HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.cclc.021624 1 ANNUAL MEETING AGRICULTURAL MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 2024 Chairman Jeff Armstrong opened the meeting at 11:45. Agricultural Board Members in attendance: Co- Chair, Jeff Isaacson, David Sutula and Emma Goddess of Zephyros, Peter and Carol Forte of Forte Farms, Lisa Nieslanik of Okagawa Farms, Guy and Lynn Borden of Borden Farms, Ryan Gannaway of Elk Mountain Farmacy, Patrick Banks and Mariah Foley of ACES, and Casey Piscura of The Farm Collaborative. CCLC Members in attendance: Terry Butler, Kiki Raj, Bill Dinsmoor Other attendees: Nicole Henning, City Clerk and Kathy Strickland, Aspen Saturday Market Manager Ms. Strickland gave some updates and said the old city hall will not be open for bathroom use this next summer because the chamber will be moving in so we will have two porta potties in the alleys instead. She said the City Clerk will split the cost with the market. Mr. Armstrong asked for the minutes for approval from last year. Ms. Henning said she will email them out. Mr. Armstrong said they will speak about the nonprofits first. We allow them to be in attendance, but as a non-voting entity. They can speak like everyone else but are just non-voting. He asked them to email their certificate of non-profit to Ms. Strickland to have on file. They will now vote on the new vendors from last year. Ms. Strickland said the mushroom person on Hyman did not reapply. The board spoke about asking Matteo of Toadstool Traditions to sell someone else’s mushrooms as well. Ms. Gannaway entered the meeting 11:59. Ms. Strickland said Matteo grows all of his mushrooms. Mr. Armstrong noted that the mushroom booths were quite busy. Ms. Raj said she would like more information from Peak Microgreens from Gypsum. RETURNING VENDORS: The Stone Fruit Company – Ms. Strickland said they did well. Ms. Raj said the peaches are tough if it’s their only offering. Mr. Armstrong said they were supposed to be every other week and ended up coming every week to fill the space and it affected his sales. Mr. Borden said he didn’t notice a difference in his peach sales. Mr. Armstrong said it’s a conflict of interest for him because it did affect his sales. They have a nice-looking product. Mr. Borden said if it’s affecting sales, he would say no. Mr. Armstrong said it’s not a trial anymore. Everyone agreed they should all have different items. Ms. Strickland noted that Gwen with Rancho Duranzo said she doesn’t have a problem with Stone Fruit but no more peaches as she was also down in sales last year. Mr. Armstrong said to table it until they look at all of the vendors until the end of the meeting. The board spoke about cherries and how many of the trees were destroyed. There are not a lot of cherries around. Ms. Forte said they don’t grow cherries because they just break your heart. 2 ANNUAL MEETING AGRICULTURAL MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 2024 Peony Lane – Ms. Strickland said they reapplied and he did well for his first year. She said he needs to get a little more umph with his display, but he will get there. He is a good salesman. Mr. Isaacson motioned to approve; Ms. Raj seconded. All in favor, motion carried. Zimmerman Pork – Berkshire pork. Ms. Strickland said they received good feedback. Ms. Foley said it’s nice to have more meat vendors. She thinks its really great to have them. Ms. Gannaway said Rick grows a lot of her veggies as well and she said he is awesome. Mr. Isaacson motioned to approve; Ms. Gannaway seconded. All in favor, motion carried. Lazy Ewe 2 Bar Goat Dairy – Ms. Strickland said they were by the Elks and had 20 feet. They are requesting the same this year. Mr. Armstrong a said Jumpin Goat doesn’t have their production back up. Ms. Raj said she didn’t think that they did that great of a job, and the display was sparse, but the goat cheese was good. We do not have anyone else doing goat cheese. Ms. Strickland said she had some issues communicating with them. Getting answers for this meeting was difficult as to what type of beef they will be selling. She said she would like to put them on probation for another year. Ms. Raj asked if they should have a smaller booth. The Jeffs said they will reach out to them. Mr. Isaacson suggested 15 ft. Ms. Foley said she likes having another egg vendor at the market as well. Mr. Banks said ACES also has lamb, but we can always use more. The board agreed they can have 20 ft but to let them know it was too sparse. Jeff Isaacson motioned to approve them for another year on another trial basis, more presentable and more product. Ms. Borden said to remember they are ranchers and Ms. Foley said it’s hard to display frozen products. Mr. Dinsmoor asked about electricity and refrigeration and asked if it is hindering having more meat and frozen products. Ms. Strickland said they did get a couple more outlets, but she doesn’t know if it’s a barrier. Mr. Isaacson said he would be happy to speak with someone at the city about adding more infrastructure for the safety of their food products. Mr. Borden seconded Mr. Isaacson’s motion. All in favor, motion carried. NEW APPLICANTS: Juno Farms – freeze dried items. Fields of Glory Organic Farm – CBD hemp – Ms. Strickland said she doesn’t think we need this as there are so many pot shops already in town. Delectameti Eats – Andrew Lloyd – microgreens, beets brocc, kolrabi, etc. Peak Microgreens – Gypsum – They are asking for 30 feet, but they would give him 10. Moon Hill Dairy – Ms. Gannaway said they are a nice couple but a little messy. They need a couple more years of smaller market experience. 3 ANNUAL MEETING AGRICULTURAL MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 2024 Ms. Strickland said they have 30 feet available. The board agreed on Juno Farms for 10 ft. with freeze dried items only. They also approved Peak Microgreens for 10 ft. Ms. Gannaway motioned to approve; seconded by Mr. Isaacson. All in favor, motion carried. Ms. Strickland said she will notify the other applicants that they did not get in. Mr. Isaacson motioned to deny Stone Fruit from entry into the market on the basis of the market being flush with peaches and cherries; Ms. Raj seconded. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. Armstrong said that Abundant Farms is adding honey. Ms. Goddess motioned to approve honey; Mr. Isaacson seconded. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. Isaacson said he wants the market to end at 3:00 p.m. Ms. Nieslanik said 2:00 is best for the farmers. ACES said they strongly oppose 3:00. Mr. Armstrong said the worst weather is in the afternoon. Ms. Strickland motioned to keep chair and vice chair as is; Ms. Butler seconded. Both Jeffs said they are good with that. All in favor, motion carried. Ms. Foley said she would like Snap accepted at this market. There are grants that would pay for additional staff necessary. Mr. Banks said Aspen is the only market in the valley that doesn’t have this program. We need to make this more accessible and less elitist. This will require extra work but it’s a good thing to have and it’s only for produce. Mr. Armstrong said they do this in Telluride, which is a similar demographic to Aspen. Ms. Raj wondered if CJ with environmental health with the city may be the right direction. Ms. Henning said she can connect him with Ms. Foley. Mr. Isaacson motioned to adjourn; Ms. Nieslanik seconded. All in favor, motion carried at 1:52 p.m. _______________________ City Clerk, Nicole Henning