HomeMy WebLinkAboutordinance.council.021-91 . e - ORDINANCE NO ~ Series of 1991 AN ORDINANCE AMEl\'DING SECTIONS 7-156 THROUGH 7-162 AND SECTION 7-166 OF ARTICLE VI OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO, SUCH SECTIONS ADOPTING Al\'D AlvfENDING CERT AlN PROVISIONS OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1990 EDmON WHEREAS, the City Councll pursuant to Ordmance No 46, Series of 1968, adopted by reference the National ElectricaL Code as further amended by Ordinance No 55, Series of 1974, Ordmance No.2, Series of 1978, and Ordinance No.3, Serie&-ef 1990, and, WHEREAS, the 1990 edition of the NationaL ELectrical Code was adopted by the National Fire ProtectJon ASSOCIation, Inc. and was released by the American National Standards Institute; and WHEREAS, the 1990 editlOn of the Nallonal Electrical Code supercedes all prevIous ediuons, supplements and printings, mc1udmg the 1981, 1984 and 1987 ed.1tions released followmg the 1978 edition last adopted by reference by the City of Aspen, and, WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals and Examiners and the ChIef Building Official of the Aspen/Pitlan ReglOnaI Building Department have reco=ended adoption by reference of the 1990 ed1uon Wlth minor amendment; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that adoptJon of the 1990 edition of the NationaL Electrical Code IS in the interest of health, safety and welfare of the people of the City of Aspen, Colorado, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDATh'ED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO: . e I e Section 1 That Section 7-156 of the MuniClpal Code of the CIty of Aspen, Colorado, adopting the 1978 Ed1tion of the Nallonal Electrical Code, is hereby amended to read as follows Sec. 7.156. National Electrical Code adopted. Pursuant to the power and authonty conferred by the law of the State of Colorado and the Charter of the City of Aspen, Colorado, there is hereby adopted and incorporated herem by reference as If fully set forth those regulatJons contamed III the N atJonaI Electrical Code, 1990 Edition, published by the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, Massachusetts, 02269, except as otherwise provided by amendment or delellon as contamed in Section 7-157 of Artlcle VI of this Chapter. At least one (1) copy of the National Electrical Code, 1990 Edlo.on, shall be kept on me III the office of the Clerk of the CIty of Aspen, Colorado, and shall be available for inspection during regular business hoUIS Section 2 That SectlOn 7.157 of the M\lJ1.lcipal Code of the City of Aspen, Colorado, whIch section amends certam provisions of the Nallonal Electrical Code, 1978 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 7.157. Amendment. The following general amendment is made to the provisions of the Nao.onal Electncal Code, 1990 Edition, herelD adopted by reference All electrical wirl.llg in Group A, E, I, H and B occupancies, as defined in the Uruform Buildlng Code, shall be installed m an approved raceway, except10g low voltage Wlring for audlo, slgnallllg and thermostats, which shall be accepted 10 any method approved for the area served Section 3 That Section 7-158 of the MUniCIpal Code of the City of Aspen, Colorado, which sectJon defines unlawful installatJon, alteration, repair, or mamtenance of any electncal conductors or equipment and sets forth penalo.es for s81d unlawful conduct, IS hereby amended to read as 2 . e e follows. Sec. 7.158. Compliance required; penalty. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to mstal1, alter, rep81r or maint81n any electncal conductors or eqUIpment within or on any public or private building within the City of Aspen, or cause the same to be done contrary to or III violation of any of the provisions of the National Electrical Code, 1990 Ed1tlon, as herem adopted. (b) Any person, firm or corporation VIOlating any of the provisIOns of the NatJonal Electncal Code, 1990 Edinon, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof dunng which any violation of any of the provisions of this code IS committed, continued or permitted, and upon convIction of any such violation such person shall be punished by a fllle of not more than three hundred dollars ($300 00) or by imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and impnsonment Section 4 That SectlOn 7-159 of the Municipal Code of the City of Aspen, Colorado, which sectlon relates to the need for inspections of all electricalmstallation, alteration, rep81r, or mallltenance of any electrical conductors or equIpment, IS hereby amended to read as follows: See. 7.159. Inspection. (a) Upon the completion of the wiring of any building it shall be the duty of the person dOlllg the same to notlfy the bu1ldlllg inspector. If the structure is found to be fully in compliance with the Uniform Bu1lding Code and the electncal semce is fully in compliance with the National Electncal Code adopted by reference in tlus article and the other provisions of tlus aruc1e and does not constltute a hazard to life and property, he shall issue a certlficate of lllSpeCtlOn authonzing connection to the electrical semce and the turning on of the current All WlIes wluch are to be ludden from vIew shall be mspected before concealment. It shall be unlawful for any person to fall or refuse to glVe such notice as reqwred herein. (b) When the inspector through exarrunatJon determines wires or appliances to be dangerous or unsafe, he shall nottfy the person owning, USlllg, operating or lllstalbng the same to place them in a safe condition witlun fifteen (15) days or such longer time as may be deemed reasonable by the lllspectOr, Such notlficatlon shall be III writlllg. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to obey such order. The bUIlding lDspector is hereby empowered to order the disconnectlon of electncal semce to any 3 . - e defeco.ve installatIon or appl1ance If the same shall constirute an Immedlate hazard to the public health, safety and welfare. Section 5 That Section 7-160 of the MuniCIpal Code of the City of Aspen, Colorado, which section relates to the general reqUIrements for light, power, or heating installations, is hereby amended to read as follows. See. 7.160. General requirements for light, power, or heating installations. No certificate of inspection shall be issued unless the electric I1ght, power or heating mstallation and all other electncal appararus connected with It are III strict conformity W1th all the provisions of thIS article and the code adopted by reference m this arucle and unless they are in conformity WIth the latest and most approved methods of construction for safety to We and property The regulations laid down in the National Electncal Code, 1990 EdItion, of the National FlIe Protection AssOClation shall be prima faCIe evidence of such latest and most approved methods It shall be unlawful to energize any electrical installation or equipment until a ceruficate of inspeco.on has been ISSUed, Section 6 That Seco.on 7-161 of the MunicIpal Code of the City of Aspen, Colorado, which section relates to the specifications for installations generally, is hereby amended. to read as follows: See. 7.161. Specifications for installations generally. All servIce conductors outSIde a bulldmg shall be III approved conduits The service cabinet shall be so arranged that it shall not be over SIX (6) feet above a permanent floor. The cabinet may be located lllside or oUtslde the walls of bu1ldmgs III the nearest acceSSIble place to the point where the wires enter the buildlng. Approved frangible padlocks may be placed on SWItch handles to prevent opening and cIOSlllg by unauthorized persons with the prior approval of the electncal inspector and the fire marshal. Current metering devices shall be located outsIde the building or in a location always accessible to the electric util1tJ.es wluch complies with the National Electrical Code reqwrements for service panel access. Section 7 That SectJon 7-162 of the MuniCIpal Code of the CIty of Aspen, Colorado, whIch section 4 . - e- relates to the requirement for a permit for wiring alterations and additJons, IS hereby amended to read as follows: See. 7-162. Permit requIred for wiring alterations and additlons. It shall be unlawful for any person to make any alterao.ons or addioons m the eXlstJng wmng for the placing of any electric ltghts, motors, heatl.llg devices, or appl1ances reqwnng the use of electric current, or make any alterations m any electrical appliance or WJrl.llg W1thout first applying for and securing a penmt therefor as provided III thIS article Section 8 That Secnon 7-166 of the MuniCIpal Code of the City of Aspen, Colorado, which secllon relates to the requirement for record keepmg by the bu1lding department, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 7-166. Record keeping required for building inspector. The building department shall keep a record of all penmts Issued and lllspections made under the provisions of tlus article. Section 9 This ordinance shall not have any effect on existing Iitlgation and shall not operate as an abatement of any aco.on or proceeding now pending under or by VlItue of the ordlllances repealed or amended as herein provided, and the same shall be construed and concluded under such pnor ordmances. Section 10 If any sectlon, subseco.on, sentence, clause, phrase or pornon of this ordinance is for any reason held Invalid or unconsUrutionallll a court of competent jurisdictJon, such portion shall be deemed a seperate, distlnct and llldependent proVlsion and shall not affect the validity of the remaining pornons hereof. s -. -. -- ~ _pI' -r; A pubhc heanng on the ordmance shall be held on the L day of' 1991, lD the CIty Council Chambers, Aspen CIty Hall, Aspen, Colorado INTRODCCED, READ A!\'D ORDERED PUBLISHED as provided by law by the CIty Council of the City of Aspen on th~ LOJ.Ir"il day of -'t;,~~....: ' 1991 nL5 ()~ John l~~nnett, Mayor ATTEST ~/J,.'--, .J&,....;ct~ .~ Kathryn S Koch, City <:Jerk t<:l r....l I~...... ~'1T, 't-II !t'1",d"'-/~,...1;t F'J:KALL Y adopted, passed and approved tlus t day of ~~/ , 1991 UJ- $ i~~ John S{ Bennett :'v1ayor ATTEST ~::--~a-f Kathryn S Koch, City Clerk k"l+"ill~~" 5-17', 1C1"'--ti-l11j"!:; ~le..::Lord 6