HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19611106 Aspen, Colorado - Regular meeting, Aspeq_~.~.ty Council - November 6_~1961 The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Garfish at-7:30 PM, with Qouncil- men Braun, Anderson, Bayer and James, City Attorney Stewart and City Treasurer Mrs. Etta Taylor present. The minutes of the regular meeting of October 16 were read, and approved upon motion by Braun, seconded by Bayer, and-carried. Wagner The Clerk was then instructed to infoz~n the Wagner Park Committee that the ' . Park ~ school will police the Park after use, and that Goodhard will empty the special cleM-up container which has been placed there for trash. ! ' The bills payable of the City and the Special Water FUnd were then read and ~' discussed, and a motion was made by James, seconded by Anderson, to suspend Rule 19 · and pay the several amounts. Carried unanimously. Police car- The alternator for the police car was discussed, and Council decided that it Alternator should be repaired, and held as a spare. A motion was made by Braun, seconded by Bayer, to confirm the following motions made at the special meeting of Qctober 30: Motions 1. To purchase the transformer from General Electric. Confirmed ~ 2. To pay the assessment of $42.47 to the Colorado Association of Municipal Utilities, for 1960. The motiun carried unanimously. The Treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Taylor, who explained that the actual balahces would appear on a later report. After discussion, a motion was made by Bayer, seconded by Braun, to accept the report as read. Carried unanimously. App'l. for The applications for liquor, wine and beer licenses were then reviewed by liquor lic. ~ Attorney Stewart: renewal for 1962 The Mother Lode - application for beer and wine license for individual owner for remainder of 1961. application for renewal Of license for wine and beer l~eeRsa fo~ 1962 - Bruce Polich A motion was made by Bayer, seconded by Anderson, to approve the new appli- cation for the Mother Lode for 1961 and the renewal application for 1962, subject to State approval, there being no change in location. ~arried unanimously. Le Rendezvous application for thmee-way liquor license for Thomas G. Fleck and James Chesley, dba Le Rendezvous for 1961 and for renewal of license for 1962 reviewed by Attorney Stewart, and they are to be signed and partnership agreement submitted. No change in location involved. A motion was made by Bayer, seoonded by Braun, to approve the new application for LeRendezvous for 1961 and the renewal application for 1962, Subject to the signing by James Ch~sley, and approval of partnership agreement. No change in location. Carried unanimouslY. Blue Noodle, Inc. - dba Newton's Abbey Bar - application for renewal of three- way license for 1962 ~evi~wed. A motion was made by Bayer, seconded by Anderson, to approve the application for renewal of,license for Newton's Abbey Bar, subject to c~porate seal and signature of secretary. Carried unanimously. William and Evalyne Tenney - dbaTenney Enterprises application for renewal of 3:2 beer license for 1962 restaurant - reviewed and a motion was made by Braun- seconded by James, to approve the application subject to proper notarization. Carried unanimously. The following applications were then reviewed for 1962: James N. Parsons - dba Aspen Drug Store Walter O. Matthews- dba Matthew Drug Eagles Club - Fraternal ord~rr' of Eagles #184 ~Elks Club - Aspen Lodge No. 224 - B.P.O. Elks. The Aspen Company - Hotel Jerome - dba Frontiersman Bar. Guido P. Meyer - dba - Guido's Swiss Inn. Trudi Marie Meyer - Toklat in Aspen Frank Mead Mgtcalf - dba The Crystal Palace Aspen unlimited r dba Trader Ed's John Peter Greene -dba The Golden Horn Red Onion Inc. - dba The Red Onion W. and F. Land Enterprise Co. dba The Limelite - subject to proper signing by Fylstra Michael A. Magnifico and Margaret Magnifico ~ba Magnifico Liquors Irene Pastore dba Louie's Spirit House A motion was mad~ by Braun, seconded by Beyer to approve the above listed~appli- cations for renewal of licenses for 1962, subject to proper completion of applications. Carried unanimously. Glen Paas and Phil Scheia, representing the Aspen Lodging Association, were pre- sent about the 2% Improvement Tax. Mayor Garfish read a letter from Cliff Brelsford re- 2% Improvement garding the enforcement of this ordinance when houses and apartments are rented on a Tax. transient basis. Mr. Stewart read the definition of "places" to be included in the ordinance codification, and also gave the reason for not allocating the revenue from the ordinance that Council at the time the ordinance was adopted realized that it would be some time before definite street improvement could be made due to installation of utilities, and if allocated, the funds could not have been used for general purposes. It was also broug~ out that funds are allocated in the budget, that notice of budget ~ hearing is published, and that Council would appreciate recommendations before adopting the budget. It Was decided to have the amended ordinance ready for reading at the next regular meeting.. Mayor Garfish read a wire from Senator John Carroll to Forest Gerbaz indicating Grant- that the grant of $7,000 had been approved under the Colorado State Planning Division. State Planning Methods of financing the street improvement program were discussed, with recommendations Comm. from the Planning Commission to be considered. Stuart Mace was present andasked about having two rotted trees removed at his Tree removal restaurant- Toklat of Aspen. After discussion Council approved Councilman Anderson Mace. arranging for the removal of the tree~. Mr. Sprague of Merrick and Company was present regarding planning for the electric Electric system. He said they could g~ther data from 1956 and then analyze the system to date, planning then prepare projection according to demand, and determine the plan to be outlined for Merrick & future development. He handed copies of "Sectionalizing StudyV ~o Council for review. Mr. Sprague suggested that Council appoiDt a one or two man committee to work with them so that work can be done quickly, as they recommend immediate action to avoid long period of outage. The ~ost of reclosures would be approximately $1,440.00 each, Reclosures. plus lightning arrestors, by-passing switch and labor. He will che~k on availability of reclosures, and Council will review Electric Department funds. Mayor Garfish read a~tatement from Merrick and Company covering the attendance To pay- of Mr. Frost at the 1961 meeting of the Colorado~Association of Municipal Utilities, Merrick & Co. for $70.00. Also statement in the amount of $209.62, covering general services in connection with the power system. A motion was made by Beyer, seconded by James, to suspend Rule 19 and allow the ~mounts. Carried unanimously. DisQussed - long range planning contract and need for information before budget is prepared. A motion was made by Beyer, seconded by Braun, to accept the Engineering Motion- Service Contract-System Planning, from Merrick and Company, for the Aspen Electric Contract-Merric~ Department, and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign it. Carried unanimously. Mr. Sprague agreed that all data would be furnished for filing in the City Clerk's office, and they will sign for all mater~al they require in connection with the work und~ the contract; also their representation of the City at the Colorado Municipal Asso- ciation of Utilities will be considered before each meeting. Dave Stapleton told Council that the l~its of liability in the City's insurance Inc. in had been raised to $300,000 - $1,000,000 with no increase in premium. He also pre- liability sented a binder for three months~co~erage on the pump motors until inspection can be coy. MOtion made. He said the water tank is included in liability coverage. The statement from to pay William C.'Stapleton covering the pro-rated share of the premium due from the City was prem. reviewed, and a motion was made by James, seconded by Anderson, to suspend Rule 19 and pay the amount of $2263.84. Carried u~animously. Fritz Benedict showed Council plans for the further development of the Aspen Villa, Ditch at formerly Villa LaMarr, to ~nclude restaurant and bar. He said they were changing the Aspen Villa cours~ of the ditch, and May~r Garfish said that, as the City has.an interest in the New plans. ] ditch, an agreement would have to be executed satisfactory to the City, and that pro- vision would have to be made so that.the flow of water would not be decreased. Mr. Bib- barman from the Villa said~they were going to line the new ditch with betonite, and that?water would not be used'for irrigation~ Mr. Bibberman asked feeling of Council ~egarding a liquor license, and discussion followed regarding publishing~for remonstrances, and possible approval of application subject to completion and inspection of buildings, and that any approval this year The Aspen could no~ apply to 1962. Council approved the plans as submitted, and requested that Villa- request a set be furnished for filing with the Uity Clerk; and it was also suggested that for liquor they contact people in the neighborhood regarding proposed bar. license. Water- Mayor Garfish referred to break in waterline on Red Mountain, and subsequent lack Red Mountain of water for residents. In discussion it was brought out that City water should be cut off, as they are served from Hunter Creek while water is available. Pstrolman Mayor Garfish also referred to request from Cris Kralicek for walking night nigh~ patrolman, and it was decided to hire a man effective December 1, 1961. Wurl Mr. Garfish also read a letter from Leon Wurl, wherein ~e said he would try to '~ come to Aspen after NoVember 15th. Councilman Beyer referred to a ~equest from Mr. Hoagland for a culvert across Hoagland Little Nell slope. Discussed - water service and how to reconnect it. Mr. Beyer Water service, will talk with Red-Me~-i{{~on this an~ Council agrees that service should be put in. Rowland Ordinance codif Discussed - ordinance codification, and Mr. 3a~es will line up readers for feces- cation, sed meeting. Ordinance No. 13 - Appropriations Ordinance - Appropriating Sums of Money to Ord. No. 13 Defray Expenses and Liabilities of the City of Aspen, Colorado, for the City's 1961 Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1962, and Ending on the Last Day of De=ember, 1962, was read in full for the second time by Attorney Stewart, and a motion was made by Beyer, seconded by James, to adopt the ordinance o~ second reading, and to order it published. Carried unanimously. 'Bid-dry well. Bid from Dugger Diggers on sump was read by Mayor Garfish, but as work has been completed, it was not accepted. ~greement Mr. Stewart is working on the agreement with the Skiing Corp., and is awaiting Ski Corp one document sent to Mr. Hodges for signature. 'Agreements Agreements with Benedict Land and Cattle Go. on waterline extensions redrafted waterlines and discussed, and to be referred to Earle Jenkinson. IBenedict ~greement-REA Written agreement with REA on eleCtl"Lc rate for pump not yet received. iFire District. Meeting with Fire District pending. ~. Aspen Pat, East Aspen Patent Attorney Stewart has consulted with Mr. Melman. Quiet Titles Quiet Titles - pending Vault Vault - will be started immediately after election : Watermain Watermain 'Districts- refer to Mr. Stewart after getting all Material from City Districts. Administrator's file. , Hold on agenda ~' Rate adjdstments - water and electric ~Irrigation rate review Meeting with Les Finley leasing water Meeting was recessed at 2:15 AM until November 18, 1961, unless called earlier. cL /ciJ Z Aspen, Col6rado - Regular Recessed Meeting, Aspen City Council November 18, 1961 The City Council of the City of Aspen, Pitkin County,% Colorado, met in a recessed reg~llar session, in full conformity with the law and th~ Codes and Rules of said City, at the City Hal!, in said City, being the regular place of meeting of said Council, oh Saturday, .the 18t~ day of November, 1961, at 8:30 o'clock A.M. at which meeting Ord. 1~, 1961- there were present and answering roll call: Codification. Mayor M. J. Garfish Councilmen:Wolf J. Beyer, Alfred Braun, F. W. Anderson, and William James, Jr. City Clerk: Dorothy Hoffmann Absent: None. Thereupon Councilman F. W. Anderson introduced and there was read in full Ordinance No. 1~, Series of 1961, entitled AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE "OFFICIAL CODE OF ASPEN" INCORPORATING THEREIN THE UNIFOR~ BUILDING CODE, 1961 EDITION; THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1959 EDITION; THE TECHNICAL PLUMBING CODE, CHAPTER~ 37, 52 and 57 OF THE B6ILDING CODE ! OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER, COLORADO; GAS INSTALLATION RULES AND REGULA~ i TIONS FOR THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO; THE UNIFORM HOUSING CODE, 1958 EDITION; THE MODEL TRAFFIC CODE FOR COLORADO MUNICIPALITIES, 1952 EDITION, AND ALL OTHER ~ GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, PROVIDING ~OR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDI~ NANCES OF A GENERAL AND PERMANENT NATURE NOT INCLUDED THSREIN, SAVE AND EXCEPT SUCH ORDINANCES PARTICULARLY SPECIFIED AS EXCEPTED FROM SUCH REPEAL; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF SAID CODE; PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ADOPTION OF SAID CODE AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID CODE. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Braun and seconded by Councilman James, that said Ordinance No. 1~, Series of 1961, which Ordinance together with the pri- mary code and the secondary codes referred to therein were read in full at this meeting aforesaid, be passed on first reading and be published in full in the Aspen 140 Aspen, Colorado Regular Recessed Meeting of Aspen City Council, November 18, 1961 Cont'd. Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published in the City of Aspen, in its issue of November 24,~1961, and that said Ordinance after its publication as aforesaid and afte public hearings with respect to the adoption of said primary code and secondary codes referred to therein, be considered for final passage at a regular meeting of the City CounCil to be held at the City Hall, Aspen, Colorado, on December 18, 1961, at the Ord. hour of 7:30 o'clock, P.M. 1961 The questionLbeing upon the adoption of said motion and the roll was called with the following results: Those voting "AYE" : Wolf J. Beyer, Alfred Braun, F. W. Anderson, William James, Those voting "Nay": None. AIl members of the City Council having voted in favor of said motion the pre- siding officer thereupon declared said motion carried. The public hearing, will be held on Monday, December 11, 1961, at the County Court House, at 7:30 PM., and notice to that effect is to be published in the Aspen Times. A motion was made by Councilman Braun, seconded by Councilman Anderson,-to adjour~ the meeting at 3:00 PM. Carried u~animously.