HomeMy WebLinkAboutencroachment.501westsmuggler.trash.2004 --..mm REVOC_ABLE ENCROACHMENT LiCENS ~unly Recordin~ Dale: ~eplion Numar. ~k Number:_ ~ TE~O~RT~ P~E~ATED U~L ~VO~ ~ T~ C~. " ' This Agreement made ~der this lJ~nse and entered in~ ~is ~day of ASPEN, ~ilkin ~min~er ~fe~ed ~ as 'ASPEN" and day/;me phone Aum~r:~, ~ ~ ~,/D~ , herehaffer r~ferrod to ~ "Li~see", NER~, ~ens~ )stAe owner? ~dlew~ng dea~Jbed P~Ope~e~bmted i~ thp C~ of Aspen, Pilkin County, Color~o' WHER~S, Licensee de~m~ ~ en~oach u~ s~ right, of. way for lhe fOItowin~ put.SaS eno .~,~ibit "A~, a~a~ ~o this License: , WHEREAS, Section 21.04.050 of City Of Aspen Municipol Code (~eiegates t~e'authorJfy to the Cb Engineer to grar, t encroachment licenses, WHL;~EAS, ASPEN agrees to ne grant of a pfi~a[e li~nse of ercroachmer~t as built subjec[ b ce;rain ~it;ms THEREFORE, In ¢ons~em:~on of the mural ~r~ment herinafter confined, ASPEN and Licensee ~nant a~ agree folbws: 01. A re-cable license ~ hereby ~ranted b gben~ 1o ~ccupy, m~in~in and u~ze ~e above described po~on of pub~ ~ht-of. way ~r lhe PU~oses des~bed. 02. This license is granted for a specific use and within a spec/fled term, a.=. checked above, subjecl fo be/n9 terrnina[ed at any ,time and lot any reason a~ ~he .Sole discretion cf the City Engi..~eer of,.he City of Aspen. 03. This license shall be s~bordinate to the right of A~PEN to use said area for any public purposes. 041 Licensee is responsible for the mainLenance arid repair of the public right-cf, way, together wi~h improvemen,.s cons~cted therein, w~.i~ ASPEN, in~ the exerc.;se o~ ils c~iscre!ioR shall de{ermine id be ~ecesSary lc, keep the".~i'~'e 'i'fi - a sai'e and cie.an condition. The Licensee shall obtain right-of, way and Bu~ding Pan'ail as rc-'quL,-ed by lhe City for apy 'work to be performed in the public rfght,of-way with design apl3'¢vais f~ su~ wo,'l< obtained from the E'~ginee'in9 Licensee any improvement dist~ fenced.for the Page: 1 of' 4 , 03/19/2004 10:27A sI._vI~ DAVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 21.00 D 0.00 FEB, 26, 2004 10:,3!~A~MA~' MASON MORSE ~ " ..... """" "", ",,-',:,, ,.,,,,,,,~:~,.~u ,NO. 7128 P.,4 vu..;' ,/u P ~ .~.Jfntn public dc~ht-oi-way. Shall at a!i ~irTies during the ~e~m hereof, cam/pubilc liadilJty insur2~,ce for the benefit' of the C~' with tim~t.~ of not less' lllan thcse sp~tied by Sec~Jor] 24-10-114, C,R.$,, (cun'e~tly $150,,~0g pet person and $80g,CC,0 per occurrence) as may be amended from lime lo time, naming the City as "Adrl~.tioflel l#~uted". 36. ~ n ' ' . .... L. Jce. i ?e s,h~ll r?nte,n.sald pu.b~ic hab~,'ity msurance coverage in MI force and effect dud.'n ~he ~ oft" ' sna, Turn~) [ne C;h' wi - . , . g m~ L~cense and .. ·: most currenl c~rt~i:ale ofs,~ch =overage evidencing it~ vat dity. Al( insurance pof~'es main:ai.,~e,J ~ursu~nt to this eFeemenl' shall ccntain e,~ foJlowing endor~em~I: "/~ i~ hereby understood ~nd agreed that (hi~ insurance ~/icy m~y notre ¢~n¢eled by the surety untii thirty ~3¢'~ ~ey~ receipt by the City, by registered mail, of a written notice of such intentlor~ to cancel or nc,~ to anew. , he Ucensee shal! s~ow l;~oof of thi~ insamnce to he City before this agreement is ~ed. )?. (Jcensee agrees to in,'Jemnify a~ hod hermle,,~ the City d Ascen, its cfflcers, employees, insurers, and self-insure,Ice, from an~ against,ll liability, claims, an{ demands, ~ account of ~n~ry, Iqss, or damage, includiPg ~thc~.~ l'.m,talion claims m'ising from bodily Jniur/, death, propeAy loss or :lamages, or a.~y other i~$S Of any kind whatsoever, which ou~ of, er are in en¥ manner connecled ~./~ this ~icense, if ~.u~ ir, ju~/, J~ss, or damage ls r. au~e{ ir~ whole or tn part, by, or [.~ claimed ~ be ceJsecl in whole or part by tbs act. omission error, professional error, re:stake, negligence, Or other f of tic. see. Licensee agrees to investigate, handle, respond tO, and ~o ?rovide ~erense for and defend against, ~y such liszt[Jr, C. c!aJnl or c)eme,'~¢s at ~he sole expense of r, he licensee or: a~ ~ne oplfo~ of the Ci~ of Aspen, licensee egress zo Cay C. it)' cf Aspen or reimburse City of Aspen fOr Lhe defense costs (ncurred by the City cf Aspen in ¢oqrlect~ wil~, an7 ...uch liabi~ily, claims, or Cemencls, T.qe ~censee also ag~es (o bear ~II other ~s~s a.q,; expenses ~elat~ [hereto, i,",~k,'Oing c~ud costs and attorney fees, whether or,')ol any, such liabiri[¥, claims, or Uemancl.~ aIleged are gmundle~, faise or This license may be [ermina[ec~ by Licensee at any time and for any reason i'dlowhg deiivery of ~ writ. lan no~it;e of Licer)see'~ int~nl Io ca.'lcel. ASPEN may terminate this license at any °' · , L..ice. i'~.see shal~ et Licensee's expense, remove any improvemen~ ,~me and ,or any reason. Upor~ ~rmi~or~, snel. be ~'esto~ed jo a ~ndition sa~isfacto~ tc AS~EN or encroachments from said ~ro~eAy. The )9. Th~ license is subje~ to ail slale laws, ~e prcvis~nS Of ~e Cheer of the City of Aspen ~ ~t ~ exJs~ ~ h~re&fter b~ amended, and ~e ordinaries of ~e Ci~ of Aspen nOW I~ e~ect or !;~cse which may hereafter ~ e~opted.: tO. A]o:~ing heroin shall be construed so ~ lo provera Aspen ~rom granling such addfi~nal lJ~nses or P~pe~ in,rests 1 I. ~e con,irises here~[ ~mo~ed on ~e g~n[ed ~icense of encroachmen~ shal~ ~ns~[ute covena~ runnin~ with the land, and binding upon Licensee. In any legal ~ction to enforce attorneys f~s, 13, If/P.e siructure for which Ibis license was issued is remc,,,,~d for any reason, Licensee shall not ccr,;:: ...~ lo rebu~lfl in. tlqe put)lJc ~J~oht,,of-way. The ~ub~ic rign~,<)f, way :s for the genera! public benefi{, and it is nol for occuD.-.,:,.:, o~ ¢onstraclion of encroachm~:s. '14. The licensee waives any and ~lt ¢[eim~ agamr~i the City of Aspen for toss or damage to Lhe imprc',e-~en~ const~dcL~d ' wi~in {he encroachment are~. --_ · ~lS-g,~O-50e0 '. Page: 2 of' 4 03/19/2004 10:27~q SILVIA DAVIS PITKIN COUNTy CO R 21 .00 D 0.00 ~eminate and canc~ ~ Under hese c~/Cums[~c~, lhe Licensee ~hsll msim t~ dgh{~f, way under ~e e~men~ ~ndi~ons tmmedla[ely end in acco~ance ~ the la,est Engin~dng Detain[ s~dards for impro,~ements cf ~bl[c ~ht ot way. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. ~e pa~i~ executed this agreement at, ASPEN the day and yaar ~rst ~en. STATE OF T~{ [otegoing Jnsbumenl was ~k~dged ~bre me his ~PPRO VA~ CO~l :ITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO Page: 3 of" 4 SILVIA DAVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO 03/19/2004 10:27R EXHI BI T "A" NCROACHMENT 1 CENSE FOR ~ TRASH ENCLOSURE 7.2' INTO STREET R.O.~V. BY 7.0' WIDE LOTS H AND I. BLOCK 27. CITY AND TOWNSITE OF ASPEN ADDRESS: 501 WEST SHUGGLER ST. 9184 BELOW CONCEETE / 2 STORY. WOO~/FRAME HOUSE RED CAP 1512g / / / / / ENCROACHMEN' LICENSE FOR WOOD FENCE 0,2' INTO ALLEY R.O.W. BY 60.0' WIDE ~Z Oc~ FENCE$--~ (TYPICAL} ') RED CAP 16129 / / / / / - / / / / / ALUM DISK 16128 SCALE I0 20 / ASPEN SURVEY ENORS. 210 S. GALENA STREET ASPEN. COLO. 81611 job ,o. 33283 DEC. 29 2003 03/~ 9/2004 10:27A S1LVIA DAVIS PITKIN COUNTY CO R 21.00 D 0.00 J