HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrants Steering Committee Charter 1 Updated Grant Steering Committee Charter The Grants Steering Committee serves as the liaison between Aspen City Council, City staff, and other advisory committees to ensure that City Council direction is being implemented in the most efficient, fair, and consistent manner possible. The Steering Committee works with City staff to implement policy changes that align with Council goals, makes funding recommendations to City Council, and sets strategic priorities in conjunction with City Council. Grants Steering Committee Structure: The Steering Committee selects members as needed for advisory grant review committees such as Arts and Culture Grants; Community Nonprofit Grants; and Health and Human Services (HHS) Grants. In the event that a new advisory review committee is needed, the Steering Committee is authorized to create such a committee. Each Review Committee will have access to a dedicated member of the steering committee as an advisor. Steering Committee Arts and Culture Review Committee Community Nonprofit Review Committee Health and Human Services Review Committee 2 Updated Grants Steering Committee Guiding Principles: Members of the Grants Steering Committee will:  Learn and reflect the needs and priorities of the Aspen community  Work to ensure that grant programs have the greatest community benefit possible  Communicate effectively with the grantee community and the community at-large  Voluntarily disclose and communicate timely conflicts of interest  Value the knowledge and perspectives of fellow committee members  Commit to transparent decision-making  Maintain objectivity Grants Steering Committee Member Terms: The Steering Committee shall consist of five (5) community representatives. The Grants Steering Committee members will be appointed by City Council, per Ordinance No.2, Series of 2023. The Grants Steering Committee will then appoint the Review Committee members. In the initial year, representatives will be appointed to terms of differing lengths.  1 - member will be appointed to a one-year term  2- members will be appointed to two-year terms  2 members will be- appointed to three-year terms Thereafter all members shall be appointed for terms of three years. No member shall serve more than two consecutive full three-year terms. The member appointed to the one-year term may serve two consecutive three-year terms after the initial appointment. The term of office of each member of the Steering Committee shall expire on June 30 of the year of the expiring term. Members shall continue to serve until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. No member shall be eligible for appointment to more than two consecutive full terms of office; but any former member shall be eligible for appointment to the committee one year after that member ceased to serve. Grants Steering Committee Composition, Terms, and Rules of Ethical Conduct The City believes its grant programs can bring the most value when a variety of residents, representative of nonprofit service providers, and subject matter experts are involved with grant programs. In selecting committee members, the City will attempt to involve a rich mix of people whose experiences and background will work synergistically in assessing and awarding grants. The majority of the Grants Steering Committee members will also serve on a Review Committee in an advisory, non-voting role. Each Grants Review Committee will have at least one Grants Steering Committee member. A quorum is met when 50 percent or more of the committee members are in attendance. 3 Updated Grant Steering Committee members shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 2.02. - Rules of Ethical Conduct, of the Aspen Municipal Code. Consistent with or in addition to, Grant Steering Committee members shall not: 1. Disclose or use confidential information acquired as a Committee member in order to further their personal financial interests. 2. Disclose or use confidential information acquired in the course of their membership as an attorney-client communication from the City Attorney or other counsel retained by the City without the consent of the City Council. 3. Participate in or vote on matters before the Committee if the person: a. Has a substantial or financial interest or is affiliated with one or more of the organizations, businesses, or non-profits in the pool of applicants for any given grant fund, b. Has an immediate family member that has a substantial or financial interest or is affiliated with one or more of the of the organizations, businesses, or non-profits in the pool of applicants for any given grant fund. 4. Accept a gift of substantial value or a substantial economic benefit tantamount to a gift of substantial value which would tend to improperly influence a reasonable person in their position to depart from the faithful and impartial discharge of their duties, or a reasonable person should know under the circumstances is primarily the purpose of rewarding them for action he or she has taken as a Committee member.[1] Whenever the provisions of this section require a Committee member to disclose an interest, the procedures set forth in Section 2.02.050 of the City of Aspen Municipal Code shall apply. The officers of the Steering Committee will be comprised of a Chairperson, who shall serve for a period of one year. The Chair shall help City staff prepare the agenda and preside at all meetings. Grants Steering Committee Member Selection Process: The City Council shall appoint the Steering Committee members. The City will offer an invitation to the community and may individually approach prospects who appear to have the aptitude and interest to serve on the Steering Committee. The City will consider all applicants, who will be asked to complete a simple application form. In recruiting members, City Council may delegate the recruitment activities but retains the final decision-making authority on whom to appoint. The City Council, at its sole and absolute discretion, has the authority to ask a committee member to resign or leave the committee or remove any committee member. If there is a vacancy on the Grants Steering Committee, City Council shall appoint a member to fill the term as soon as possible. [1] Gifts of substantial value and substantial economic benefit tantamount to a gift are defined in Section 2.02.030 of the Aspen City Municipal Code 4 Updated Grants Steering Committee Member Qualifications: To be considered for service on the grants steering committee a person must: • A majority of members must reside in the City of Aspen for at least one year prior to appointment. The remaining members must reside in Pitkin County for at least one year prior to appointment. • Demonstrate knowledge of the community and on matters pertaining to at least one of the City’s Grant Programs and objectives. • No member of the City Council, Mayor, or an appointed official shall serve on the committee. Grants Steering Committee Responsibilities: The Steering Committee provides guidance to help assure that strategic grant funding priorities reflect and align with the City’s mission, priorities and desired outcomes. As such, it collaborates closely with City staff and City Council to understand and incorporate those priorities into grant program goals and review criteria. The Steering Committee also selects Grant Review Committee members. It helps solicit potential members, reviews committee member applications, and appoints committee members. Ongoing training will be provided for the Steering Committee on topics relevant to its functioning, such as awareness of overarching city priorities. There will be mandatory orientation training for new members of the Steering Committee. Additionally, regular attendance is required of Steering Committee members. Finally, the Steering Committee may make recommendations to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and outcomes of the City’s grants programs. The Steering Committee does not assess individual grant applications, except in cases where an appropriate advisory committee does not exist to review such applications. The Steering Committee does work with City staff to aggregate these assessments into appropriate funding recommendations for the consideration of City Council.