HomeMy WebLinkAboutLanduse Case.CO.121 E Hyman Ave.A011-01 1""\ CASE NUMBER PARCEL ID # CASE NAME PROJECT ADDRESS PLANNER CASE TYPE OWNER/APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE DATE OF FINAL ACTION CITY COUNCIL ACTION PZ ACTION ADMIN ACTION BOA ACTION DATE CLOSED BY n / A011-01 2735-124-71003 121 & 123 E, Hyman Condominiumization 121 & 123 E, Hyman James Lindt Condominiumization RK Land and Cattle Garret Brandt Plat Recorded 6/1/01 J, Lindt I""', ('"\ t"') r) CHARLES T. BRANDT & ASSOCIATES, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW CHARLES T, BRANDT (1939.2001) US BANK BUILDING 420 EAST MAIN STREET, SUITE 204 ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 TELEPHONE: (970) 925-5196 FAX: (970) 925-4559 E-MAIL: mbf@rof.net BASALT OFFICE: GARRET S, BRANDT MICHAEL FEIGENBAUM 132 MIDLAND AVENUE, SUITE 4 BASALT, COLORADO 81621 TELEPHONE: (970) 925-5196 FAX: (970) 925-4559 PETER S, DELANY, LEGAL ASSISTANT MEMORANDUM TO: Joyce Ohlson, Community Development FROM: Peter Delany ib DATE: 06/14/01 SUBJECT: Ute West Townhomes Plat and Declaration After our phone conversation yesterday, I located the attached memorandum dated February 9, 2001 from James Lindt at your office. He had already reviewed a draft of the Ute West Townhomes plat, and the attached mylars have incorporated his requested changes, Please forward these materials on to him, if appropriate, During our call, I referred to Resolution No, 98-20, To clarify, Resolution 98-20 by the Planning and Zoning Commission (copy attached) approved the two Accessory Dwelling Units located on Lots A and B, respectively, As indicated by Mr, Lindt's memorandum, approval by City Council of the Plat is not necessary, as this essentially a boundary adjustment to Lots E and F, Block 69, Aspen, The Deed Restrictions for the two Accessory Dwelling Units have been executed, and were dropped offwith Cindy Christiansen at the Housing Office today, If the plat are acceptable, please have it executed by your department and the engineering department, and then record the plat and the enclosed declaration at the Clerk and Recorder's office, As we discussed, the person who does the recording will need to complete the blanks, where indicated, on both the plat and declaration, during the recording process, Please call me with any questions, Thank you for your help, AUG. 16.2000 1 : 27PM STEWAR~rTLE ASPEN NO,524 ~ y -. Pct.ZRt.50lutfon 98-.t20 Pogo I RESOLU'l'lON OF TIm ASPEN PLANNING AND ZONlt(G COMMISSION FOR THE APPROVAL 01" A CONllrrxOI'iAL USE FOR TWO (Z) ACcESSORY nWli)LUNG UNITS ON 123 eAST HYMAJI! A VltNVE (LOTS E AND:e, BLOCK 69. CITY AND TOWNSlTIIl OJ! ASPEN), CITY OF ASPEN Resolution 98- ,;(0 WBlmEAS, The CotnmtlllilY o.velopmellt Depm1menl reeelved .n 'ppliealion from !lavi".Hom. rne, on behalf ofRR Land ""d Conle Co,. own.,., for. CondiliolUll UQe ~iew of two (2) below.grade ^eee,soty Dwelling Unil1l h.vlnB :rpproxim:uo'y four hundrod eighty (480) squ.... feet llaOh: and WBElU:A8, pq""anl to Soclion 26.40.090 of the Aspen Municipal Code, Acoessory Dwelling Unilll msy be approved by me Planning and Zoning Commission as Condillonol Us.. in conformanoe with the requjtem~nts of said Seotlon~ and WHl!REAS. the Hou.ing 0Nlce, City Engineering. City Zonins, SllIlil111ion. 'nd lb. CommtUlity Devolopment Department reviov.-od the propoanl and recommended l!pproval with conditionsi llnd WlmRJUS, a public hearing, which was legally noticed) was held at a rcgulll.r meeting. of the Planning and Zoning Commi.mon on July 21. 1998, and continue~ 10 P:ugUSt 4, 1998 at whic:b time tho Commia3ion approved by a 7-0 veto the Conditional U,e for Ul0 t23 Ihst Hyman Avenuo Accessory DwellIng Uci'ts with the conditions recommended by thD Community Developmen, Depanmetlt ilS omended, NOW, THERlll'ORl1. BE 1'l' I!ESOLVPJ) by the Commission: The Conditional Use for two (Z) below-wade Accessory Dw.Uing Units containing approximalely 480 .quare feo' eae:!) and .ttaehed to the eo~pondinB reni<lence, on Lots E 'nd F. Block 69. City and TOWllsjte of Aspen ia approved with the following condi~o",: l. Prior to the issuanoe of any building pennilS the applicant shaU: a. Verify wilh me Housins Offic. that the net IIvoble floor llIl!' of eneh Accessory DwaUIng Unit will be between 300 ",d 700 square feet. and the units shall be lotally priv~ta, having private entrances and no rooms (i.e., mechanical roomS', etc.) that mish! neod to be .ocossed by peOple in the principle renidences; b, VerifY with tlu: Housing Omee that eoch ADU will conraln a kitchen hovins a minimum of a two-burner stove with Ovon. stan<:brd sink, and a 6.oubic foot reftiseralot pi"" ftcozer: e, Provide the HOusing Office Wim a .Igned ond recorded Doed Restrletion, a copy of whiob must be obtained from lit. Housing Office. fqr each of the two ADUa; d, Clearly idcntiiy tbe Aeeessory Dwelling Unit> (ADUs) on building permit plana .a soparatl: one-bedroom ,unita; e. Provide a mmi,nunl or one otf'..atrect perking space for each ADU. IUld indicate these delllgnatod parking spaces on the tinal plall5: t. lnatall any new ~urf_ utili~l... requiring a pedestal Or other above ground equipment on on eilS.ment provided by the property owner .nd not within tho public rlghts-of- way: ~!Ws'm~'!~'JJll' 1~1~1~11~IJl~ 1!'l~I'1 1 e' 3 ~ 11.N 0 a,ae N e.ae PiTKiN CCIJNTy CO ~ '---. .. -..."....-- P.2/4 AUG. 16,2000 1 : 27PM STEWART~LE ASPEN """" NO. 524 p,3/4 P4l\ I\mlution 91~ Poac2 g. 1.ocate any additional proposed COMlllCtion. including tr~h facilities. in such . way thar it do.. nOI encroach into en exillling utility eaacment or publio rigbt.oMv.Y; h. Agree to join any f\nure impl'OvCll\et1t districl(s) which may he fonned for the puzpose of constrlloting improvements in lllljacent pphlio rishts-of-wey; the agreement shell be oxecuted and recorded concurrently upcn approval of this applicationi i, Submit working drawings to vorify ,II hclgh~ Sothaok. ond flOOr arce calculaticn.. as well o.lot siz. and IOI4tCa calculations; j. COl\1plete and rocord a Sidewalk, Curb & Getter Agreement; k. A tap pertnil(s) mullt he completed e!lhe oIDoe or the Aspen Consolideted Saoitation Distriot; payment oflbe total conneotion charges shall be mede prior to tho i!.!Uonee of a building permit; I. If the building is found to contain 5,000 square feet or more of living area. epproval end installalion of an automatic Ilre 'upp",ssion sy>tem will be rcquind; m. Vedfy that tho proposed plans fOr the ADUs will comply with all UIlC requlremen" Ineludins but eOllimited to those eddros.lng nallJtallight and ventiletion standards, es well as sound anenulllion walls between eoeh ADU and tho principal residences; and, n. Submit building permit drllwi"8' which indicate oil utility moter locorioll3; utility motor I""ations must be occossibl. for reeding and may no~ be obstructed by trash SlOroge. Tho pi.... muSt el.c indicato a fivo (5) foot wide pedestrian usoble 3pllco with. five ($) fOOt wido buffer for snow .t<>rogo, 2. Prior to the issuance of. Ccrtiilcate of OccuplUlcy (CO), tho .pplic,nt .h.lI: .. Submit ....built drowlngs of the project .howlng property lines. building footprint, iSascmonts, any encroachments, ontry point!! for utilitios entering th~ propeny boundari.. and any other improve",enl9 to the AspeolPitkin County Information Systems Department in aecOldance with City GIS r-cqulre",ents, if .nd when, any exterior renov.tion or remodeling of tho plOpen:y noCUrs that "'quires 0 bUilding penni~ b, JI\SlaJI sidewalks, curb., glItt:ro, and a livo (S) foot wide buffer space betwccn thc w.lk and cuth. meeting the standards of the City Engineering Depal1lllCllI; tho existing drivew.y clll"\> cut mllSt be I'llmoved and repl,eed with full helshl ClIrb and Buttor; and, c. Permit Community Development Depllrtn)ent, Engineering lUld Housing Offi.. "aff to Inspecl tho property 10 determine COmpli.nce with the conditions of OPplOvol. 3. In tho event required, tho applicant l'Jl\lSl reccivo 'pproval from, . '!'be City Engineer for design of improvemonts. including landsc'ping, within publio rights-of.way: , . Th. Parks Departmell1 for vegetation spoeles. tree remoV1lI, andlor publiolnliJ disturbances; . The S~ra Dcpanmont for mailboxes and strm outs; and, , '/'be Community Development Dep.rtmenuo obtain permits for any work or development, including hll1dsc.pl~g, wltllin the publio righto-of.\V1ly, 4. Prior to the 18S1lence OfllllY building perml!:!. . review of any proposed minor changos from tho opprov.is, 0; sell\mh hOlOin. sholl be mado by lhe PI.nning .nd EngincCTing Dcpllrtn)onts, or referred baek to the Planning and Zoning COmmission. S, The,.pplicont .h.1I provide a reof overhang or other .ufficient mc.ns of PlOvonling snow from,fajllng on both the Stalrwa~ le.dlnglO the door and the a"" In ffOntofthe dcors to tho ADU.; suffieient means ofjmvonting icing orthe stairway is also required. 6. !'tior to the issuance of oay building penn'... any needed tree romoV.I,PCTmlt(.) must be obtained flOm th~ p.,ks Deportment for "'lY troe(s) <hot is/are tc be rcmovad or relocated ~~~sll!'I~~~II'UlmlIlW1IJ ~R~III 2 a' 3 II 11.1N 0 I,IN N 8.8a '%'ll<%N CllllllTY eo AUG. 16,2000 STEWART ~~E ASPEN 1"'\ NO.524 1 : 28PM P.t.ZRc&oMJon ~~ P.t.) (including scrub oak> oftlm:o (3) inches Or grcalor); 0190, no exca..tlon can occur wltllln the ~rlpll",,<lflh.Il"C(') to 1lc pn:oo..o<i and no ,to"';o of fin "'01.&';01 con oecllr within thislthellC dripline(s). 7, The site development must meel the runoff design Standarda of tho Land Use Code at Section 26,88.040(C)(4)(f), and the building pOl'll1it application must include a drainag. lllitiflQllon plan (funailO - 24" ~ 36") snd report, bolb aigned and ,tompod by an engl..or registered in the Statu of Colorado. 8. Th. AnUs shan not be entitled to any On"Sll'OeI sue't parking passes. Primary on-stroot perkinl! passes for the ADUs will no ponnitted only Ifth. units IlI'O rentO<!, 9. There sball bo no interint connections nr donrwaya bernteen .ilbor of the AnUs and eithel of tit. prin'ipa' ....iden~. Cl!>inl! from "'0 AnU 10 tlte other, or from one ADU to either of the principal re.i<fonOp.!l shall requi", going ou",ide the bUlldlng(s). 10. All materiall'CPl'ssntatlonl mads by th. applicant in ,thi. appUeation aM during publio m..tings with the Planning and Zonin{J Commbslon ,hall be adho",d to Ind .holl be colUid'red oonditions of approval, unlo.. odlOTWi,e omended by an entity baving outhority to do so. APnOVED bYlhe Cnmmission at i"!'!SllIar.,Ill~n9.op MSII,st4, 1998, ;'1,.1'i! r" t., ) ~; .... i . , . : ~',. ,.,... -, . /'" t. }. APPROVlm AS TO FORM: i~IJ!.: LL'~ ; " \.I(~ t I '..:1, i ..' . , .;" ~:r;~,;\ f ~ ~ '" . '. il..., Altost: PlJmDbl~ ond Zonbg Comllli..I..: ;;auv~ Sa,. Gorton. Chsirpmon City Clerk l!l!lmm~UI~!~llg'~llm!llljlt~11 3 .r 3 R t.... 0 Mill N e.. ~%TIC%N COUNTY co P.4/4 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: COMMENTS: r"l ~ MEMORANDUM PI~ere routed to those departments checked-off below: ~.........., City Engineer o ....,...... Zoning Officer o .........., Housing Director 0.........., Parks Department o '..'......' Aspen Fire Marshal o .........., City Water o ..........' Aspen Consolidated Sanitation District o ........... Building Department o .........., Environmental Health o .........., Electric Department o ....,..'.., Holy Cross Electric o ........... City Attorney o .........., Streets Department o .........., Historic Preservation Officer o ....,..,.., Pitkin County Planning James Lindt, Planning Technician Community Development Department 130 So, Galena St.; Aspen, CO 81611 Phone-nO,5104 Fax-nO,5439 123 E, Hyman Condominiumization Parcel ID #2735-124-71-003 January 29,2001 No DRC required unless engineering requests it. Please return comments to me by February 12th, Thank You, James Lindt .-.. f') ~j5iq0 ./ . MEMORANDUM To: James Lindt, Planner From: Richard Goulding, Project Engineer Date: February 9, 2001 Re: 123 E Hyman Condominiumization 1, The trash storage is not shown on the PLAT 2, Snow storage areas need to be shown on the PLAT 3, Dedicate private parking for all individual units to be condominiumized 4, Letters From the public or private utility companies that will service the proposed condominiumization on how the services will be continue, Reference to where these documents can be found be printed on the drawing 5, As the combined floor area of the structure exceeds 5000sq ft the fire department requires that a sprinkler system be installed in the building 6, The following Certificates need to be completed: Owners Cert, Mortgagee's Cert, Title Cert, Surveyor's Cert, JUN-20-2000 TUE 09: 28 AM - FAX NO. .("\ j'U? ~Q"J p, 01 PLANNER: PROJECT: REPRESENTATIVE: OWNER: TYPE OF APPLICATION: DESCRIPTION: CITY OF ASPEN PRE.APPLlCATION CONFERENCE SUMMARY Chris Bondon, 920,5072 DATE: Ce, W.co ~~ Subdivision exemption far CondOllliniumization Candominillmization of existing platted land and house Land Use Code Section(s) 26.480.090 Condominiumization 26.304 Development Review Procedures Review by: Starr for complete application, referral agencies for technical considerations, Community Development Director far linal approval. No. Engineering Planlling Flat Fee $265 Engineering $170 $435 Public Hearing: Referral Agencies: Planning Fees: Referral Agency Fees: Total Deposit: To apply, submit the following information: 1. Total deposit for review of the application, 2, Proof of ownership. 3. Applicant's name, address and telephone numbor in a Jetter signed by the applicant, which also slates the name, address and telephone number of the representative, Include street address and legal description of the pl'operty. 4, Summary letter explaining the request (existing conditions and proposed uses) and addressing the standards ofthe Land Use Code sections listed above. S. An 8 112" by 11" vicinity map locating the parcel within tbe City of Aspen. 6, Old (existing) plat if one exists. 7, Proposed plat from a registered land surveyor. Call City Engineer for plat requirements. 920.5080 8, Copies of pl'ior approvals (from City Clerk) 9, 2 Copies oftbe complete application packet (items 2-8) Process: Apply. Planner reviews case for completeness and sends to Engineering and referral agencies. 1.2 weeks later planner will COntact applicant with the suggestions from engineering for pl'eparalion of the Final Plat. The applicant's surveyor makes those cbanges and brings in 2 reproducible mylar copies to the planner. Planner reviews plat for consistency with Engineering suggestions and the Director appl'Oves, approves witb conditions, or denies application based on consistency with the review criteria and technical considerations. Plat is then signed by City Engineer, Applicant records the final plat at tIle County Clerk and Recorder (fee). 1"'\ f"1 CHARLES T. BRANDT & ASSOCIATES, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW CHARLES T. BRANDT US BANK BUILDING 420 EAST MAIN STREET, SUITE 204 ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 TELEPHONE; (970) 925.5196 FAX; (970) 925-4559 E-MAIL;cbrandt@rof.net BASALT OFFICE; GARRET S, BRANDT 132 MIDLAND AVENUE, SUITE 4 BASALT, COLORADO 81621 TELEPHONE; (970) 925-5196 FAX; (970) 925.4559 PETER p, DELANY, LEGAL ASSISTANT January 22,2001 Mr, Chris Bendon Community Development Department 130 S, Galena St. Aspen, CO 81611 Re: Application for Subdivision Exemption for Condominiumization Dear Chris; In response to your pre-application conference summary memorandum and the amendment application, this letter will provide the needed information for the condominiumization of a two unit duplex located on East Hyman Avenue, Information Requested for Application, As Outlined by Community Development: 1. Deposit for Review ofthe Application: Fee of$435,OO, attached, 2, Proof of ownership: The property is owned by RK Land & Cattle Company, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, This can be verified by the attached title commitment from Stewart Title of Aspen, Inc, 3, Applicant's name. address and telephone number in a letter signed by the applicant which states the name. address and telephone number of the Applicant's representative. including Street address and legal description of the parcel: Attached, 4, Summary Letter: This document. 5, An 8 12" by 11" vicinitv map locating the parcel within the City of Aspen: Attached, 6, Old (existing) plat if one exists: None, 7, Proposed plat from a registered land surveyor: Attached 8, Copies of prior approvals: Attached - Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 98-20, 9, 2 copies of complete application packet: Attached, I"') ~ Existing Conditions: Pursuant to valid building permits and Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 98- 20, the owner constructed two (2) residential townhomes and two (2) underground ADD's on the Property, Proposal: The Applicant requests that the residential structures be platted and approved for separate ownership under a common interest ownership structure, Conclusion: Applicant respectfully submits this application for approval of the plat for creation of a common interest community, Respectfully submitted, G(~MI;-------- Garret S, Brandt for Charles T, Brandt & Associates, P,C, MAY. 25. 2000 1:00PM ~~ART TITLE ASPEN " "" r") NO, 574 -P.2/6 SCllEDULE A Order Number: 00027169 I. EjfectivedlJte; Ap:ril 24, 2000 at 7,'0 A.II. 2, Policy or Policie$ to be is$wd: (a) ~.L.T..4. OwIIer'$ (St:andlU'd) Proposed III$U1Y!d.- TO BE DB2'1!:1UJINl:lJ AmoWlt qf 17ISU1'atICe $ !PBD (b) A.L, T.A. Mortg4gee '$ Proposed llISUred: $ (c) Leasehold PropoSed InsU1Y!d.- $ 3. 11Ie estate or imeren in the lfmd de$cribed or referred to ill this Commltmem tJ1Id covered herel1l is ~e.. s:i1!Jple 4. 1ftle to the fee lIimple e$tate or iIltere$t ill said 1011d is at the effective dtlte hereoJvened in: RK LiUfD Ii CA.!/!!l'U COHPANlf, llLe, A COLOllAOo LIHI:1!ED LZilSILI'l'lf COlfPANr 5. '!he lalld referred to ill this Commitmem ;$ described (U follows: Lots I: and P, Block 69, enr AND 7'OWNSZ'-'E OE ASPEN COUNTY OF PI!I'XIliT, SXME OF COL01lADo STA71!JIHNT Oli' CHARGES 'I7lest: <:harps are due 4nd pt/Yflble btf(lt'e d Policy "411 be h$/Wd. Owners P:remilUll $ !l'BD (IlE-ISBUB DIBCOt/N2' WILL APPLlf) S2EWART TITLE OF ASPEN, INC. 620 E. Hop1dns, Aspen, Co. 81611 Authorktd ..lllny MAY. 25. 2000 1:00PM ~ART TITLE ASPEN '''- SCIlEDULE B Section] ~ NO.574 -P.3/b OrderNwnber: 00021169 REQUlREMEN'D The following are the requirement$ to be complied With: Item (a) Payment to or jiJr the account of the grantors or mortgagon of the fiIlI consideration for the enme or intere$t to be buured. Item (b) Proper instrument(a) creallng the e$tate or intere$t to be Insured must be euctued and duly filedJor record. to wit: J. Rel.ase o:r D...d o:r :l'.rll'st dat..d S"ptemb..r 28, 1998, fI>tCICllt..d by IUC Land f C"ttl.. company, to the Pllbl.1., 2IZ'llate.. o:r Pitkin Cormty, to a...,ll..... an indebtedn..ss or $5,000,000.00, in Lava:r:- o:f Kentco Limit"d l'llrtne",sh.1p, an Illillois LJmi.tet1 Partnership, recorded Septemb..... 28, zg98 as Rec"ptiQn No. 422523. 2. rh.. :EOl!owillU is re'i/llir"d ",ith r"apeet to IUC Land & Catle COIIIpany, .. Colo"'"do limited liability company, 4. Satisract~y -idellce :fllrnished by th.. S..cretary o:r State in which .\rtid..s were t'ilfjd, cCI1Iri:ming thst said Lbnitfja L:/.abili.ty CClJIIpany is .in good standing. (i....., Cert.:i:t'ioate o:r GOOd Stand.ing, or OOpy ot' .\rti.c1..s or Or17ani:ratiCl1l b..a...i.ng :fil.. atamp :from the S"c;N>tary o:f Stat.e.) b. Copy ot th. ~tiole:r o:f Organizatiol2 oj! add Limi.t..d Lillbi.lity Company. c. Copy of the Op"ral:i.zlu Agre_nt ot' sOlid Limit"d Liability cOIIIpany. N02IE: I:t any Itanau-rs lI:r:-e th81lls"lv..s partn.....ships trusts, lbnited liability CO"lPan.ieB or COrporations, addit:l.onsl requ.i.nmrents 01.111 b.. n..c..ssary. 3. A. C..rti:t'icat" o:t non-Lorei.gn status, duly u..cut..d by the lIIellfjr(s), pur",uant to s..ction J,445 o:f the .Internal ReV"nue Code AND B. Sat.1fjraotory "vid~ce of th.. s"11..r(",) color"do r..sid~cy (= i.ncorporation) PUr..uant to Colo.....do Ho........ IJi.l1 92.J210. NO'.l'B: secti.on 1445 of th.. Int..rnal Rev..nu.. Cod.. re'lllires wit:1tholding of tu :tram sales proc....ds i.L th.. l:J!4ns:feror (Seller) is a for"i.gn pers"", or ..nt.1t.y. Colorado House Bill 92-1270 "'''y r..'lu.1... ",itllholding or tax fro", a418s proa....ds (lfoil.rplate RUE :!'RS SELLER(S) IS NO':' A COLORAllo 118SIDBN%'. DE'l'AILED INI'OR/lA!l'ro 1!'Qrms are .vai.~ltble from St"wart: riel... 4. Bv:/.d..nce ",at.1lllfactory to Stewart :Vi.tIe Guaranty Company, Ll1rni"'hed by t:h.. O:t:f.1ce of the D.irector of Finance, City o:f Jl"'pen, that tJI.. :tDllow.ing tUes hav.. been p4i-d, or that aonveyance is IiXfJlllpt :trom sa.id ta:<es, (1) !I'lle .Whe..l..r R..al E",tat.. 2Irans:f." :!'a>r" pl1rsu,mt to Ordinanc. No. 20 (Ser.1..", of 1919) and (2) !rll.. "Housinr/ R""l Estat.. rtriVls:ter rax" purallant to Ordillanc:e No. 13 (B..:dea o:r 19!JO). 5. D....d :from ".."'tell own..r, v..",t.ing r.... suple title in purohaser(s). MAY. 25.2000 1:01PM ~ART TITLE ASPEN 7i ';" . SClJEDUL'E B ' Section 2 t""""'\ , -/ NO. 574 P.4/5 Order Number: 00027269 EXCEP710NS 11Ie policy or policies to be iNsued Will C01Itain exceptiol/$ to the followblg unlm the Nfl11le' Q1'lI diltpONetl of to the satiifaction of the Comprmy: 1. Righu or claims ofparties ill ]J06aesSion, nor shown by the public recorda. 2. EasellWJtr, or cla/1//$ of eflS/!If/e1Its. 1/ot shown by the public records. 3. D/sCl'tpa1Icies, coTfllicts ill boU1l(/ary linea. Shortage in area. e1ICI'OQChmentN, and any facts which a correct swvey and inspectio1l of the premises would disClose alld which are nor shown by the publIc reCQrds. 4. Any lien, Or right to a lien. for sf!r\lic8s. labor or material heretofore or hereq/ter furnished, imposetl by law and 1Iot shown by the public records. 5. Defecta, llells, ellCUltlbrances. adwrae claims or other 11/QIters, if 411)', created,.firar ll]JJJearing in rile public records or Q#Qclling subsequent to the effective date hereof, but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon cowred by this C011I11IitmBllt. 6. Unp41e7lted mining claim.r.. reservationa or exceptions in patents. or 411 act authori:i1Ig the issuance thereof; Water rights claims or tide to Water. 7. Any and ul unpaid tues and asses_nts ll~d llny unrede8lll"d tu: sues. 8. Ji.':Jlcept:ions and reser~at:iOlls as set toreh in I:he Act authorizing the is...../I,IIc.. ~ t;he Patel'lt ror the City Md TOWllsit" or JlBpen recorded Harch 1., 1.897 in Sook 1.39 at: pags 21.& as Reoeption No. 601.56. 9. R..servations antt h""ptiolls liS set ::rorth in lleeds rrom t;1J" City o;f Asp"n, r"corded in Book 59 Ilt Page 80 and in Book S9 at pa.ge 286, pEovi.ding 4S ::roll"",a, "no tiUe Qul hereby be acguired to all)' mine at gOld, silver, cinabar, o~ copper Or to any vu1.d m:i.(ling clab1l or posssssio" beld under QUtlt::ing litws".. 1.0. TeZ'Zlls, cond.i..t1.onB, obligations and provisions of Declara.l:ion .o;f HQigh't: Restri"UoJ1 racordel1 Oc't:ober 26, 1.9B7 in Book 549 011: Page 1.69 as Reoilptio" NO. 291231. 1.1.. Thosil IlNltters sbo,,,, on the Emprovemlmt Location cilt't:Uicate by JIJIIpBil Survey .8ngineers, Inc. dat:ed Hay 1.5, 1.988; Job No. 181.il, re"orded NOVember 1.2, 1997 in Plat Book 44 at Page' as RilCeJll:1.on No. '1.()'68. 12. %lerllls, oondit:ions, obl.igat1.ons and Z'sstr.:ict.ions a... set ~ort;h in ReSOlution No, 98-20 by the JlBpen PlliUUling Md Zoning ColllllUssion recorded Sepl:smlzer 1.B, 1.998. as ReQilptioZl No. 422125. 1.3. 2'ilnns, cOIIditio"., obligal:ion.. and reatrictions '1111 S"I: forth in ReSOlution z.n"ro""h_nt L.i..oilnse by the c:.tty of ASpen nocord..d o'Tanuary 26, 1999 as Reception NO. 42&949. ' 1.4. Any 1..1"" t;hat ma.y attach upon vest1.tjg oE ti.t1.e in the party to ~e insurild. Conl:inued on next page MAY.25.2000 1:01PM ~WART TITLE ASPEN r, r-'! NO. 574-P. 5/b Continuation of Schedule B - Section 2 Onie~ NlurJbe~' 00027169 NOTE: ste'ilan: Title ot AsPM, lJJ'Jdlor St'"fart ri1:le Guaranty Company ne.ith~ aSl/ume, nOr w.ill be charged with lIIIY l:l.abil;i.ty under ell,is Comm:l.t:t'IIIent rmt:l.l sur;:h tilll8 as the name 'of the proposfld i..nsurlild 4(ld the al1/OlUlt ~ insurllllce ..re ",..d.. known to thfl ritle COJIIPlIIIy. N02'.8: PrOvided tl:I..t Stewart Titl.. of Aspen, Inc. reCOrds the d"clUllentl/ of conveyance in the propo"ed trM!IIaction the status Of title will be upd4ted trom the tim.. of ell.i..IiJ cOlIllIIit>llent to the tim.. ot sa:l.d reooni.i:rJg. It I/..:td 'lp/fat:e :r-e......ls inr:rorveJ'ling l:1.ens or chlUlgel/ in elle statlJs 01 saicl t:itl.. app:r-op~.iat.. ..ction,") will b" taken to diso:Zos.. or flliminat:. said CbAllge prior to the recording ot said doaWII.."ts. It said updat.. rev.als 110 ine..:r-ven:i12g lienll1 or chtlngell in the atatus ot title,E:lCoeption No.5 above will be d.leted. NO!t1il: POli.ci..s ill/tJue/f herflUlld.r wi.ll be "ubj..ct to exclUsi.on,. set: to.rt:h in the A1;.TA 1 !1!12 Pol.i.cy farm. POlicy.:racket, 'S..tting forell lIIa:l.d terms, condi.t:l.ons m..de ..vail able upon request. l:h.. t..rms, conditions, lIIId Copies of the 1!192 form 4(lcI exclusiolls, will be MAY. 25.2000 1:02PM ~RT TITLE ASPEN ~ NO. 574 P.6/6 . DISCLOSURli:S Pw:Iiuaalto C.R.S. 1(),.11-122, noti... is hereby !liven tbst; (A) (ll) '!'HE SUBJECT REAL PROl'BRTY MAY BE LOCATED IN A SPECIAL TAXING DlSTRICI'; A CERTlPICATB OF TAXES DUE LISTING EACH TAXING. JUlUSDICTlON SHAll. BE oBTAINED FROM THB COUNl'Y TREASURER. OR' '!'HE COUNTY TREASURER'S AUTHOIUZBD AGIlNr; INFORMATION REGARDlNG SPECIAL DISTlUCTS AND 'l'HE :aoUNDAIUBs OF SUCH DISTRICTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE BOARD OF COuNTt COMMISSIONBRS, THE! COUNTY CLBJU{ AND kECORDER, OR THE COUNTY ASSJlSSOR. (C) Note; Co1onIdo Division of IlIsu.lII\C. Ra.llUlatiOQll 3-5-1, PIIfII8l"lPll C of A:rtielo vn requin:s that "Ever,r till. "lllity llhaU be reBpOIlsible for aU matrMl which appear of tllCOrd prior to lbo Iinle of _dilqr w1t"llevef the title "IIIity eondllcts the clolmg Alld is t08JlOll$lblll for recordiAJ: at filiag of Illgal doctlmems reaqJliDg from tM tnmsllCtion which was clo~.. Provi4ed that Stewart Title of Asp"ll, Inc. COlld1lcls the c10siull of rhe i:asIu'lld tfllllllllCtion md i. respOllBible for recordmg the legal dOClllllmls from tbe kaQ&sction, exception llI1mber S will nOI appew; on the Owner's Tide Policy md lb. LeIlller'a Till. ~licy wIten i.sned. Note: AffinDlltive MacJwUc'. Li... PmtactiOll for Ibe Owl1er may be availablll (Iypically by de1etioll of Bxc:eption No. 4 of Sd1eduIe B. Section 2 of the Commitmenl from the Owner~s Policy to b. iuued) upon compliallce with rhe followitlll CODdilions: A. The Isnd deIlc:n"bed hi Scbadllle A of Ibis c:ommillllellt ""'" be a sillal. fanliIy ft'f$idence, which hlc1lldes II condominium at lowDbouse UlIiI. B. No labot or malerials have beep, fumillhad by mecllllUoa or materialmalt for PUJPOll8B of COIllllruclion 011 lb. Imd deaQibad hi Schedule A of Ibis Commitment within the past 6 months. C. The Compally ""'" nx:oive'lIIl sppropriale affidavit iademnifying lbo COIIIplmy 1Illainst UIIfiIecl IIIf"'hollic's snd material",ea's Ii""", D. The cOIIIplmy II1QSI nceive pa)'mCllt oflbe appmpriatll pnomium, E. If there bas been construction, improvements or lIlI\iat llBJlairs llIIderllken 011 the properly to be purcbaaad, within six !lIIl!dhs prior to the Dale of the Commilmelll. the 1IlQllir_ta to oblaill coverall' for UII1'8cordecl lillll8 wiU iuelude: discloSlltll of cerlain COllStructiOll infomuIIion; fillaam.l illforIIUIliOll as to the seller, the builder IIlI<I/or the c:ontractor: paYlIIl!IIt of the approprillle premium; fully ~ ImIamllity as_mls SlIlisfactory 10 the COlllPlI/Iy: and, any additioJlal: requirementa as may be IIllCeSSIly after an examinaliOll of the aforesaid iDformation by the Company. No cmIemge will be givflll under any cin:UlIlSIancea for labor or malerpll for which lbe iDsun:d ha$ contracled foI' or agreeclto pay. ~OTBING HEREIN CONTAJNEI) \IVJLL, BE J>EEMED TO OBLIGATE THE COMPANY T() P.kOVJI>E ANY OF THE COVERAGES REFERRED TO 'RI<:REIN llNLESS TDE UOVE' CONDRIONS AIlE FlJLL Y SAT1Sf!'JED. Order No. 00027169 1);..lolllt'" (YlIDP) Rov. 10199 r"'\, ~ January 18,200 I Community Development Office City of Aspen 130 S, Galena Street Aspen, CO 81611 RE: Information Requested in Application for Condominiumization To Whom It May Concern: The application requests the following information in a letter signed by the Applicant. Name, address and telephone number of the Applicant: RK Land & Cattle Company, LLC Charles T, Brandt, Manager 132 Midland Ave, Suite 4 Basalt, CO 81621 970-925-5196 Name, address and telephone number of Applicant's authorized representative: Garret S, Brandt Charles T. Brandt & Assoc, PC 132 Midland Ave, Suite 4 Basalt, CO 81621 970-925-5196 The street address and legal description are: 121 and 123 E, Hyman Ave Aspen, CO 81611 Lots E and F, Block 69, City and Townsite of Aspen, Pitkin County, Colorado Sincerely, LU / v , --.--- ~---- -'1 " -"'- ~ I . I I ! i I 1 i r....,.../, /(' I l "'-<: I J"'~, '. ! t "'~",., '__-'_., 1 I '-~" "i I i L.J ,__J , i , / ~~ ,/! ,,,- 'I-. I' "" i '..-1.., '..... j j"', . ~r--.~, ..............., / , . "': ';;.:. l,": ','> \ .". .:,-";..:.;.;:.:: ',,::,;;,':;,':,'," :,';,~, .., "", .".." <::,:_::':.o~":'.' '::':'. '-i:;::i.i/:,~:';:':;::":J":<": .-,......,. ..-...".,.'.:,..::...:..:;::..:::'.... '\. ; ," ..... I: j ", ;<,./.1 '--- ( .....,-..,:..... ""'''--' / \ ~+?"'.,. / 1" I " i i , "j i \ 1 .'j .. / / i I ; ! , f "" . , , , , , i XJ '!:~) :..:;:://.~.::.; '''' ,'..... ,','., ;/':::: :i....-.,.;: .'....,'. ,:":,.;: -r:\:'.!~:::<~~F}'~{:;>: ;:~:=~.:; '.:, :" ......,,:.,. ""': ";., .:.::~,.; ,".,.:,:". '... , ......-;,,:;": . .' . :;..;.;..,.:-.......".. Hi':Jb,i;Jkdii;:/;;/'iiX.i;, :.;;,>.,'," AUG, 16,2000 1:27PM S~RT TITLE ASPEN I)' NO,524 P&.Z R~!urlon 98-.20 P's< I RESOLUTION OF THE ASPE)'I PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FOR THE APPROVAL OF A CONllITXONAL USE Fon TWO (2) ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS ON 123 EAST IlYMM; A VlilNtlE (LOTS E AND F, BLOCK 69. ClTY AND TOWNSITE 011' ASPi:N), OITY OF ASl'EN Resolutfo" 98- ,;(0 WIDllUlAS, Tho Community Devolopment DOpllTt1nont recolvod an application from Davis-Hom,I"c, on bohalfofRK Land and CllIIle Co., owners, for a ConditiolU\l U,e R1:view of \Wa (2) bolow.grado Aecemlory Dwelling Unilll h~vlnB appro"im:uely four hundred eigllty (480) ,qu.... foOl ...h; and WHEREAS, Pur911Sntlo S..tion 26,40,090 of the Aspen Munioipal Code, Accessory Dwelling Units llUll' be apploved by tho Planning and Zoning Commission as Condilional Usea in eonfar1nanoe with the reqnirements of said Seotion~ and WHEREAs, the Housing omc.. City 2ngin..ring, City Zoning, SanilBtion, and the CommUllily Developmonl DoPllTt1ncnl lWio....d tho proposal and recomm..,ded .pproval with cond[tions; llnd WHEREAS, a public: hearing, w~ich \Vas legally noticed) WAS held at IS ,regulltr meeting oflh. Planning and Zoning Commi..ion on July 21, 1998, and eontinued 10 ""USUS! 4, 1998 at which time tho Commission approved by ~ 7-0 vole the Conditional U,e for tho 123 ~ Hyman Avenue Acco",ory Dwelling Un~' with Ihe eondition, recommended by the Community Development Departmenr Os amonded. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT lUlSOLVFJ) by tho Commission: The Condinonal U,e for !wo (2) below.grade Accessory Dwelling Uni" conl.u"ns approximOlely 480 "IUlIre fool eRCh and O\1ached to the co",,"ponding r04idence, on Lo" E and F. /llock 69. City and Townsite of Asp.n is approved with the following condi~ons: 1. Prior to the j~suonoe of any building permits Ihe applicant shall: n. VcrlfY with the Rousins Office that lhe net lI'1'able floor area of each Accessory Dwelling Unit will be between 300 and 700 square feel, and the units shall be totally priVa.tCl, having private entrances and no rooms (i,e,~ m~ha.nieaI roomS', etc.) that mill!tl need to be accessed hy people in the principle l'Ollidenccs; b, Verify with Ih. Housing Otlico that each ADU will con14ln a kitchen having a minimUm of . two-burner stove with ovon, standard sink. and a 6.ouhlc foot refrigerator pl.a trcezer; c, Provide the Housing Office with a 'igned and recorded Doed Restrletion, a copy of which must be oblained frorn1lte Housing Office, for each of the two AnUs; d. Clearly idenrliY t\1e Mot"o')' DweUing Unll> (AnUs) on building permit pJ.n. .. Bcparate one..bedroom units; .. Provide. mini",um or one off.al1'Cot parking sp.ce fOI .och AnU, ond indico,. th.s. dosignOllld parking spa... on tho finol plallS; f. Installony new surf... utilities requiring a podostal or olher above Blound equipment on .n ensoment provided by the propefty owner and not within Ihe pUblic rlghts-of- way~ ~~'a'm~m'~~ll"~I~;I~~I)ll!l~ m~I'1 t e' , R 11.11 D 1.11 H 1.11 PZ1WIH CauNTY CO .. ~._. ........- P.2/4 AUG. 16, 2000 1:27PM ST~RT TITLE ASPEN NO,524 ~ P&;\ Rcsol,tion ,...au Pllic2 g. l.ocale any .dditional proposed OOllSllllelion, including IrllSh liIciJities, in such a way thai it do", nol encroach into an exillling utility eaaement or publio rigbt.of(.way; h. Agree 10 join any future improvCIl\ent district(s) which may he formed for the purpose of eoostrUcting improvements in acljacenl p~blio rillhlS-Of.w.y; the agre","ent shan bc exeeuted and ",corded concurrently upon approval of this application; i. Submit working drawings to vorify .11 height, setbaok, and floor area c.lculalion., as wen .alot .ize and lot ~ e.leul.tions; j, Complete and ...cord a Sidewalk, Curb & Guttet Agreement; k. A tap perl11il(s) muot be completed mhe offioe of the Aapen Consolidated Sanitation DistriCl; payment oflbe tolal conneotion charge. shall be made prior to the ;SIllahee of a building permit; I. If the bunding i, found 10 oontain 5,000 .qu.... feet Or more of living area, approv.1 ond inlllallation of.n automatie fire suppre,sion system will be required; m, Verify lhatlhc proposed plans for the ADUs will comply with an UBC ~ulrements Includins but not limited to tho.e addres.ing natural light ~d ventilation SlIIndards, as wen..sound attenuation walls bet\Veen each ADU .nd!he prinCipal residenoes; and, n, Submit building permit drawings which indicate all utility meter locations; utility meter locations must be accessibl.jbr readilllland m.y no~ be ObstnlCled by trash ",orase. The plan, must also indieate a five (5) foot wide pedestri.n u"ble space with a five (5) foot wide buffer for .now storage. 2. Prior to thelSllullIlce ofa Certifiute of Occupancy (CO), the .pplicaDl shall: e.. Submit os-built drawings of the project showing proporty IitreS, building footprint, easements, any encroachments, enllY poinrs for utiliti's enterins tbe property bound.rie, and any o!her improvement. to the AapenIPilkin County Information Syalem9 Department in aCeotdMCCl with City OIS ooquirement., if and when, any exterior renov.tion or remOdeling of the property oecurs that roquire. 0 building permi~ b. Install sidewalks, curb" gutters, and . five (5) 'OOt wide buffer space between the walk and CUrb, meeting the standards of the City Engineering Departmenl; the exi.ting driveway curll eut must be ~moved and replaced with full height curb and gutter; and, e, Pennit Commun~y Development Department, Iln~ineerlng and Housing Omce staff to Inspect me property to determine oompH.nce with the condition, ofllpprovar. 3. In the event required, the applioant must receiVe approval from: . 'The City Engineer for design of Improvements. including landscaping, within public rights-of.way; , . The Parks Dep.rtmen1 for vcgolation speclea,trce removal, and/or pooHc trail disturbance,; . The Streem Department for mailboxes and atreet oms; and, . TIle Community Development Depallment to ol>tain ponnits for any work or development, ineluding landsc.ping, wIthin the public rights-of-way, 4. Prior to thelssu.nce ohoy building permil:l,. review of any proposed minor ehanges from the approvals, .s set forth hemin, shan be mlIde by the Plaaning .nd Bnginearing Departments, or referred baek to the Plllllning and ZO"ing Commission, S, The applicant shall provide a roof ovemang or other ,uffieient me.ns of prevenUng anow from tailing on both !be Stall'Wa~ 'eadingto the dOCnl and the are. in front of the doors to the ADU,; sufficient mea.. of preventing icing of the stalrW.y is also required. 6. Prior to the issuance atony building permits, any needed t.... removal permlt(a) mu,t be obtained from th~ P..ks Oep.rtment for a~y tree(s) that islare to be removed or retoe.led ~~~~al~m~~UI!'!~IIBJ!!UlIIU!~! Il'l~}1 2 0' 3 R 11.110 D 11,110 N 11.11 'ZTkZN COllHTY CO P,3/4 RUG. 16,2000 1:28PM STE~T TITLE RSPEN NO. 524 I'J P&ZReroMlon 9~ Pllse3 (including scrub oaks of three (3) inches Or greater); 01,0, nO excava'ion can occur wltbtn th~ L1rlpllnc:of\hd ~r=(li) lO be pml"rvcd and 110 ~tom6e offill "liatarial can oce\lr within thisltheoe aripline(s), 7, The site development .nust meelthe ",noff design standards of tho Lnna U,e Cede at Seotion 26.gg.040(C)(4)(l), ana the building p"",,it application must inolude a drainage mitigation plan (full size - 24" X 36") and report, both signed and SllImped by an engineer ..gistered in the Stale of Colorado, g. Th. ADU, ohall not be entitled to any Oo-$Ireet sueSl parking posses. Primary on-_.t parkin~ pass.. for th. ADUs will be pcrmilted only If the units a.. 1'00to<!, 9. There shall be no Interior connections or doorwny' between .ith.r of the ADUs and either of tho principal ""idences. Qging from "". ADU '0 llIe other, or from one ADU to either of the principal ..sldenees shall require going ou!Sidelbe bullding(s), 10. All material representation. made by the applicant in ,this application and dUTlng public mootings with the Planning and Zoning Comml$slon shall be adhored \0 ,nd shall be considered oondltions of approval, unl.ss otherwise amended by an entity b.vinS authority to do so, APPROVED by the Commission at i!Sl'1llll\""Mt;et!ns. op M$~1i! 4, 1998. , ~; !' ~ 'i ! r~ ': ,'.! -, ...' . ,\. , t ""; I:' I' I"..r'r f~.jL, lh; "Ve! I '10 J~ i ' ' . ;. \r"".?.'\ j ~ ~. ..,: 1 : '. ':... j i... ,I' APPROVED A$ TO FORM: Altosl, P1nDDIn; ond Zonlog Commission: Sauv~ Sa... Garton, Chai'1'crsoD l!llmm~WI!'J~!I!J!~'llllH!llIUII 3 0' 3 . 1.I.M D 8.ee N e.M ~~TICZN CDlIlffi' CD P.4/4 (""') t") ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT DEED RESTRlCTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 26.520 OF THE CITY OF ASPEN MUNICIPAL CODE THIS ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT DEED RESTRlCTION is made and entered into this _ day of ,2001, by RK Land and Cattle Company, LLC ("Owner"), for itself, its successors and assigns, for the benefit of the City of Aspen, Colorado, a municipal corporation, and the AspenlPitkin County Housing Authority, a multi-jurisdictional housing authority established pursuant to the SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT recorded at Reception No. 445444 of the records of the Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder's Office ("Authority"), WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Owner owns that parcel of real property located at 121 East Hyman, in the City of Aspen, County of Pitkin, Colorado, more specifically described in Exhibit "A" attached, upon which is situated a free market dwelling unit, which will contain a 480 net livable square foqt accessory dwelling unit ("Unit"); and WHEREAS, Owner agrees to accept and impose certain conditions on its use and occupancy of the Unit as an accessory dwelling unit under the Aspen Municipal Code, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and obligations contained herein, the Owner hereby covenants and agrees as follows: 1. The Unit as identified hereinabove shall not be condominiumized and, if rented, shall be rented only in accordance with the guidelines as adopted and a s may be amended from time to time by the Authority governing "resident-occupied" dwelling units, 2, Owner need not rent the Unit; however, when rented, only qualified residents, as defined in the Housing Guidelines, shall reside therein and all rental terms shall be for a period of not less than six (6) consecutive months, Owner shall maintain the right to select the qualified resident of its own choosing when renting the Unit. An executed copy of all leases for the Unit shall be submitted to the authority within ten (10) days of the approval of a qualified resident. 3, The covenants and limitations of this deed restriction shall run with and be binding on the land for the benefit of the City of Aspen and the Authority, either of whom may enforce the provisions thereof through any proceedings at law or in equity, including eviction of non- complying tenants, 4, It is understood and agreed by the Owner that no waiver of a breach of any term or condition as contained in this deed restriction shall be construed to be a waiver of any breach of the same or other term or condition, nor shall failure to enforce anyone of the terms or conditions, either by forfeiture or otherwise, be construes as a waiver of any term 1""'\ A , or condition, IN WITNESS HEREOF, Owner has placed its duly authorized signature hereto on the date as described above, OWNER: RK Land and Cattle Company, LLC By: Charles T, Brandt, Manager Mailing Address: 420 E, Main Street, Suite 204 Aspen, CO 81611 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ) ss, COUNTY OF PITKIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 2001, by Charles T, Brandt, Manager ofRK Land and Cattle Company, LLC, WITNESS MY hand and official seal. My Commission expires: Notary Public 2 /""'!J ~ ACCEPTANCE BY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY The foregoing agreement and its terms are accepted by the Aspen/Pitkin County Housing Authority, THE ASPEN/PITKlN COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORlTY By: Jacquelyn A. Kasabach, Chairperson Mailing Address: 530 East Main Street, Lower Level Aspen, CO 81611 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ) ss, COUNTY OF PITKIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 2001, by Jacquelyn A. Kasabach, Chairperson, Aspen/Pitkin County Housing Authority, WITNESS MY hand and official seal. My Commission expires: Notary Public 3 f'""', ~ Exhibit "A" Legal Description Lot A, Ute West Townhomes, according to the Plat thereof recorded on ,2001, as Reception No, , and as described in the Declaration recorded on ,2001, as Reception No, , in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Pitkin County, Colorado, 4