eation and entertainment establis~~ents limi~ed to the following and simi~ar. uses: business, fraternal or social club or hall, billiard parlor, dance hall, ice or roller skati~g rink - subject to approval of t~e 90ard of Adjustment. 3. Shop-craft indust~y _ subject to approval of the aoard of Ad- justment. supplement No. 7 June 30, 1967 ,r-6';=::-~) ,/ "'= i~Q.. \j .-' V) .\ '>, 0;-' \ '! , -.:.... ~ .'~ "', '. 9,. Q ~ .~~~. 3 J., '?d---- '\""~ ~'" - I ~ <' < Ei {) aL \::) /,''''\:J)\)\J >-1 it "---';f' J '1 '. ;;- v ----:d -D~\" <( s:r'1 v:i~ ~. 5'n Is -.JL ..) "" i' I -J ~::r; <().-J '- ~ t::: .J y ~_~ v- \ ,'; v (:1~ ~ ;- :::.,; <:) I { cD \c:-l-. ~~-J 4'-C () 8 .';)~ < ,sf 00 ~j ~ ~ k" <:: Sf < ~ v <:S <l (}{~ <r ~+ ~ ..---J. \'-- ,,~ '? \S" .......~D....... -6 -< " -<l ~ .~ o.s:. 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