HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.en.315 E Lake.Driveway Gate & Mailbox - ...-............. 11111111111I1111I111111111111111111111111I1111111111111 "~;~':'!'i" ..,-':W" "".''': 433497 07/16/1999 11:38A ENCROACH DAVIS SILVI 1 of 4 R 20.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKIN COUNTY CO , ~--'----~---~~"----'-"'-----"-'- , REVOCABLE ENCROACHMENT LICENSE \ Complete the following line if ~is license is for a. teraporaly el1~roachment: Valid for p e:r:p e tual months from the date of issuance. aq"Cll~ This Agwement made under this license and entered mw this 1 s t: day of June . 1999 . by and between the CITY OF ASPEN. Pitkin County, Colorado. hereinafter referrcd to as "Aspen" and Must.anl!: Ho1dinlts. L.L.C.. ,at .315 E. Hyman Ave., Ste, 305 (Prin(f\IIlNOmo) ". _ ._' ASTl en., CO. ,. 81-61 J:. ': i. , . h<':reinaftetxeferred to as "Licensee." G'riorl.<iOlMili!il\!Add=l WHEREAS, Licensee is the owner of the following des':zibed properties loca'ted in' the City CTf Aspen. Pitkin County, Colorado; 315 Lake Aveune Aspen. CO 81611 ~ \ WHEREAS, said properties abut the following described publlc rlght(s)-of-way: ~ Street address; 315 Lake Avenue, Asp~n, cO 81611 Legal address: Lots 11 and 12, Block 102, 'Flallam's Addi,tion t.o Aspen, CO\~?N.=~lI:Blo<l:NlllTbo<.',,", WHEREAS, Licensee desires to encroach upon said rigllt(s)-ot:' way for th~ following purpose: D.iveway gate o"cl MAd b.", and as shown in Exhibit "A"'. attached ,0 this license . WHEREAS, Section 21.04.050 delegares the authority to the City Engineer to grant encroa;;hment licenses; 'W1fEREAS, Aspen agrees to the grant of a private license of encroachment as built subject to certain conditions. . . TImREFOJ:<:E. in ':QD'>ilklaliun at the muma) agreement hereulafter cOlltained, Aspen and Licens~ covenant and agree as follows: 1.' 1. A private revocable license 1s hereby granted to LicenSe!:' to OClcupy. maintain and utilize the above described portion of public light-or-way for the PUIposes dl-.scribed. 2. This lice~e is granted for a perpeluallerrn subject to' being term,inated at lU'ly time and for !my reason at the sole discretion of the City Engineer of the City of Aspen. .- ~ooteJ ll:il!\.'llVA\ lI!IJldI1 9~9COg60L6 xva St:Ll GSM 66(9g/~O ~ ..JWI" J,.,J.=,;t;;> .:=I'-'Orl"1 . - c..L"< i~1::J J.OJ..G '-"".J ';:'.'JF f .~;;n" I,V, ::'(.:=1 \.~~:.Y, r..:> , . .", 3. This license shall be subordinate to the right of Aspen to use said area for any public. putposes. 4. Licensee is responsible for the maintenance and repair "f ch~ pUblic right-of-way, togethe, with improvementS constructed !herein, which Aspen, in the exerci ie of'irs discretion, shall determine \> be necessary to keep the same in a safe and ClCSll condition. The Licetlliee shall obtain 'Right OfWa~d Building' Permit as requize:d the City Community Development bepartmenc for any work to * performed in the public right-of-way with design approvals for such work obtained from the City Parks and Engineering neI'''mnp.~t~ "S "PPI'Ol"ri"t9. Ll....na~ ll&=li llJ jOin any lI11provement district fanned for the purpose of cOllStnlcting improvemenlS in and to the public right-of.way. 5. Licensee shall at all times during the term hereof, can)' public liability insurance for the benefic of the City with limitS of not less than those lipeclfied by Section 24-10-114, CJtS., (currently $150.000 per pl..'1:'Son and $600.000 per occurrenc:l') M may be =<>nd.ld from timlO to ~ oarnlng the City as co-in$ured. Licensee shall maintain said covef'o'lge in full force and effect during the term of this License and sball furuish the City with I! copy of such coverage or a certificate evidenCing .\o'llch covera,ge. All insurance policies maintained pUl'Suant to t1U$ agrcement shall contain the follOWing endorsement: ''It is hereby zmd.erstoad and agreed that this insurance policy may not be canceled by the surety until thirty (30) do:ys after receipt by the City, by registered mail, of a written notice of such inten.tion to caned or not to renew." The Licensee shall. .show proof of this insurance to the City before this agreetltent is filed. 6. Licensee shall save, defend and hold harmless agains.t any lUld all claiaJs for dal:nages, cost?e.and expenses, to pe'iSOOS or property that may arise out of, or be occasioned by the use, occupancy ~d maintenance of said property by Licensee, or from any act or omission of any representative, agelll't customer and/or employee of Licensee. ' 7. This license may be tenninated by LiceIl!lee at any time and for any reason 00 thirty (30) days written notice of Licensee's intent to cancel This license may be ~rn'linilted by Aspen at any time and for any reason. Upon tetIIlination Licensee ~hall, at Licensee's expense, remove any improvements or encroachments from said property. The property shall be restored to a condition satisfactory to Aspen. 8. This license is subject to all statel::Lws, tho ptovi3ions 01 the Charter of the City of Aspen as it now exists or may hereafter be amended. and the ordinances of the City of Aspen now in effect or those which may herea1'ter be ac;lopted. . ~. Norpi.ng herein sMll be constrUed so as to prevent Aspen from granting such additionallicens~ or property interestS in or affecting said propcmy as it deems nec:ssary. 10. The conditions hereof imposed on the ,graIIted license of encroachment shall constitute covenailts running with the land, and binding upon Licensee, their heirs, successors and assigns. . ~ 11, In any legal action to emorce the provisions of this Ap-eement, the prevailing party shall \e entitled to its reasonable attorney's fees. 11. If the strUcture(s) for which this license was issued is/are removed for any reason. !.icensee may not rebuild in the same location without obtaining another encroachment license prior to building. It is City polley to preserve public righrs..of-wllY for the general publ:c benefic, and it is not antieipated that reconstnlction of encroachments would be permitted. 900~ 1111111111111111I1111111111111111111111 III 11I11I1111111 433497 07/16/1999 11,38A ENCROACH DAVIS SILVI 2 of 4 R 20.00~0.~0 ~ _0:00 P~TKI~_~OU~~~_CO_~ "'------~-,._'^.__..._-- YV~ 9T:~T aeM 66/9./90 - ,..... , - , -~('~;1r "\~ " (.'.-" " ,.. .' - .::~~7' , , .~:;-' ,',' . " No existing enc:oachment shall be enlarged without obt:lining an additional licell$e . collStJ:Uction. pnor to . 13. The licensee waives. az:y and all claims against the City of Aspen for loss or damage tl tlle Improvements co led In the encroat:l]J:nent area. -\;: S wHEREO . the parties executed this agreement at Aspen the, clay and year firsT. IN Written. Licensee ST. HELffiR ) ISLAND OF JERSEY )s.s. BRITISH CHANNEL ISLANDS ) I CERTIFY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that MICHAEL J. D. DEE who is known to me to be one of the Authorised Signatories of MUSTANG HOLDINGS L.L.C. who signed this instrument was authorised to execute the same and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntary act and that of the Company for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument GIVEN 7': bmd ""' om"" "'" dri, l.~' Notary Public in and for the Island Jersey with office at 3 Charles Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4SF, Channel Islands e, 1999. My faculty endures for life , q~~~~~ 7,v?"l7 ArrEST: ~ a. J ~&Z . leA Tllll'iN s. r Ci'l' CI:it . .~ 't> """"" ~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111 433497 07/16/1999 11:38A ENCROACH DAVIS SILVI 3 0' 4 R 20.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKIN COUNTY CO 'toOl'2i" ll:=IDIVAI NIXdI'1 9t~~O.60La XVd at'Lt aaM aa/9Z/S0 ,B j.' '.. ~ ~ z. . ,2 :g ~n j- i. : ffi ~i ~ . ~!~. .Ii. 0: "~u If" .-. ~~8_ :g ];~~S~~ iii ~d 5 J~l1!1 k ~ 1 v 2"- "" "l3 0-.. '----. I.... --- \1\ III ---::. ....... <::1= \" ::J E ~ C- ~ \lJ ..s::: ~ -.- .~~ -t -'>l\ <J -S:> 2-.. c: I:;) I J. , , " , , ! J I , t } j 1 ! j , ; " ! U i 0' ,. " " ,t ,. .. . -- --_...J' " , : ' I"'.' I ~;:-", I /' 1(/ , 1 N, , . i i fir , L~?:;,." j~~ , ;' I/) t!J t- O 2 ';111 ,i:' ! i s: 1 i I' t ! i " }~ " 1; 1111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111 433497 07/16/1999 11,38A ENCROACH DAVIS SILVI 4 of 4 R 20.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKIN COUNTY CO