HomeMy WebLinkAboutordinance.council.013-84 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS t00 Loaves ORDINANCE NO.__iZ (Series o¢ 1784) AN ORBINANCE A! FROF.~IAI].NG GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES OF $170~756 RECOGNIZ.[No GEN~:.KAL FUND REVENUE OF (~13~750); TRANSF'ERK.,.N(: $,.].,OOu FROM 'THE: GENERAL F'UNB TO THE] G[)L.F COURSE I::'UNB~ TKAN. $61~200 I:ROH THE: GENERAL F~JND TO THE WHEELER TI:tANSFEF< TAX I~AN.I [.RI~.[N~ $81 ~()00 FRC)H THE GENERAL- F'UN[I TO THE WIIE. I,.,L~:,Ik CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNI)~ TRANSFERRING $7850 F'ROH THE GENERAL FUel TO THE TRANSF'GRTATION/MALL FUND ; AF'PROF:'FC[ATING WHEELEF~ TRANSFER TAX FUND EXF'ENB I]'L;RE:S OF $37 ~ c) " -'"' '" ' r ........... . ..00~, ~E~U~,]N,~ WIII.I.LI:.k TKAN,.):ER TAX REUENUE OF TRANSFERRING $],].2~,000 FROM THE: WI,L.L~.L,I~ TRANSFEI:~ TAX FUI',tZ~ TO THE CAI.,].~AL FRO. ECl,-UIiI:~._ER ANB OF'EN . AE, E. ::LJN~I; ~,'~ CAF].tAL I"KO,JE~T-WII~J:L.I:x qND 'OPEN SPACE FUN[t EXI'ENE [ J,'*,.,> OF' $193;000; AFl K]FR.I.A .I,N ¢ A..oL, F,I.I ~.AC, LMENT F'LINB IEXF'END]:]'urtEs ~:./0,000; RECOGN..Z..N(.~ ASSET REFLACI ...... FUND r,r ~: : OF OF ~ ..... ' .... ~ .... r " ',':: ".~::'x"c ~_k,l..NbL $70,000; APF:'ROPRtATING b.I..,:CT~.LC FUND EXI::'ENI)IT'JFdES OF ~;40~550; F:EI)UC:[NG 4ArEk FUND EXF'END]'TURES OF ($i50); AF'kROPR:fATING GOLF ~OUu.,~. ~,..0 ~ 88(); RECOGN]:ZZNG GOLF' COUFtSE F'UND FUHI] EXF'END)iTUF(ES OF "') REVr;NJE OF $430; A'I"I*,]FK[ATIN~ ICE GAl*ZEN FUND L,,I [.~EITL OF ( $500 )~ W~,..~,~..A~, b~ vir, tue o~' Sectiol-~ 9.12 o'~ the I"~o~e F J.]e the Cit~ Council mag make $~q)plement~z]. ,~pl~r.o'pri,:~'bions; UFk:.'~EA,,** the Citu H,zn,zger has cDt. fir':led th,zt the CitN H,~].].~ Asset Rep].,zcemer, t, C,zpit,zl ?r. oject-Wheelef, ar'~d Oper, Space~ .'" W,ater. Electr. ic, Go]..F Course ,It..REI ORE, BE iT ORDAiNE:O BY THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE NOW~ ? ~"' ':: "' CITY OF ASI::'EEN~ COLORADO: UD(:,r'~ 'bhe [**J.~',g ifi,ll"~,:lg¢.!~"s (..eT'ti'f.:Lc,ab~.Ol] 'Lh,:~,, theY"e ge~.~r' ~"ew..l~zc.~.~ ,~"~ ,-,,:' ,:zl"K'l f:;r. iof Fund l:,,~].,:tr',ces ,:tvai].,~b].e .For. ,:~pl'~r'op~ i,z't;:i, on ~ ' Rep] 't(::elf~errb [. ~. ;[.r'~ the Ger',er',~I, Tr.,ar, spot. tat :i. on/H,~l'J. ~ -.sset .... ' ~_l, ec,~] ,.c~, o},f' [,oai: .. ar'~d Ice G,:~r. den F'ur'~ds;~ the RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Lc,".vos ~ectioF~ '~ po~,'~ior'~ 0¢ this or.r~inance is ¢0~ 0. r'~ r. eason held ir v,~lir~ of uncor, s~titution~l b~ an~ cou~t o¢ competent jur. isdic'b:i, on, such por. tion shall be deeme~ ,z. sep,~r, ate, dis'tinct ,zn~ indeper~derH.; pr. ovision ~nd suzch holding sh,~].], not a¢.¢ect 'Uhe v,z].idit~ o.P A .public he,ar, irmg on the or-din,znce mho.].l b~ held on the ~.zz.~ Hall Aspen~ Color. ado %h~ Ci%~ cour~c:i. 1 Oh~llT~b~r's? Aspen """ ~ . .- ~ pr-ovided bw lak, ];NTRODUCED~ REA~ AND ORDERED published as bg the Citg Cour, cil o? the Citg o-r Asp.~r ~ Co].or. ado~ ,~% its r. egul,:xr' meetJ, r,~ held a'b the Cit~/ o¢ Asperm or, .................... ~ 1~84. A T TiE E~ T ',: Kathr.gr, ~och, Citg Cler. k IrINALLY ,adopted, p,zssed ,zm",cl oppr. oved on the~ d,z~ o-P ATTEST: K(x't'.hr.[.l~ I<(:)ch~ C:i.'L[¢ Cler. k RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leav0s E X H I ~ I T Interest Lost ( McAr. thur House ) _i~Z~ .............. I3,750 Citg Cou. rmc i 1 Trovel ( ~ 500 ) Educction ,lnd Flit, ess (1~000) Winter. nctionct Bcnner-s ~850 Resort Tosk Force 1~20(> Xerox ~!~(2~J ............... " (~50) CCLC Wcges ( Mot, roe Summe~-s ) (_1~.~_0~_) ................. Citg M,~r, cger Rer, tcl Cot',tr.,lets (Scob) (2~100) Trove) ( 2~7~0 ) Eduo~tion cr, d Fitness (2:400) PPo.Pessioncl Fees (1~450) Printing end F'ubiishing (~50) ~.6~ Rcise Costs Tr.,~vel Rei~burse~:entz Cit~ M,~ncger App 1 :i.o~nts 4~000 Cot A].iow,lnce ~ Citg Mcr'.~ger (& mos. ) !~ ................. (G ,990) Citg Clerk J..~>~ Rcise Cuts (400) $100 Month R,lises !l~_~_= ........... Fir,~nce 1.6% Rcise Cuts (1,~50) $100 Month Rcises ~ ............... 7~g50 Plcr~ning ~r,d Zonin~ 1.~% Rcise Cuts (2,100) $100 Month Rcises ~Z~ .... = .......... .GO0 Engineerir~g 1.~% Rc:i. se Cuts (1,500) ~1;1()0 Month Rcises ___2D.O t,200 Bu i 1 di ng (1,469) RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Lc~'~ves E;<hiDit "A" cont. GENERAl FUND Envir,onment,~l Heclth 1.~% Rcise Cuts (1100) $100 Month Rcises 700 (400) Police Deportment Tr. cve 1 ( 550 ) Edu~tior'~ ,:znd FJ. tnems (11~500) W~ges (1 o¢¢icer/lO mos.) 1.&~ Ro. ise Cut~ (5:700) $100 Month Rcises -!~;~.9_= ............... Mun~cipcl Court (~0,100) J.,~ R:~ise Cut~ (~00) ~100 Month · ' 2,g50 Animcl Contr. o 1 One (J) Anita,il Contr. ol O¢~icer 7 mos. 1J,O00 1.8% Rcise Cu$ ('~'.~.~0 ) $100 NonSh Rczses L~IZ~_=___= ......... 15,500 Co~d~r~ i C,~t i OFd~ , Hove to New Center. ~,500 B~r. eets 1.8% R,~ise Cuts ( $100 Month Rcises _!l~ .............. (800) Por. k. Shop Repcir., Ventiiotion ~,600 Gent I)itch Rep,~ir. 10~0()0 1.~)% Rcise Cuts (1~750) Flower. ~o,., Pr. oject ~Z~.~ "4~000 ~ot~ Pr. ocess~ng (650) Reef. et tion Rentol Contr. ccts (Sccb) (1,~00 Bcsebcll Cocches (2,100 Soccer S~pp]ies (500 Supplies ( 275 Pool Chemiccls (2,500 1,~% Rcise Cuts (450 $100 Month Kolses ..~m~(]~ ..................... (5,125) Emp].ogee Ur'al. ts Mc Arthur. !2~, 99g ................... RECOR'D OF PROCEEDINUS 100.1.eavos ExhiDi% "A" cont. ~ENERA [._FUNI1 TP~r:s To Wheeler. (Visitor' Ce~ ~e~ ) 81,000 (Visitor. Center. $ oz~tr :~g..e) 61,200 To 6oi¢ Cou. r. se Fur, d (5 ~r'. F'r.o~r. am) 21,000 (Flower. Box) 7,850 TRANSPORTATION/MALL FUND T~-ons Cer. s ~¢ Ger,er. ol Fund (P,~r.k-Flower. Box F'~'.oject ~i-I[:..I.EI* TRANoFEI'~ TAX FU,4~ Leose Revenue Lo~t 18,000 Expenditures 18,000 ~..6% Raise Cut . . (700) ~pe~,rt i on~ 22,000 ~ign,~ge 900 37,200 From Ger, e~a 1 FllFiFJ To Copi'tol F"rojec~ Wheel er.-O~,en opoce Fund 112,000 50,800 Revenue Note Pr.oceeds (70,000) Dump Truck a Mower __29~999 ................ 70,000 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Lea¥os CAPITAl.. PROJ~:C'¥-WH[ELER-OREN SPA~E FUNB ~X ~8 rir.[ itures Remodel lng I75 · I?i, om ~me~,,il Fund ( 81 ~000 Tcx Fund Cii~ Expenditures Oper. ctions C~LL L~Thting Pro~osci SO~O00 Legcl Fees (Reudi) 1.6% [,~lse C, its ( Le~c 1 ":ees-Me,in - ~ ~ 550 WA!zE~__FLj=N~; ~xl:Jer, d.i tu. r e s .I.6% R,~ise Cuts (2~500) $100 Month Rcises 2 350 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves STATE OF COLORADO ) Ss CERTIFICATE COUNTY OF PITKIN ) I, Kathryn S. Koch, City Clerk of Aspen, Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance was introduced, read in full, and passed on ~_~/~ reading at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Aspen on /~~ . // , 19~, and published // in the ~spen Times c~ weekly newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Aspen, Colorado, in its issue of  ~ /~ , 19 ~, and was finally adopted and _ at a regular meeting of the City Council on ~'/1~ ~ , 19 ~ , and ordered published as Or ance No. , Series of 19 ~ , of said City, as provided by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said City of Aspen, Colorado this /'~ day Kathryn' S./~och, City Clerk SEA Deputy City Clerk