HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.council.19691124 ~egular Meeting A. spen City council November 2~ 1969 .¥ Meeting was called vo order by Mayor Robert Bernard ay 3. 5 p.m. with Councilmen Carl Berg- man~ John Benninghoff~ Clyde Clymer~ City Adminisvravor Leon Wurl and City Attorney Albert Kern. Minutes Councilman Benninghoff moved vc approve the minuves of the last Council meeting held on November 18th as prepared and mailed by the City Clerk. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. Roll call yore - Councilmen Bergman aye; Benninghoff aye; Clymer aye. ~otel Jerome Hotel Jerome Re-zoning - Mayor Bernard opened the public hearing on a requesv for re-zoning Re-Zoning {i o~ the Hotel Jerome ProperTy from R-6 zoning vo C-1 zoning. Recommendavion from the Planning and Zoning Commission to the City Council of denying this request was submitted vo Counail. 962 Regular Meeting Aspen City Council November 2~ 1969 Attorney Michael Fitzgerald and Jack Walls~ Architect were present to represent the Hotel Hotel Jerome Jerome. Mr. Fitzgerald related to the Council the reason for appearing today is to convince Re-Zoning Council the Planning and Zoning Commission is wrong. First of all in looking at the land and the zoning map it wes an over-site or mistake on the part of the one who prepared the zoning map end two the uses the owner wishes to put the property to. Mr. Gilmore will make a statement on why the re-zoning is necessary end Mr. Walls will show what the pr. esent zoning allows on this property. Mr. Jack Walls reviewed with Council a plot plan showing what is being proposed. Proposal calle"~for 2 buildings including a total of 20 units~Rs~°P6 and office space with arcade and re-location of the swimming pool. Under the present - zoning~ two duplexes could be built containing 50 bedrooms~ can also take the open space and construct 28 condominium units there. Could ~et a total of 78 units in working with the present zoning ordinance. Proposin to try and pull the % lots into the C-1 District leaviRg 33~000 sq. ft. of open space in which would be allowed ~ units but only proposing to put 20; Planning and Zoning stated we would be overc~owding~ but will not be. Mayor Bernard and Attorney Kern stated a duples is e two family dwelling and the number of bedrooms stated would not be allowed under the present zoning ordinance.. Section of the code relating to duples definition was read by Jack Walls. Telephone - At approximately ~:00 p. m. telephone cell was placed by the City Clerk to Councilman Wermar Kuster in Georgia at 912-226-26~ at which time Mayor Bernard request Council interrupt Mr. Walls presentation for the consideration of 0rdinence ~3~ Series of 1969. Mayor Barnard request the City Clerk read Ordinance ~3~ Series of 1969. ORDINANCE #3~ rdinanee #34 SERIES OF 1969~ AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION OF A PROPOSAL FOR A CHARTER Home Rule CONVENTION TO THE VOTE OF THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF ASPEN~ COLORAD0~ AT A SPECIAL CITY ELECTION TO BE HELD IN ASPEN~ COLORADO ON JANUARY 6th~ 1970 was read in full on first reading by the City Clerk to Councilman Kuster and the Council present. Councilman Clymer moved to adopt Ordinance ~3~ Series of 1969 as read end order the same published. Seconded by Councilman Benninghoff. Motion wes reed to Councilm~n Kuster by the City Clerk. Roll cell vote - Councilmen Kuster aye} .Clymer aye~ Benninghoff aye~ Bergman aye. Mayor Barnard gave permission for Councilman Kuster to be excused. Hotel Jerome Re-zoning - Mr. Sterling~ Architect~ stated the only reasonable use of this Hotel Jerome land would be to sell it or something like has been proposed today to obtain the greatest Rezoning possible return. Councilman Benninghoff questioned why it should be up to the City to provide everone with ~ profit. Mr. Sterling replied~that Mr. Gilmore has invested a great deal of money in the hotel. Mr. Gilmore has two alternatives~ either take full advantage of the zoning or tear down the hotel and rebuild. Councilman Benninghoff suggest the applicant take a poll of his neighbors. At the Planning and Zoning hearing the people voiced their opinion they were opposed. Mayor Bernard request the City Clerk make a part of the record a letter had been received by the Mayor from Fred Glidden who is opposed to the re-zoning. The following letter was read by Mayor Bernard. Gentlemen: We understand that you are having a hearing on November 2~th with regard to re~oning the Hotel Jerome property for additions. Our residence is located next toathe Community Church at 21~ East Bleeker Street~ diagonal across and half a block west of the Jerome property. Bleeker Street is one of the few in Aspen where the zoning restrictions have not been broken down or changed. For the benefit of the entire community~ it seems important that commercial use of property be limited and restricted. We realize that the Hotel Jerome is an important asset to Aspen and we ere in favor of its expansion into a profitable economis unit. We~ however~ feel that there is a sizeable space behind (or no~th of the Jerome Hotel) and also on Main Street~ west of the Jerome~ for expansion. To construct a four or five story building at the northwest corner of East Bleeker and Monarch Street would give a commercial note to our area and begin the break- down of Aspen's last residential area-- that between Main Street and the Music Tent. We~ therefore~ recommend leaving the Jerome pool where it is and having the Jerome Hotel expand on the north-east corner of their lot and on the south-west end of their property on Main Street. We feel that expansion at the corner of Monarch and Bleeker would be very damaging to the value of the properties on Monarch~ Blacker and Hallam Streets. /s/ wiii[am Brumder Mary Hayes present at the meeting stated she lives across from the Brumders and the neigh- bors are upset and the Council should think of the future. This land is prime residential land and should be kept as e buffer zone between residential and commercial. To re-zone would destroy what people have come to Aspen to find, In other communities historical structures have been saved for future generations to see. Mr. Lou Wille request to speak on behalf of Ward II of the CCA. They would like to see the hotel prosper~ but Blacker is going down the drain, Bleeker is residential end there shoul~ not be any changes in zoning on Blacker. Two dozen people..~eame to this conclusion. Hotel Jerome Mayor Bernard asked who the people were who came vo this conclusion. Mr. Wille vo supply a Rezoning list of names/ .- Mr. Fitzgerald outlined Lo the Council the surrounding uses of the Hotel Jerome. He furthe~i stated the two streeLs are the ~uffer zones~ it does nov seem reasonable Lo use the Hotel Jerome property as a buffer zone. The zoning e~pmpLs thess lovs in a block thav is C-1. Mayor Bernard stated when the m~szer plan and zoning map were drafted and adopted~ Jerry Brown~ used the most conservative zoning. Councilman Benninghoff slated also aL that time ~ there was due consideravion given vo this property and it was felt that sometime in the future something would be done vo the lots in question. Attorney Kern stated this properly ~ould be reviewed by the Board of Ad~usvmenLs for a specific use. Mr. Fitzgerald stated vo ~ouncit~ this proposal was not made on the basis of a t~reav. Mr. Fitzgerald also outlined on the plan thev there would be surface parking for the present and perhaps in the future would go underground for parking. Mr. Gilmore presented his case by saying that in reviewing the file and tevvers in relatior to purchase of the hotel~ one commenv made was they all felt basically they needed a lot more room. After the hotel was purchased~ there ~ere invesLors who wanted vo add on rooms to the hotel. Mr. Gilmore slaved he felt this would nov help vo pmeserve the City° Also a group from Denver who were interested in purchasing the Hotel but they wanted vo year it down. Mr. Gilmore slaved he felt he woull like Lo be a vrustee for this property~ feel he has been so far. Feel by adding on 20 units, question if they will be condominiums end als~ wonder if this proposal would be destroying the neighborhood, hotel or image of Aspen. The~ is no way the hotel can pay for itself and a person canno~ keep putting money in each month~. Stated as long as he is the owner of the hotel~ if it can't be done ri~ht~ then know do it the wrong way. If you Wahl ~o preserve the hotel for Aspen for a long long time, the~i the building has to stand on its own merits. Mr. James Salter residing ay 3rd StreeL was presen~ and stated he agreed with Mr. Gilmore but felt a variance should be granted rather than down-zone the land. Mary Hayes stated the zonin~ was broken down when the telephone company ~onsLrucve~ their offices in the area. They provided parking and then built on their parking and now park on the streets. Mayor Bernard closed the public hearing~ there being no further contmenLs. Councilman Bergman stated the hotel does have historical value end people wahl the hotel open~ residents and visitors alike, If this proposal does nov go through~ something else could happen in the future. Councilman Bergman made a moLion Lo approve re-zoning of this properly from R-6 Lo C-1. Motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Benninghoff made a motion Lo deny this requesv f~r re-zoning of this particular property on Bleeker and suggesv the properly owner take the mavver up with the Board of Zoning Adjustment. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. Councilman Clymer svaLed he felt vo allow re-zoning of this property would open the door for other requests on Bleeker, feel this should go vo the Board of Adjusvmenv for a specific use. Mayor Bernard stated once it is re-zoned, they would be permitted vo pu~ any use which is allowed in C-1 Dn this properly. Roll call vote Couiacilmen Benninghoff aye~ Bergman ~%a~ y~' Clymer aye. Motion ~arried. Liquor Kenewals Renewals City Clerk submitted ~o Council all forms required by State and City. Paragon Paragon - Councilman Benninghoff moved vo approve renewal of the beer, wine and spirituous liquor license for the Paragon. Seconded by Councilman Bergman. Roll call vole - Councilme~ Clymer aye; Bergman aye~ Benninghoff aye. Magnifico Magnific.o Liquors - Councilman Clymer moved 5o approve renewal of the packaged liquor store license for Magnifico Liquors. Seconded by Councilman Benning~sff. Roll call vole Councilmen Bergman abstain~ Benninghoff aye~ Clymer aye. Aspen Drug Aspen Drug - Councilman Benninghoff moved Lo approve renewal of Aspen Drug's packaged liquor license. Seconded by Councilman Cl~er. Roll call vole Councilmen Bergman abstain; Benninghoff aye; Clymer aye. Copper Kettle Copper Kettle Councilman Bergman moved vo approve renewal ~f the beer, wine and ' ' spmrmtuous liquor license for the Copper Kettle. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. Roll call vole - men Clymer aye; Benninghoff aye; Bergman aye. Chart House Chart House Councilman Clymer moved Lo approve renewal of the beer~ wine and spirituous liquor license for the Charv House. Seconded by Councilman Benninghoff: Roll call vole Councilmen Bergman aye; Benninghoff aye; Clymer aye. [~ Steak Pit Steak Pit - Councilman Clymer moved vo approve renewal of the beer~ wine and spirituous liquor license for the Steak Pit. Seconded by Councilman Bergman. Roll call vole Council-i men Bergraan a · ye~ Benninghoff aye~ Clyraer aye. l~.~ Elks Club Elks Club - Councilman Benninghoff moved ~o approve the renewal of the Elks Club beer~ wine~ and spirituous liquor club license. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. Roll call vcte- Council-~ men Ctymer aye; Bergman aye; Benninghaff aye. Glenrose Drug Glenrose Drug Councilman Clymer moved Lo approve renewal of the Glenrose Drug packaged drug store license. Seconded by Councilman Benninghoff. Roll call vote - Councilmen Bergman abstain; Benninghoff aye; Cly~er aye. Motion carried. Towing Bids Towing Bids - Two bids were submitted and read in full by Mayor Bernard. Albright $102.00 Paul Thorpe 56.50 Attached to the Thorpe bid was a statement outlining that a 1970 Dodge will be purchased. Towing Bids Mr. Bob Thorpe was present and stated they would have two wreckers. Mr. Albright stated he did not feet Mr. Thorpe had proper equipment to handle the needs of the City, Council questioned Mr. Thorpe working out of a residential zone -610 Hallam.~ Council request Administrator Wurt look into the bids further as to the type and size of equipment each operator has. Councilman Benninghoff moved to table award of contract till the next meeting and to change the contract period to December 8th. Seconded hy Councilman Bergman. Roll call vote - Council men Clymer aye; Benninghoff aye; Bergman aye. Starboard Tack Remodeling - Councilman Clymer moved to approve the remodeling o£ Starboard ;tarboard Tack Tack as shown on State Form 1SE as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Bergman. Roll call Remodeling vote- Councilmen Bergman aye; Benninghoff aye,' Clymer aye. Patrol Cars - Administrator Wurl reported legislation provides that cities and towns can Patrol Cars purchase various vehicles at the bid price as is applicable to the State. Mayor Bernard stated he felt we should be looking at small cars and preferably VW~s. Tabled till new Council. Fifteen Minute Parking - Administrator Wurl pointed out he had received requests for 15 15 Minute Parkin~ minute parking in frontof the post office annex at Aspen Square. Councilman Bergman made a motion to grant this request in front of both post offices for 15 minute parking from their entrances to the corner. Seconded by Councilman Benninghoff. Roll call vote Councilmen Bergman aye; Benninghoff aye; Clymer aye. Annex would be from the entrance to the corner of Spring Street. Main post office would be to Cooper Street. Council questioned the nut stand in front of A~pen Square on the sidewalk. Administrator Nut Stand Wurl to check out. Vacating Alley - A petition from Mr. and Mrs. Roland Marasoc requesting the vacating of the Vacating Alley alley adjacent to Block 25, east 12' of lot L, Lot M~ and the west 3' of Lot N in the East Block 25 Aspen Addition to the City was submitted to Council. Administrator Wurl reported the alley is not used for alley purposed due to the steepness but is a means of access to the river. Council reviewed the map as to the location of the alley. Councilman Benninghoff made a motion to deny this request for vacation of the alley. Second: ed by Councilman ~lymer. Roll call vote - Councilmen Bergman aye; Benninghoff aye; Clymer aye. Riverside Trailer Court - Pollution Problem - City Sanitarian Lamont Kinkade was present Riverside ~ and reported and recommended the following: letters~ reports and photographs were sub- Tra~ler Court mitted to Council. On Saturday the 15th went down to the ~iverside Trailer Court on a complaint that sewage was running into the river. Obss~ed a pi~e ru~.i~g directly into the I~ river. Returned to the office and picked up some die, police officer~ camera and Fitzhugh Scott III for a witness and returned to the trailer park. Put die in 2 johns of trailers in the park and it took one hour for the ~ie to get from the johns to the river. Took samples and photographs which later took to Denver and presented to the Water Pollution Board. They issued a letter giving the trailer park until November 27th to file proposal for abatement and requiring full compliance by December 10~ 1969. Upon return from Denver, talked to the trailer park's attorney and the City does have authority to within 2~ hours to require the owners to abate the nusiance. The letter has been written to their attorney requiring by 5:00 on Tuesday acceptable plans be submitted to take care of this problem or a letter will be written requesting the City Administrator to direct the Chief to shut the pipe off. They are already comitted to hook to the Metro District on December 15th. Councilman Benninghoff moved to approve the Sanitarians recommendations and actions. Seconded by Councilman Bergman. Mr. Kinkade stated he would be taking die samples~all the way down the river on both sides. Roll call vote Councilman Clymer aye; Bergman aye; Benninghoff aye. Mr. Kinkade also reported that a letter has been written by the Water Pollution Control Pitkin Iron Mine Board to the Pitkin Iron Mine Corporation requesting their appearance on December 9th ~ before the Pollution Board to show cause why a cease and Resist order should not be issued. Also reported of the 25 restaurants inspected, 20 h~ve been refused licenses for 1970 in Restaurant the condition that they are now in. Inspections Administrator Wurl repgrted the City has an addressing machine purchased in 1968 for $1258.~ OAddressing Much- which would like to sell. Have an interested party. Councilman Benninghoff made a motion to authorize City Administrator Wurl to negoiate for the sale of this machine with a minimum ina of $800.00. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. Roll call vote - Councilmen Benninghoff aye; Bergman aye; Clymer aye. ORDINANCE ~31~ SERIES OF 1969, AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING SUMS OF MONEY TO DEFRAY EXPENSES Ordinance ~31 AND LIABILITIES OF THE CITY OF ASPEN~ COLORAD0~ FOR THE CITY'S FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING kppropriations.~' JANUARY 1~ 1970~ AND ENDING THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER~ 1970 was read by title only as agreed by Council on second reading the the City Clerk. Councilman Clymer moved to adopt Ordinance ~31~ Series of 1969 on second reading and order the same published. Seconded by Councilman Benninghoff. Roll call Vote - Councilmen Bergman aye; Benninghoff aye; Clymer aye. 965 Regular Meeting Aspen City:::~Council November 24, 1969 Ordinance ~32 ORDINANCE ~32, SERIES OF 1969, AN ORDINANCE TO CONTRACT AN INDEBTEDNESS ON BEHALF OF THE Appropiations CITY OF ASPEN~ COLORADO AND UPON THE CREDIT THEREOF BY ISSUING GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Water Bonds OF SAID CITY IN THE PRINCIPAL SUM OF $350~000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUPPLYING THE CITY WITH WATER BY EXTENDING AND IMPROVING THE WATERWORKS SYSTEM OF SAID CITY PRESCRIBING THE FORM ~ OF SAID BONDS; PROVIDING FOR THE LEt~Y OF TAXES TO PAY THE BONDS AND THE INTEREST THEREON; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY was read by title only, as agreed by Council on second reading by the City Clerk. Councilman Benninghoff moved to adopt Ordinance #32, Series of 1969 on second reading and order the same published. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. Roll call vote Councilmen Benninghoff aye; Clymer aye~ Bergman aye. Ordinance #33 ORDINANCE ~3, SERIES OF 1969, AN 0~INANCE A~IENDING CHAPTER 1, ~ECTION 12 (d)~ of TITLE Sidewalks VIII RELATING TO THE WIDTH AND PLACEMENT OF SIDEWALKS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS R-40~ R-15, R-PC, R-6 and R-MF zones was:read bY title only, as agreed by Council~ on second reading by the City Clerk. Councilman Benninghoff moved to adopt Ordinance #33, Series of 1969 on second reading and order the same published. Seconded by Councilman Clymer. Roll call vote - Councilmen Clymer aye; Benninghoff aye~ Bergman aye. Ordinance #35 ORDINANCE #35, SERIES OF 1969, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1, SECTION 4, OF TITLE VI OF Assisting THE OFFICIAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ASPEN RELATING TO ASSISTING AN OFFICER was read in full Officer on first reading by the City Clerk. Councilman Bergman moved to approve Ordinance Series of 1969 on first reading and order the same published. Seconded by Councilman Benninghoff. Roll call vote - Councilmen Benninghofff aye; Bergman aye; Clymer aye. Ordinance ORDINANCE ~36~ SERIES OF 1969~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION I~ CHAPTER 7, OF TIELE I~ AND City Clerk SECTION 2, CHAPTER 7 of TITLE I OF TKE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ASPEN: COLORADO RE- Salary LATING TO THE CHANGE IN THE SALARY OF THE CITY CLERK~ AND CORRECTING REFERENCE TO THE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES SALARY SCHEDULE was read in full by the City Clerk on first reading Councilman Clymer moved to adopt Ordinance ~36, Series of 1969 on first reading and order the same published. Seconded by Councilman Benninghoff. Roll call vote - Councilmen Clymer aye; Benninghoff aye; Bergman aye. Resolution #25 RESOLUTION ~25, SERIES OF 1969 as attached was read in full by the City Clerk. Councilman Centralized Clymer moved to adopt Resolution #25, Series of 1969 as read in full. Seconded by Council- Finance RSA man Benninghoff. Roll call vote Councilmen Bergman aye; Benninghoff aye; Clymer aye. Following correspondence was submitted to Council: letter from William Light, County Correspondence Resolution on the Airport~ letter pertaining to the post office, report from the building inspect.or on the status of sign enforcement project. A-95 Grants Administrator Wurl submitted to Council a letter relating to the establishment of district~ and boards within each district to review all grants. This is set up by the State Planning Office. They wish our comments, The object is to sp~ed up assistance and hope to avoid duplication. In reviewing the outline of d~stricts, Council commented that the districts appear to~.be..es~tabtished on the basis of Watersheds. Tabled. i Cemetery Councilman Clymer reported it appears that the radar on Cemetery Lane did more good than ~ Lane the dips. Chief Ritchey commented the radar was effective, but does not belong to the City~! dip~ are good for small cars and jeeps. Councilman Benninghoff moved to adjourn at 5:40 p.m., seconded by Councilman Ber~an. Ail in favot, meeting adjourned. Lorraine Graves, City Clerk ResOlution #25 Resolution No. 25 (Series of 1969) WHEREAS~ the City of Aspen and the County of Pitkin have established a joint advisory board known as the Regional Servia Authority to recommend disposition of proceeds for cooperative projects undertaken by the City of Aspen and County of Pitkin, which proceeds are to be apportioned from the City-County sales tax revenues; and, WHEREAS~ it is established that a centralized financial control system be established NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Aspen herey approve the centralized financial control system for the Regional Service Authority and the City of Aspen attached hereto. /s/ Robert Bernard Mayor I, Lorraine Graves~, duly elected City Clerk of the City of Aspen~ Colorado do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy ~of the Resolution adopted by the Aspen City Council at a regular meeting held November 24, 1969. SEAL /s/ Lorraine Graves City Clerk RE~!ON~L SERVICE AUTHORITY CENTRALIZED FINANCIAL CONTROL 966 Regular Meetin~ As~en Cit~ Council November 2~ 19~ _ REGIONAL SERVICE AUTHORITY Resolution CENTRALIZED FINANCIAL CONTROL #25 Centralized financial control as approved by the RSA Board is shown in the attached schematic diagram. Accounting operating procedures are as follows: REVENUES 1. The City and County will deposit their sale~ vax revenues in the e~isting general fund accounv of each entity. 2.The City and County will then authorize warrants to a central drawing account in the normal manner of processing accounts payable. 3. Monthly revenue reports will be submitted to the RSA Board by the co-controllers. PURCHASES 1. A requisition will be submitted to the co-controllers by the ordering department. 2. The co-controllers will then approve the purchase if approved budgeted funds are available. 3. On purchases over a certain dollar amount, it will be necessary to obtain approval of the RSA Board, and obtain bids when required. 4. The co-controllers will then issue the purchase order, distributing copies as follows. 2 to ordering department 1 to vendor 1 to numerical file 1 to vendor file ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 1. Invoice will be submitted to the co-contcollers for approval as to extensions, veri- fication of receipt of shipment and voucher preparation. 2. Co-controllers will prepare a lis~ of approved invoices. 3. Invoices and list will be submitted to the RSA Board for paMment approval, and then to City Council and Board of County Commissioners for their approval. 4. Co-controllers will then issue the warrant and prepare subsuquent financial reports to be submitted to the RSA Board. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Warrants will be signed by the board chairman and the secretary. Checks for the purpose of redeeming the warrants will be signed by the co-conrollers. 2. The co-controllers will have t~e authority to initiate systems for control of all RSA revenues and expenditures. 967 REGIONAL SERVICE AUTHORITY~ CENTRALIZED FINANCIAL CONTROL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM RECEIPTS '~'~ STATE OF ~ PITKIN COLORADOt--t COUNTY · ' 47% CITY OF '. AS PEN ' 53% : = | REVENUE ~" REPORTS ,, CENTRAL . .~ ~. DRAWING :'. ACCOUNT ' RSA ~ BOARD PURCHASES UiSTiON co- & BIDS W~ '- l CON~OLL~ ~ BOARD ~ [/. ' DEP~NT ORD AC~0~TS~A~3LE I~OICE O~ROLL .~ ~. COPY OF AND LIST " BOA~ CITY " CO'R(