HomeMy WebLinkAbout828-544DGRAPHIC SCALE 2c_ 4,x 0 ME1 000001 ( IN YEET I inch = 200 ft, Lot 1A 9 Acres± conrcozec noresenci ve c7 8olz xNOW ALI 'vIEN 3) T -EHE FRESENTS: Gicrortee Company, a Ve T - That ,he �__�ty ol Aspen, Conrado Deing the owner of noperty vJ On of Lot 1. RonQ reconced E00K ---- __ at 009017'os 9sception No. r Ye of5ce �in,e ClerE and Recorder of %kir Courty, Caiorcdc, nos oic A -5-,- CeskoVeS to Me Cky a' 4Spen a] PuNIC Access Ease-ne-t as spown 10%017 and clecr cf c�! 1;ers to r c ranre -,a ae hereunto sunscribed this day of 2005. �s �n�s E�Iht_ --- - - - - - -------- ------- - - - - - - - - - - --ate c c_cc o Name Yes "erz was cc*,now�etjgec De�o-e nre _-,r, coy 20000 ov INS - 7S o as o� cf, Aspen, olorcdo - - - - - - - Knees my nand are of4cial My comn"Mor err res: - - - - - - - - - -rF L.0 01 x ft" - - - - - - Be -,,.a reic7;ve n a bewrg a, �ne V �/4 Arre, ona the Northwest cornie- �W7 sc:o Sec-_io7 2. f7wephone Meek! _ct . _ c-. euererce to the eco ea coo ments re�e.- to -ne rey estate records o" the v�e­k cno 'eco d.. of �wntkir, cowroam _-3_rty s -'a *as Drevolec Z- 'renriz-, 2. 2005, --s sine, coes 73: neia-ese­ o -ve seo­_n 8'3 7 Surveyor to deter-Nne wsnersn�a a.- to discover n, other e-curimances of -ecordA� :nto-rrc�ior pe-tc;nro -,c Caloe pedes-taz record nave oeer taker from a me 2owmarnent Dreperec try 3272Y N85t58'37"1,jv c as Once- No. :385822. woler Mcr-,-ie -� :ng --a Co-.rodan yam_ mast com7- erce any legc: cc-,;cn based jac� cry defect ir this survey exAo r i-ree (3) years Yve- yo� irs� Viscover sacn cefec� r no eve7v ncy cry cci on acsec -cor onj defect in Vis survey De cornmencea more the- ter (10", yeors frorr the Cate Y the showr herecn 'he! Set # Mc -,ed Tom-- #5 Rebcr & �C, markec os sto, N890015"W L47 7 PEI -IF Lot 1A 9 Acres± conrcozec noresenci ve c7 8olz xNOW ALI 'vIEN 3) T -EHE FRESENTS: Gicrortee Company, a Ve T - That ,he �__�ty ol Aspen, Conrado Deing the owner of noperty vJ On of Lot 1. RonQ reconced E00K ---- Lot 1A 9 Acres± -Zo ER7iWiCATE C77 DED!CAL ON 4NE CWNERS!p conrcozec noresenci ve c7 8olz xNOW ALI 'vIEN 3) T -EHE FRESENTS: Gicrortee Company, a Ve T - That ,he �__�ty ol Aspen, Conrado Deing the owner of noperty cesc-itec cS Lut 'A ucco-aing to The Annended On of Lot 1. RonQ reconced E00K ---- __ at 009017'os 9sception No. r Ye of5ce �in,e ClerE and Recorder of %kir Courty, Caiorcdc, nos oic watted and .bcl tne some He _d_ 1A cnci -ot 27A, and CeskoVeS to Me Cky a' 4Spen a] PuNIC Access Ease-ne-t as spown 10%017 and clecr cf c�! 1;ers n wKnesof_ said :Deme s, I ncve ccused ranre -,a ae hereunto sunscribed this day of 2005. �s �n�s E�Iht_ --- - - - - - -------- ------- - - - - - - - - - - --ate c c_cc o Name Yes "erz was cc*,now�etjgec De�o-e nre _-,r, coy 20000 ov INS - 7S o as o� cf, Aspen, olorcdo - - - - - - - Knees my nand are of4cial My comn"Mor err res: - - - - - - - - - -rF L.0 01 x - - - - - - - Niotcry Public - - - - - - Be -,,.a reic7;ve n a bewrg a, �ne V �/4 Arre, ona the Northwest cornie- �W7 sc:o Sec-_io7 2. 2- 7�-ape--_, Desc-io-,;cn� Bu5!ingcre _ct . _ c-. euererce to the eco ea coo ments re�e.- to -ne rey estate records o" the v�e­k cno 'eco d.. of �wntkir, cowroam _-3_rty s -'a *as Drevolec Z- 'renriz-, 2. 2005, --s sine, coes 73: neia-ese­ o -ve seo­_n a, ­�E Surveyor to deter-Nne wsnersn�a a.- to discover n, other e-curimances of -ecordA� :nto-rrc�ior pe-tc;nro -,c vwr,eseasements or other encuriora­,ces at record nave oeer taker from a me 2owmarnent Dreperec try _cnici 7Ve Guarantee Comocny issued Segerrn er 22, 200,1 as Once- No. :385822. 6. n ]Cnce won 0.�R.S� '3-80-�35� Not�cIE7: -� :ng --a Co-.rodan yam_ mast com7- erce any legc: cc-,;cn based jac� cry defect ir this survey exAo r i-ree (3) years Yve- yo� irs� -Zo ER7iWiCATE C77 DED!CAL ON 4NE CWNERS!p conrcozec noresenci ve c7 8olz xNOW ALI 'vIEN 3) T -EHE FRESENTS: Gicrortee Company, a Ve T - That ,he �__�ty ol Aspen, Conrado Deing the owner of noperty cesc-itec cS Lut 'A ucco-aing to The Annended On of Lot 1. RonQ reconced E00K ---- __ at 009017'os 9sception No. r Ye of5ce �in,e ClerE and Recorder of %kir Courty, Caiorcdc, nos oic watted and .bcl tne some He _d_ 1A cnci -ot 27A, and CeskoVeS to Me Cky a' 4Spen a] PuNIC Access Ease-ne-t as spown 10%017 and clecr cf c�! 1;ers n wKnesof_ said :Deme s, I ncve ccused ranre -,a ae hereunto sunscribed this day of 2005. �s �n�s E�Iht_ --- - - - - - -------- ------- - - - - - - - - - - --ate c c_cc o Name Yes "erz was cc*,now�etjgec De�o-e nre _-,r, coy 20000 ov INS - 7S o as o� cf, Aspen, olorcdo - - - - - - - Knees my nand are of4cial My comn"Mor err res: - - - - - - - - - -rF L.0 01 x - - - - - - - Niotcry Public - - - - - - Be -,,.a reic7;ve n a bewrg a, �ne V �/4 Arre, ona the Northwest cornie- �W7 sc:o Sec-_io7 2. 2- 7�-ape--_, Desc-io-,;cn� Bu5!ingcre _ct . _ c-. euererce to the eco ea coo ments re�e.- to -ne rey estate records o" the v�e­k cno 'eco d.. of �wntkir, cowroam _-3_rty s -'a *as Drevolec Z- 'renriz-, 2. 2005, --s sine, coes 73: neia-ese­ o -ve seo­_n a, ­�E Surveyor to deter-Nne wsnersn�a a.- to discover ecserrents other e-curimances of -ecordA� :nto-rrc�ior pe-tc;nro -,c vwr,eseasements or other encuriora­,ces at record nave oeer taker from a me 2owmarnent Dreperec try _cnici 7Ve Guarantee Comocny issued Segerrn er 22, 200,1 as Once- No. :385822. 6. n ]Cnce won 0.�R.S� '3-80-�35� Not�cIE7: -� :ng --a Co-.rodan yam_ mast com7- erce any legc: cc-,;cn based jac� cry defect ir this survey exAo r i-ree (3) years Yve- yo� irs� Viscover sacn cefec� r no eve7v ncy cry cci on acsec -cor onj defect in Vis survey De cornmencea more the- ter (10", yeors frorr the Cate Y the showr herecn L 22 2 32 L 21i 32.11 16"2 A06, now- % to c 7- ra"s ol-, E-mail: survey@sgm-inc.co_m _Lot 1A, lme Raneb Pitkin Coun�v, Colorado -_,I- 7=,ry-,t_ -a MisrsArec, 0 coy conrcozec noresenci ve c7 cno is Gicrortee Company, a Ve company egunry awra dulness ';lx Courty, Kno-adc does hereby cerffy that the werson 0ted as owner cn the Plat nAds fee sirroje toldto the witKn described red! property, 'ree and clecr cf c�! 1;ers and qrcur-Dr:once s -2--ec exceat those shown or described or, �n�s E�Iht_ - - - - - - - - - - Name _itie: State a' Coiorado' Y,;p i-gistumer' ,,,as ccknowecgec -e tn�s 2CO5 by - - - - - - as t�tje exaKner for Land 'iVe 11 nrnn��p ':�nrnno,v 22A 7Z- 91 -.liinal bdiivision Professonol _t ---.0 c' ::;z�rouci, oo eTeby ve-tyy 111111 -t fO" 0 L, :0 at '4 Rcr:6 "W" orc coFrecty -ep-esents i -e resukis of U I 7-11 1�anch Jirecticr responsibility, ,ame and crecvirg. A, c, suvey was oreoared in accordance wity rILE.111 k_,,UU11Uy IUIUI"auu A Subdivision of Lot 1A (creating Lot VA Cov -_ouncAo2rovc _n& u ot the FncSub divKon at of Lot ',A Bijriingame Rorwn was reVewed and approved qy- theC;ty Counci! of the _-oY 3t Asae7�. th:s H_CV -of 20, 5 os Ord�ncrce NO. Series of and recorded as Receptiq No. =10 0 of ve -ew estcyc 'ecores of P;ttin County, Colorado. - - - - T - - T - - Attest: Con CK Enoinee- Qitrovw: T�is 7inwi Suod�visior �'Iot of Lot 'A 5�-!;ngcrne Ranch �os ,evievved and approved by the City Engineer of the City of - - - - - - - -- day 0- 2005. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ink) Erigineer S_arvevED7 s Cent:Ticate I Stephen L. Flown a dwy --tegistered Professonol ana Kneyor x :ne Kote c' ::;z�rouci, oo eTeby ve-tyy Yot Ks 0-C swtovsio- 01s: :0 at '4 Rcr:6 "W" orc coFrecty -ep-esents i -e resukis of a survey made under any Jirecticr responsibility, superws;or and crecvirg. A, c, suvey was oreoared in accordance wity Adice 5� ot "tie 38 o-' the clorcdc, revised statutes Dote: !Aerk & Recorders CertiEcKe nereby certify mot zNs Fincz Subdii-vision -Not of Loz Q, Buringarre Ronan was accepted *or recording & the OfEce or a ,ne C;e,k and Recorcer of PR167 County, Cviorodoj - ----- 2005 and I duny recorded in Plot Back --- _ at Page as Reception do - - - - - - __ :-'ojnty 'Cier, & Final Subdivision pla t Job NO, 00wr AV, _Octe: Apno,-toj: fya- - Im I WAVC of